Paging all TIGI ego boost or split mender users...


Active Member
When you use either one do you notice it acts almost like a setting lotion???

I noticed that one of the ingredients is PVP, which is a plastic-like substance that is probably used in these products to temporarily "glue" splits together. Many setting lotions and mousses use this as a holding agent.

I have the Beyond the Zone knockoff- split mender. I use it before i rollerset my hair and my curls look better and last longer with this. Plus i'm getting the benefit of ends protection.
I just wanted to know if anyone else has noticed???
Hey Beans

Yes, I've noticed that if I put too much on, my ends get a lil stiff. But dare I say I really believe this stuff is working. My ends are still looking pretty good since the trim. But I need more time to evaluate. If 2 months from now, all I need is a dusting, I'll be back to give it it's props
Armyqt said

Yes Iv'e noticed that if I put too much on, my ends get a lil stiff. But dare I say I really believe this stuff is working. My ends are still looking pretty good since the trim. But I need more time to evaluate. If 2 months from now, all I need is a dusting, I'll be back to give it it's props

I just know my ends are healthy and strong. And remember it does not take a lot to give your ends the protection they need. It's been over three months for me using it and it has not harmed my hair and my hair looks healthier and stronger, my ends are smooth, and I am keeping the length that I grow. So as far as I am concerned Health Goddess and Ego Boost will stay in my routine.
thanks for the replies ladies!

I cant wait to start retaining more length w/ this product. My personal summer challenege is to stop trimming so often and keep a healthy 2 inches by the end of august.
BTW ladies, how often do you use it??

I use mine 1x a week on wet hair before rollersetting. I may increase my usage to 2x's a week this summer. Any daily users out there?
I was using this on my wet hair everyday after my co wash...but I think that I am going to limit it to once a week. I gave my hair a little *dusting* on Friday, and I noticed that some strands on the very tip of my ends were kinda hard (I only use a tiny amount of this product). On some of my ends...I noticed that I had a few splits that were occurring further up the shaft. I know that everyone has a few split ends...but I rarely see splits up the shaft like I had. I make sure that my hair is well moisturized...and I pay very close attention to my ends. I also had a small increase in breakage...but noticed it slowed/stopped after I laid off of using the Ego Boost so frequently.

This is my first time using a product that contains a hard core protein like I think that using it once a week would be better for my hair rather than using it on a daily basis. I think it's been about a month since I've been using it.

It will stay in my regimen because I really am seeing fewer splits...but it's a little too strong for my hair to use everyday.
I was thinking about picking up the Beyond the Zone knock off but then I saw the Ego Boost on sale for 50% off so I just went with that.
Thanks for posting this Beana! I have the Beyond the Zone knock-off also, and I was about to trash it. I think I may give it one more shot
I love it! I dont have one split end! Ive used it for about 2 months now and my ends are holding up fine. I am not going to trim my hair until September. I think that the Tigi is doing a great job thus far. I may try the BEyond the Zone after I run out if this if it comprable.

the split mender is a leave in type conditioner, but the directions say you can use it one ends daily. It doesn't contain keratin protein like the ego boost, but the rest of the ingredients are the same, but not in the exact order.

I only use it 1x a week because I cant really see myself applying this to my dry hair because of the consistency.I use profectiv healthy ends on my dry hair and that works beautifully. I'm really gung-ho about having/ maintaining healthy ends without trimming so often.

For those of you who are hesitent about using it, i'd say give it a try as a leave-in/ setting agent first. It makes my airdried rollersets so bouncy and shiny!!!
Chaya said
love it! I dont have one split end! Ive used it for about 2 months now and my ends are holding up fine. I am not going to trim my hair until September. I think that the Tigi is doing a great job thus far. I may try the BEyond the Zone after I run out if this if it comprable.

That is precisely why I am going to keep using it. I have found something that works and I do not want to risk loosing the ground I have gained by switching to another product. I have become fanatical about protecting my length.