Paging KitKat re: Dudley's PCA Moisture Retainer


Well-Known Member
Paging KitKat re: Dudley\'s PCA Moisture Retainer

How do use this product in your regime?

I know Tracy combines it with another product? Do you do this as well?

Let me know. If anyone uses this product, feel free to reply. I just happened to know that KitKat like this product.
Re: Paging KitKat re: Dudley\'s PCA Moisture Retainer

Hi Daviine!! I hope you're enjoying the holidays with your boys and your family. Sorry that it's taken me so long to reply - I'm away visiting family and this is the first chance I've had to check the hair boards!

FYI, I love your hair goal!! Go for it!

I use the PCA by itself, and I don't mix it with anything else. I like it a lot. It definitely keeps my hair moist, a big challenge for me b/c my hair is always MUCHO dry and requires lots of moisture. I use it at night mostly before I turn in. It has a wet consistency, sort of like a thick conditioner. It's not creamy as, say, ORS Carrot Oil, so if I use it in the morning before I leave for work my curls would go flat.

This product for me is definitely a keeper, and I recommend it. It hasn't disappointed me like other things I tried. An 8 oz bottle is $11.95, but worth it!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Have you bought this as yet, or are you thinking of adding it to your staple?
Re: Paging KitKat re: Dudley\'s PCA Moisture Retainer

I bought it already but it seems a little on the thick side and I have fine hair. My hair too is also dry. But, if I dampen my hair before applying, I guess I shouldl be okay. The thing about this stuff is that the smell is overpowering for me! LOL!

Something else I found intereesting is that the first three ingredients are the exact top three ingredients in Care Free Gold Curl Activator.

Thanks for replying and enjoy your time with your family!!!
Re: Paging KitKat re: Dudley\'s PCA Moisture Retainer

Hye Daviine!

FYI when I bought the DPCAMR I felt the same way about the consistency. I opened the bottle and squeezed some out and went: "Well there goes another $10 bucks wasted" and put in my product graveyard. One day I was desperate for a moisturizer and I pulled it out and used it. I was pleasantly suprised that the consistency didn't accurately reflect the way the product would behave on my hair. I mix with a shine balm to stretch it, to make it easier to apply and to add shine.

I wear my hair straight when I wear it down and I have never had any problems with it. And if there's a problem to be had with wieght, believe me, I would have experienced it. I got nothing like that with the Dudley's, just really moisturized hair.:) Good luck!