Paging All Regular Wet Roller Setters


New Member
Has anyone ever used the black and white roller clamps that can be purchased at Sally Beauty Supply?

I wet roller set, and wondered if these clamps are a viable alternative to the metal roller clips.

I am just curious.


I think I know what clamps you're talking about. I use those to section off my hair while I'm roller setting. I've never used them in place of the silver metal clips. I think a head full of those would be extra heavy.
That's an interesting point you make, Allandra.

I was thinking about being able to fit comfortably under the hood of the dryer! (Hee Hee)

I have those. I used to use them on my hot rollers instead of using those bent shaped silver pins. They worked great for that, but they're collecting dust now!!
Getting my head under the dryer might be tricky with those clamps on. Plus they might stop the hot air from drying your hair as fast...
I too have a set of them that came along with my steam rollers. They work much better than the silver things.