Paging Adrienne


New Member
Hey,Adrienne /images/graemlins/smile.gif I have a question for you, I initialy used Dark and Lovely and my hair simply loved it. I'm a licensed cosmetologist and I was told too many times to use a professional relaxer.I was taught that professional relaxers is better for the hair. Well I did that and I'm now using Affirm as of Sept. I really don't like it but girl your hair is gorgeous and I'm thinking about going back to Dark and Lovely. Also you and I have the same hair type so that's an inspiration. My hair really grew with Dark and Lovely and I really can't tell the rate of growth due to my sew-in weave. I will post again in March to compare photos. Do you remember the post of my damaged hair /images/graemlins/confused.gifHow long did it take you to reach bra-strap length from the length that I have now? I don't mean to over load you with questions. Thank you for posting your regimen hope to hear from you soon :

First goal : bra-strap length
hey, azalia!

no problem about the questions. that is why we are all here! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

you know, i'm thinking of switching from no-lye to a lye relaxer. funny enough, i was also leaning toward Affirm. since we're hair twins, tell me what is it about Affirm that you don't like? now i'm wondering if Dark & Lovely makes a lye relaxer. maybe i could just switch to that to keep things simple. ya know?

i remember seeing your post about damaged hair, but for the life of me, i can't remember the length. can you post a link to pics?

i'm almost done with my Picture Trail albums. i'll give you a link to it so you can see my entire journey, which started in 7/00.

Hey Adrienne, Well I do like the Affirm but my hair will only stay straight for one week. I know it's not that much hair growth in the world /images/graemlins/confused.gifor is it? With Dark and Lovely it would stay straight longer and for some reason everytime I would take my sew-in out I would see a tremendous amount of growth. I can't really judge Affirm yet. I'm scheduled to get my hair done Nov 16 so I'm going to take pictures before getting my sew-in and compare the Sept photos to Nov photos and then judge. I can't complain too much because my hair line is starting to fill in. I just really like the condition my hair is in when I use Dark and Lovely and the most important thing is I don't loose alot of hair. I can't wait to post my photos, I hope you can see some kind of difference. I know I have alot of new growth and I was suppose to go 3 month and I did'nt make it. I got my hair done Sept 16 so I guess that is good. I can tell you which relaxer I like better after Nov.16. Thanks for responding /images/graemlins/smile.gif Wish me luck /images/graemlins/grin.gif