Paging all essential oil pro's


New Member
Paging all essential oil pro\'s

High all i am going to by my essential oils tomorrow (im sick of buying stuff with the ingridients i don't might as well make it, besides i don't want grease...just oil)
N e whoo my oils where going to consist of...

Spearmint oil
Peppermint oil
Menthol oil (still looking for it but if i cannt find it then owell)
Vit E
ylang ylang
and the carrier Castor oil (i love castor oil)

All i wanted to know if howmuch of each can i use. Was it soething like 10ml of each essential oil to 100ml of castor.

So could i put 10ml of each oil in the 100ml castor. Or should it be more or less

Thanx in advance EC
Re: Paging all essential oil pro\'s

That's a good list. I am also making my own, but I still do not know the difference between essential and carrier oils. I know that jojoba is a carrier, but why?
Ah!! In my list I also added Lavander for my sprays.

Re: Paging all essential oil pro\'s

I have the oils you have listed and the most I've ever used on any concoction I've made is 10 drops. My Eos only come in 10ml bottles anyway. I just made a big batch (in a liter bottle) using:

Coconut oil
Olive Oil
Castor oil
Rosemary oil
ylang ylang

I use equal parts of castor,olive and coconut oil one part glycerin 2-3 parts of distilled water and 2-3 drops of essential oils. Please be careful with rosemary oil, it can raise your blood pressure. There was a good link posted about Essential oils a while back I'll see if I can find it.