PAGING TRACY....Highlight ?


New Member
Tracy, I want to get subtle "true red" highlight over my jet black hair. I need to know what the healthiest technique is i.e. pull-through cap, foiling, or just brushinh on random. I'll probably go to a salon anyway, but wondered what techniques was least damaging. Thanks
There's not much damage in the's the forumula they use that causes damage (or not).

Foil produces chunkier more obvious results and look a little more contrived. I recommend foil when the inidividual likes to make a statement with their look and doesn't mind looking a little "funky" or eclectic.

The pull through gives a more blended result and depending on the color chosen and the amount of hair pulled through etc can look almost like naturally highlighted hair. Even if they are obviously highlights the pieces of colored hair tend to be thinner and less obvious a m ore conservative, "pretty" kind of a look.

I don't recommend random brushing. Too easy to create splotches of color - which is just a bad look.

If you're going for subtle - I say go with the pull through.
I love Gwen Stephani too BTW

I need to know more about your hair...

Any other attempts at color? If so when? If not, what's your natural base color? Do you relax? Is your hair dense or no? Fine or Thick?
tracy my hair is very thick and i relax every 3 months. my natural color is dark brown. it is very dull looking so i use sebastian cellophane in blue black. i use that every 3 months when i relax. i had copper highlights(pull-through) 6 years ago, i had rich brown with blonde highlights(like janet from the all for u album) 4 years ago. thats it.
Hmmmm - that blue black is going to be a problem. If I were you I would transition to a dark brown rinse ( I like Sebastian's Neutral Brown) and see if your ends lighten up some first.

Anything lighter than a very deep aubrun will be hard when you are attempting to LIFT darkened hair from black...

You might need a very strong developer - which IMO is too harsh on relaxed hair...

Wait it out. Try transitioning to a brown rinse first and see what happens. Put a little red in the brown so that blue black(which will rinse down green when you stop applying it as it get s gradually lighter) doesn't turn on you. It might even help get you to a better undertone.

What color does your hair lighten down to, if you say, miss an application of Black Orchid?
Hi Tracy,
I'm thinking of coloring my hair medium brown, with blondish highlights. But that will be somewhere in December...A couple of months ago, I bigen-ed my hair almost jet black. How do you suggest I prepare for this new color? TIA!!
once i stop using the sebastian my hair eventually goes back to it's natural color which is a dark maybe medium brown, because it doesn't look, but it does look plain or dull. i haven't used a colourshine since jan and i doubt i will use that color again. i will try the colors u said, because i am letting my hair go back to it's natural shade. yeah i am waiting to get highlights. it won't be anytime soon, but maybe like 8 months.