Paging Caramela . . .


New Member
Hi! I sent you an e-mail a couple of days ago but my mail stuf was acting weird so I'm not actually sure if you received it. I was looking at your photo album and the pics where you have your hair down, that's exactly the length I'm striving for! Nothing more. I'm wondering, Could you tell me how long it took you to grow it from "Halle berry short" to that length? I just wanna have an idea of what to look out for. Thanks a bunch! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Sure, Sweetie. No problem. It took altogether about 3 years. I think it woulda been faster, but I let my hair sit (meaning I kept getting trims/cuts) when it got to that cute little neck length phase. I really liked my hair that length. Anyway, my hair isn't as long now as it is in the long hair pics. I recently got a cut to shoulder length which at first I was apprehensive about, but now I'm loving it! Well hope that helps! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I use the regular and put olive oil in it. The Motions Oil has mineral oil in it, and I don't really want to use it. I figure that my concoction is better for my hair!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Sorry PorkyPig for "hijackin" your discussion.....

Caramela, I saw your long hair pics and your hair is simply beautiful, girl, beautiful. Just curious though...why did you opt for shoulder length? If I remember correctly, you were shooting for waist length. Don't tell me you got discouraged girl...
No, Peach, I didn't get discouraged. My hair started to thin out at the ends and I hated it. It wasn't thick like I wanted it to be and I didn't have the patience for little trims until it thickened up. I'm getting used to the shoulder length. I'm loving it right now. My hair looks so full! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I bet it's still just as beautiful and probably easier to manage. My hair is currently where yours was, & although I am happy with it, these darn roller sets are KILLING ME. I am sooo tired after rolling it all up & sitting under that slow a$@ hooded dryer. How did you find the motivation to do your roller sets? I mean, length is nice, but roller setting twice wkly is alot of work. Did you have other "drying methods" you would use?
I most certainly did not do 2 rollersets a week. Girl, that's too much for anyone! I usually either did a bun from wet hair or a twist set. But it seems to dry much faster now that some of that length is gone.