Question Page Not Available?!


Well-Known Member
Why is it when I click on certain threads, a blank white page says page not available. When clearly it is bc I can see that other ppl are able to post in it?? This is really annoying and irritating and has been happening to me since last night. Some of the pages load (like this one) and some others dont.
I hope we can have this fixed soon. Bc I don't see the point of being on here if I can't read half of the threads.
I've been having the same problem all day as well. It says: "Page not available. Contact the administrator." On the page where all the forums are listed I can see people are able to get into the thread, because they are posting comments.
Me too. I was taking it personally until I saw it was happening to others. It's frustrating--I KNOW they're in the forum, just posting away and I can't get in.:wallbash:
It took me hours just to get back in this post to see if a reason had been posted. I can get in some threads just fine and the others I haven't been able to get into all day. I guess it's better than nothing.