Palm oil---Elaeis guineensis


Jesus, I Trust In You!
I want to experiment with palm oil as a warm/hot oil treatment. If my hunch is right, I should be reaping a good amount of my EFAs, vit A, D & E plus it is readily accessible at African or international food stores. Palm oil contains an equal proportion of unsaturated acids. ( 40% monounsaturated oleic acids, 44% palmitic acids and oleic acids)

It is a natural source of Vitamin E. (from )

Table 2: Composition of the palm oil (% of total fatty acids)

Fatty acid ----------------- A -------- B --------- Mean

Lauric-----------------0.3 -------------- 1.6--------- 0.95
Myristic ----------------- 1.3 --------- 2.2 --------- 1.75
Palmitic ----------------- 39.3 --------- 36.4 --------- 38.0
Stearic ----------------- 5.9 --------- 8.0 --------- 6.95
Oleic ----------------- 36.8 --------- 34.2 --------- 35.5
Linoleic----------------- 14.5 --------- 14.1 --------- 14.3
Saturated ----------------- 46.4 --------- 49.3 --------- 48.4
Unsaturated ----------------- 52.5 --------- 50.7 --------- 51.6
I just remembered something though, it is red (not blood red) in color and turns yellow in contact with soap. Make sure you have only black outfit on when trying it. I intend to take like half a teaspoon of it orally every day.
I bought a gallon of Palm oil last month to use for cooking. I understand that Palm and coconut oils are the healthiest oils. Maybe I'll also try Palm oil on my hair!
Are you putting it on your hair AND taking it orally? Or do you mean you are going to heat it up to take it orally?

My parents had some palm oil a LONG time ago and the only thing I remember about it is the color and the fact that it was solid.
I'm talking of heating it up <just mildly> to dissolve it before using it for hot oil treatment and also taking a teaspoon orally just like one would take flax seed oil or any other EFA
Oh, ok. That's interesting. I wonder if you would get the same benefits by cooking with it?
Well, be sure to keep us posted on your results.
I just clicked on the link and saw that it is actually packaged for hair care. I wonder if it would still be in a solid form or if they put something in it to make it stay in a liquid form.
If you're looking to get it, go to an African or international food store. Don't buy from that link to cook with. You need to be able to inspect and even taste it before buying. It is supposed to have a somewhat sweet taste when you lick it and yes it is highly nutritious. I use it for all my porridge but I don't cook often 'cause of school. During the summers, I'm miss_palm oil

What tribe are you from <I'm thinking that you're Nigerian>?
Hey MyHairSOS,

Yeah, I'm Nigerian, Yoruba. Unfortunately, I have never lived there so there are a lot of things about the culture that I don't know but wish I did

If I do get some palm oil, I'll be sure to get it from the African store, I was just curious about what the one from the link would be like.

What kind of porridge do you put it in? Is that like custard? Or cream of wheat? I was thinking that you add it to tomato or egusi stew. I also didn't know that it was sweet. Sorry but I'm really ignorant about this
I eat a lot of palm oil cos im african and i think its healthy. lol. I may try. This will finally convince my mum that im crazy
Dolapo said:
I eat a lot of palm oil cos im african and i think its healthy. lol. I may try. This will finally convince my mum that im crazy
If you use it, let me know how it goes. How are you going to use it?
