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Well I am so glad you liked them, love! Now you've used products I haven't used! How are the hair creme and the stengthener products?

I've been meaning to get to these - but you know how it is - so many products so little time.... :sigh: /images/graemlins/cool.gif

I love the leave in myself. I tried the Tea Tree Stuff today I got as samples today at Ray's as well. They were ok - but my first blush review is that I like the other products in their line a little better.

I liked the shampoo ok and the conditioner was a little too runny for me - I'd have liked to have seen a thicker product. The description sounded so good and the ingredients look wonderful - but at "first feel" on wet hair (which is my first marker for evaluation when I evaluate a product) I wasn't impressed. I followed up with some Pantene Moisture Renewal to ensure a good rollerset. We'll see how the post roller set dry hair evaluation goes. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I did like one thing - these products felt GREAT on my scalp. It's a little oily and can sometimes feel a little slick - even though I put nothing on it ( I never do) and it felt CLEAN after the wash and the condition. They cooled the scalp - which felt wierd but nice. I like the idea behind it - they claim to help create a healthy growth environment - and I know, for me, a clean scalp is key for this. With tea tree oil being a stimulant (and so, does the same thing as the Cathy Howse conditioner would), an antibacterial (to remove build up and funky things from the scalp that don't belong there), and helpful with cell turnover and renewal (which would be good both for scalp flakes and accelerating growth) - I like the idea of this shampoo/conditioner combo.

Sounds great for the scalp - but I'm not sure about what benefits could be gained in the tensile strength and moisture of the hair strand itself. But we'll see in....tee minus 1 hour and a half - when my hair is dry! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hey Tracy. I find that the Hair Strengthener Treatment is not sticking at all! I am actually spraying my scalp with this and then applying powdered msm to my scalp as well. The msm just dissolves just like it does in water and AMAZINGLY, there is no gritty, sticky feel at all. The Hair Polisher Shine Creme Leave-In Daily Conditioner with Aloe & Vitamins, moisturizes the hair without making it feel 'gummy'. I prefer oils over cremes, with the exception of ORS Olive Oil Creme, but Fantasia has me sold with their hair polisher daily leave-in /images/graemlins/grin.gif. Again, it doesn't feel gummy or sticky at all, which I find cremes to leave the hair. My hair actually feels and looks silky afterwards!
I'm counting on the hair strengthener and msm to really do its thing, being that my hair doesn't feel a big gritty mess after application. I will definately post results in about 2 weeks or so. I'm hoping to report a MIRACLEby using the msm in combination with the Fantasia vitamins, protein, keratin and aloe. OH, I'm also using the Hask Placenta No-rinse Instant Hair Repair Treatment along with the msm and Fantasia Hair Strengthener. With all these nutrients, I'm really counting on some type of progress in terms of hair growth and overral hair-health to take place!
Can't wait to my 2-3 week trial period is over! Thanks for posting your results concerning their shampoo/conditioner and their Tea-Tree Oil. As far as their product like is concerned, I think I will stick to the products I posted above and in the other thread.

Your post about the leave-in sealing the cuticle is what sold me! <font color="blue">Especially the part about the hairstylist having a hard time using other products on their clients hair because their cuticle was sealed like steel!</font color> To retain length, I believe the cuticle being sealed is a key factor! If your hair isn't breaking on any part of the strand, then you're retaining growth, and accumulated growth with no broken strands means longer and longer strands, which means me eventually meeting my hair goal, which is waiste-length!

Tracy, muchacha, I could go on and on! But gracias to you again and again a thousand times over for your post about the Fantasia. I believe it will help get me to my final destination, which is strong, ever-so-long hair /images/graemlins/grin.gif!

<font color="red">Iris</font color>
Mamita - gracias a ti for that wonderful review! I like to mix traditional cream moisturizers with my fantasia polisher to seal moisture into my ends for daily maintenance and dilute the heaviness (if any) of my moisturizers. I think I'll try their leave in cream the next time I need a daily moisturizer. That strengther sounds excellent as well. Very light...I like that in a spray on pre-rollerset product. I'll have to try that as well.

Sounds like your regime is really clicking for you. That's amazing - I love a success story. The length is great, and we'll get there, but one of the things I love about this site is the database of positive experiences that we seem to be building. Black women have so many negative experiences with their hair that I love that we are changing that.

Just an FYI: If for some reason your hair begins to feel on the drier side I would look to the Hask - it's a good proudct but it's got a LOT of protein in it and sometimes in a leave in situation that can be a bad thing. Don't stop using it (because everyone's hair responds differently - tu sabes? and it's working now! Milk it!) but just pay attention to how your hair feels in your journey. Sounds like you're off to a wonderful start! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Thanks for the tip about the Hask Tracy! I was wondering why each time I used it my hair felt a little stiff. But after adding a moisturizer, it was back to normal. I'm cutting the use to once or twice weekly. Thanks again for that tip. <font color="red">You're a life-saver or should I say a "hair-saver!"</font color>

<font color="red">Iris</font color>
Hey Iris,

Thank you girl! I went and got my leave in hair shine today and it's very nice. Very light and even gives the hair some body like it says it will - which I never expected from a moisturizer.

I haven't tried rhe strengthener yet - but I see why you're so excited about the ingredients. I can't WAIT to wash my hair again! I'm going to use is as a leave before my rollerset in conjunction with the other one. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
ok ok, i'm butting in but i have to ask.. tracy what product are you referring to when you speak of the ends being so sealed???? i have to try this!!! i'm running out of condtioner (my excuse to go to the beauty supply store and spend money i dont have) and i'm thinking about getting the product you're speaking of.. all i know is its a fantasia product, what's the name????

oh and to iris: which hask product are you using??? i use the leave-in an i love it. It works very well for me, but i alternate every other week becasue it has a high amount of sd alcohol 40 in it.
<font color="red">Hey Tracy!</font color>, you made me very happy when you said you liked the creme polisher /images/graemlins/grin.gif! I like it because it is very light as you said, adds moisture and body, but at the same time, it doesn't make the hair feel gummy, sticky, you know, that coated, gooky feel. With the Fantasia Line, it seems we both have found a friend /images/graemlins/laugh.gif.

<font color="red">Hi Beana!</font color> The Hask product I'm using is the <font color="green">Hask Placenta No-rinse Instant Hair Repair Treatment </font color>. I remember reading where someone said their friend used Hask Henna and Placenta Conditioner every week after shampooing for a year, and the woman's hair changed texture? Beana did you post that thread?

As for the Fantasia, their liquid leave-in moisturizer hair and scalp treatment with aloe-complex, their hair strengthener treatment (triple-strength), their creme and gel hair polishers, all seal the cuticle of your hair.

<font color="purple">Iris</font color>
Beana: Iris is correct about them all sealing the cuticle. The product I specifically mentioned for sealing the cuticle in a leave in product is the watery leave in - I think it's called the hair and scalp treatment. Good stuff for long term sealing and improvement of the hair with consistent use. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
thanks tracy and iris!
iris: yes it was me who said that i had a friend who used it ( INSTANT REPAIR LEAVE IN TREATMENT) every TWO weeks and deep conditioned with cholesterol (Queene Helene brand i believe) and it certainly did change her hair texture. I remember when we were in HS she had very thick, coarse hair that was collar bone length. she put these braids in and they broke her hair off bad. so she had it cut to just below ear length and the stylist started working with her from there. when i came back from college me and my bf both said to ourselves... what happened to her hair????? It was soo silky and smooth looking, she was telling me that her hair even curls when wet, instead of just laying down as usual straigtened hair does. It defintetly made a difference.. a big one. I'm hoping to report similiar results by next spetember.
Hey Iris!

Just an update /images/graemlins/grin.gif...


I am sooo happy I purchased this product. I washed my hair again today (couldn't wait - got my hands on some products that I really wanted to try and couldn't resist. My poor hair! /images/graemlins/smile.gif ) and I LOVE THIS STUFF.

I won't give up the other leave in they make completely (not if my life depended on it actually) - but I WILL be rotating these two. OFTEN. My comb out was TRULY effortless with this stuff. I mean the smallest fine toothed comb just GLIDED through my hair while I roller set. No snags, no tangles - no resistance of ANY KIND. And the shine was visible immediately even on my wet hair. Again - I'll post again to update you after it's dry and I've lived with it a day or so.... /images/graemlins/grin.gif

As for the original products I reviewed - the Tea Tree stuff? - I think I'll be leaving them on the shelves. No disasters ensued - but I think their other products are way better. After a day my hair had little to no shine (a rarity for me) and my combs were "catching" just a little when I combed it. Nothing major but when that happens it indicates to me that a product may have dried my hair out a bit.

I'm going to try the strengthener again with a different set of shampoos and conditioners to see if the results are altered any. Because I also tried Lanza Protein Plus Shampoo (LOVED IT) and Motions Moisture Plus conditioner today and was VERY happy with them both as well. I know that the three I mentioned are a good combo - but I always wonder what different combinations will do on my hair. I know my hair likes variety - and after posting about brand loyalty and coming to terms with the fact that my hair just loves the variety of different brands that work well - I am trying to compile a few combinations of products that work. This was one of them that I'll be using again....

Beana: I'm glad you reduced the Hask some. I meant to post this to YOU initially when you began using it but I forgot /images/graemlins/frown.gif. Sorry Mami. Glad you reduced it some anyway. It's a really superior product, but sort of like Aphoghee type conditioners, must be used in moderation for the best results. The alcohol is drying (which I had forgotten about until I checked the ingredient list - I have a bottle at home) but when I used it the protein was diagnosed as the culprit. Either way - your frequency now sounds fine to me. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Good luck chica!
<font color="black">HIP, HIP, HOORAY! TRACY! I JUST FEEL LIKE I WON THE SUPERBOWL /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif! </font color>I'm real excited for you!<font color="red"> Didn't I tell you, huh? Didn't I? LOL! That creme polisher and the Strengthener are definate keepers for me. I'm liking the Strengthener better than the Hask leave-in. My hair feels stiff after the Hask, but with Fantasia for some reason, it doesn't. Must be because of the alcohol content in the Hask. Thanks for suggesting to cut back on it some. I'm figuring this could very well be the problem. I was using the stuff daily if you can believe it! <font color="blue">Girl, I can sense you jumping for joy over that Strengthener!</font color> As a matter of fact, I think we both are jumping for joy over these products. Can't remember the last time I was this happy over any one line in my entire life! Glad you enjoyed chica /images/graemlins/grin.gif You got me smilin' from ear to ear /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

<font color="red">Iris</font color>