Well-Known Member
Hi Faith, just wondering if you ever did straighten your hair. I remember you said that you would post a picture around Feb. 14th, and I don't know if I missed it. I redid my hair in braids last weekend. I want to take better care of them this time then the last two months (just got lazy) but I still had good growth. I'm trying to wet my braids everyday after my shower, towel dry and grab several braids and put world of curls gel on them. I also want to try using jojoba oil mixed with a few drops of rosemary oil on my scalp every other day to keep my scalp clean and to stimulate growth. I hope that I will get the same amount of growth this time or maybe more when I take the braids out around April 9th. I'm doing braids back to back until November, and then I will take them out and I will go to a dominican salon to get my hair pressed. I know I will have to get some hair cut off, but I just hope it won't be alot. Right now I'm almost at bra-strap length.