Paging Bun Wearers


Well-Known Member
How do you do it? I put my hair in a bun after a braidout and this is my second day. I am battling MASSIVE headaches and I dont pull it tight /images/graemlins/swearing.gif. I have gone to the bathroom 2 times today to take it down and repin/bun. Is it because it is so high on my head? My head will start swimming and I start adjusting it. I dont wear buns oftern, but plan too. What am I doing wrong? When I got in from work yesterday I snapped a pic of my bun and posted it in my fotki album. I love the do but cant take the /images/graemlins/frown.gif!
That's why I don't wear them Audra. The headaches. No matter how I pin it, it hurts. What I do now is to do a french braid tuck it under and then sort of bun it up. I get no headaches that
Why don't you try a bun without a ponytail holder. I get headaches when I do buns with a holder. After a conditioner, I put my leave-ins on and I wrap my hair in a bun and secure with appr. 3 hair pins, that's it. It works for me, give it a try and see if it will work for you. By the way, your hair is BEAUTIFUL I don't know how I missed your album, I wish you lived close to me so I can get the hook-up with the rollerwraps, lol.
I think it's othe placement ---on top of my head. I feel pressure and throbbing right on top.

How can I do it without a pony holder? My ponytails NEVER hurt and they are much tighter than this, but I place them at the nape versus high on top. Thanks for the suggestions ...
When you gather your hair for your bun just twist it around and start to wrap it in the shape of a cinnabon, does that make sense????
Yes, my mom has worn her ball like that since I was in grade school. My hair isnt long enough for that yet ... It would be sooo small /images/graemlins/cry3.gif
I've never gotten headaches from wearing my hair in a bun. I don't do mine tight either.

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ditto...and I'm in a bun daily.

Could it be that you're just tender-headed? /images/graemlins/confused.gif
Thanks, it was air dried in 5 braids overnight. Actually, I wore a ponytail braidout the next morning, then pinned it into a bun on the 2nd day.

Audra - How are you creating your bun? It looks very thick and full.

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I wasn't able to see your album before because I just realized that the pw had to be typed w. a lowercase b instead of an uppercase. /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif

Anyway, ...just wanted to add that you have really thick, beautiful hair! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Keep up the good haircare! /images/graemlins/up.gif
I don't wear a bun, but I wear a phony pony daily and sometimes if I get a hairpin in wrong it causes problems and I find myself readjusting. Sometimes a hairpin can pull just enough strands to cause pain even if the ponytail is not too tight.
Hi Audrachanell,

Your hair is beautiful!! Have you tried doing a scrunchie bun? Silk or satin scrunchies are very gentle to the hair and if you wrap it around once or twice, they won't be too tight. Here's what I do:

Take one satin scrunchie, make a ponytail (either at nape or up higher based on your preference). Twist it halfway around and put another smaller scrunchie around it. Your hair will cover most of the scrunchie (be sure to use the same color of your hair).

Another thing you could do is make the ponytail with the scrunchie, and secure your hair around it with several pins. Hope this helps!!
How many pins are you using to secure your bun? The pins may be the culprit. Even if the bun isn't tight if I use too many pins or if the pins are in the wrong "spot" I will get headaches. Hope that helps...your bun is goregous!
Hey SouthernGirl and JenniferMD*waving*

SG, I will try your method the next time. I'm not much of a bun/ponytail/up do wearer ... hence my troubles /images/graemlins/tongue.gif *lol* Thanks!

JM, I used 3 to 4 pins I beleive. When I wear my hair pinned up, I don't have any trouble with placement or headahces. Then again, I 've been pinning my hair for updos for ages. You're right, it may have been the pins as well. Thanks.

Hi Audrachanell,

Your hair is beautiful!! Have you tried doing a scrunchie bun? Silk or satin scrunchies are very gentle to the hair and if you wrap it around once or twice, they won't be too tight. Here's what I do:

Take one satin scrunchie, make a ponytail (either at nape or up higher based on your preference). Twist it halfway around and put another smaller scrunchie around it. Your hair will cover most of the scrunchie (be sure to use the same color of your hair).

Another thing you could do is make the ponytail with the scrunchie, and secure your hair around it with several pins. Hope this helps!!

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ITA w/Jen, which is why I don't use the pins anymore. The next time I update my album I'll post pix of my bun which may help you. I'll try to do it this weekend.
I was also thinking it might be the placement and too many pins. Using one or two pins might help lessen the tension on your scalp. Also, I found that I'm tenderheaded in a certain area so I always make sure not to pin ponytails or buns in that spot. Maybe you're a little tenderheaded in that area osf your scalp. Your hair looks great and healthy, keep up the great work! :)
I wear my buns braided. If I pin it with 1 leg of the pin in the bun and the other leg pressing DIRECTLY AGAINST MY SCALP, the my scalp will get sore in the pressed spot. If the 2nd leg isn't pressing hard, them I'm ok.
Another thing I do which is so much easier, is I use a satin scrunchi and make a ponytail, but by the time I pull the hair through the scrunchi the second time, I pull it only halfway out so it makes a little ball. About two inches of my ends are then left hanging out, so I take that part, spray some leave-in conditioner on it, then tuck it into the scrunchi. This way, there are no pins at all.

Just giving you options, girlie /images/graemlins/smile.gif!