My daughter couldn't deal with the scent so I stopped using it.
As stated above the scent changes after awhile but it works great.


I Agree. The scent is 'off',:look: but it works great.

I decided a while back to make Oyin HH & Hairveda Conditioners my staple cowashers because of their performance.

I still think I will keep Oyin in rotation despite the scent.:ohwell:
Wow, I went and checked my big bottle after reading your posts and I must say my bottle smells delicious, citrusy but no hint of being spoiled, etc.

I'm ashamed to say I've had it over a year and just opened the sealed bottle about 2 months ago after I remembered that I had it and it smells the same way today as it first did when I opened it. I'm not sure if something has changed in the formula or not, as I mentioned mine is much older. I would've taken it as a loss as I definitely know I would have been to blame for keeping it that long unrefrigerated. I store it in my product cart in my walkin closet, so I guess it's cool enough in there.
Wow, I went and checked my big bottle after reading your posts and I must say my bottle smells delicious, citrusy but no hint of being spoiled, etc.

I'm ashamed to say I've had it over a year and just opened the sealed bottle about 2 months ago after I remembered that I had it and it smells the same way today as it first did when I opened it. I'm not sure if something has changed in the formula or not, as I mentioned mine is much older. I would've taken it as a loss as I definitely know I would have been to blame for keeping it that long unrefrigerated. I store it in my product cart in my walkin closet, so I guess it's cool enough in there.

levone, does yours have an outer seal & an inner seal? or just the outer seal right?
it smells like ripe a$$ starbursts with some sugar to me. I've never had a smell deviation, even on stuff I've had for more than 6 months. Did you shake it up?

naaah, it's so thick tho and only used it 2 or 3 times (not much room in this 32 ounce to move about )... more than 3/4 full
On another note OP, I remember when u posted that the Oyin HH made ur hair crunchy, have you found a better way to use it ?
My Honey Hemp conditioner performed brilliantly and perfectly after being stored in a footlocker for over a year. I didn't notice any changes in the product or scent...
Perhaps, since you just ordered it on BF, they made up the product before hand and who knows how long it sat before it was sent to you. I was just in their Baltimore shop on Saturday, and I wondered how quickly those large bottles moved out of the store.

Like someone else mentioned, , I'd contact them if I were you, too. Maybe they can give you a new bottle. Hopefully...that stuff ain't cheap!
On another note OP, I remember when u posted that the Oyin HH made ur hair crunchy, have you found a better way to use it ?
nope! that's why it's so full after nearly 2 months (i'm extremely heavy handed)

it made my hair so crunchy and i tried it at least twice (maybe 3 times)

as a leave in & as a DC
it may be just this bottle or this batch... yeah i was a little put off on the crunchy... but it smelled pretty good, just strong as hell when it arrived:ohwell:
Oh no! HH has been nothing but good to me and smells lovely. I just finished my BF HH about two weeks ago and it smelled great. I have another 32oz now and it smells the same as the first.

I know I should have read the thread before posting but did you contact Oyin...
levone, does yours have an outer seal & an inner seal? or just the outer seal right?

I don't recall an outer sheild, however I do know that it was sealed very securely outside of the top with multiple pieces of black tape. As I mentioned, I've had it a while and it's being tossed around with other products, so it must have been sealed pretty darn tight. Not sure if it matters, but this was purchased directly from Oyin.