
Well-Known Member
ok.. so i rushed the touchup after tearing my scalp up from scratching after my dye job... annnnndddddddd now i'm paying dearly for it with a scalp full of chemical burns and this one little nagging area that i dont know what to do with... :mad:

in this one area, it just hurts for no reason... there's no chemical burn there, but there is a knot and i can't even turn my head without pain... :( ... what can i do (short of going to a doctor) to heal myself??... has anyone else gotten a friggin knot (under the skin) after doing a touchup?

help help help... i haven't had chemical burns since i started self relaxing (and that was over 5 years ago)... and i've never had a friggin knot... i don't know how to deal...
I am so sorry you are going thru this.

I would try to cleanse the scalp again and then buy some Neosporin Plus---it has pain relievers in it. It will help soften the scab and heal the skin under it. You can use a litte aloe vera gel under the neosporin for healing measures also.
I remember someone here who had really bad relaxer sores and they put conditioner on them (or I think it was a friend of a LHCFer) and they went away.

A while ago I used silk elements relaxer and it burned my damn scalp to peices. I had one perm sore that even lasted me about 3 weeks. But anyways, I used the conditioner technique and it worked like a charm. :yep: I used Suave's Milk N Honey but I think any watery cheap conditioner will do. I would apply it everyday to my scalp like grease sometimes twice a day.

Also some pure aloe (you can get this at any drugstore or Walmart) should help your situation also. You want to treat it before it scabs up (there is a possibility that it will) and the hair starts sticking to the scab. Which is mega trouble. That happened to me with the silk elements since at first I just had the pain that you were experiencing. But since then I have moved on from lye relaxers to no lye relaxers. I will NEVER let another relaxer burn my scalp like that again. EVER. :nono: That was def. my learning experience.
Go buy some Neosporin or my favorite oil for burns, "camphor phenique." Ask for it at your drug store. It really helps with sore spots.
I would do a hot oil treament, but just get the oil warm, not hot. Use a healing oil like Emu oil and/or pure Vitamin E oil. Also, I would keep oiling your scalp until your scalp heals. I had this problem after my last relaxer, and my scalp felt better after the hot oil treatment.
LocksOfLuV said:
Bump, how are you doing? Feeling better?

not really... i haven't made it out of the house yet so i haven't been able to get any neosporin or anything... i cowash daily so when i got in the shower i shampooed with the neutralizing shampoo again (i dunno, it worked in my mind) and then used my ddta... so my scalp is ok,sorta (it had already scabbed up so i'm just having to deal)...

the knot area is another matter totally... it still hurts a ton and now i think it might actually be muscle related... i iced it earlier and tried to massage it but that brought double ow's... so in the shower i turned the water hot and let it rain down... that helped some... i'm contemplating a muscle relaxer...

i'm still :(
The healing hot oil treatment sounds like your best bet but "The Black Woman's Guide to Beautiful Hair" has a section that specifically deals with chemical burns, (I was just reading it last night).... That is a must read for you right now! It will tell you exactly what to do. Everyone who perms their hair should read that book anyway;) Good luck girl, let us know how you are doing. HHG
SqrpioQutie said:
not really... i haven't made it out of the house yet so i haven't been able to get any neosporin or anything... i cowash daily so when i got in the shower i shampooed with the neutralizing shampoo again (i dunno, it worked in my mind) and then used my ddta... so my scalp is ok,sorta (it had already scabbed up so i'm just having to deal)...

the knot area is another matter totally... it still hurts a ton and now i think it might actually be muscle related... i iced it earlier and tried to massage it but that brought double ow's... so in the shower i turned the water hot and let it rain down... that helped some... i'm contemplating a muscle relaxer...

i'm still :(

Aww poor mama. :( What kind of relaxer was this?

Anyways I hope you feel better. Just try and grease your scalp with the neosporin and some aloe (and/or conditioner if you want). I hope you feel better and please update us.
i'll make sure that when i finally roll out i pick up some of the mentioned oils and the neo... i still haven't gone anywhere... lol

it was my trust Organicx by Africa's Best relaxer... and the dye job was done with bigen like a day or two prior... which i figured was safe...

i know a lot of it was me taking risks because, as much as i've learned, i've still done things my own way and usually never really mess up... and now it's caught up to me...

it got to me so much last night that i had a hair nightmare... i dreamed that i had a knot and in working out the knot, lost a hole section of hair... i mean a good 7 inches in the back of my head... i woke up mighty scared i tell ya...
Oh I feel like this is my fault. I am soooo sorry. You know what to think of it I relaxed my hair 3 days after the bigen. :perplexed

Please try the neo, it works wonder...you can buy the generic version also.

Maybe a running some cool water over your scalp will help:ohwell:
SqrpioQutie said:
ok.. so i rushed the touchup after tearing my scalp up from scratching after my dye job... annnnndddddddd now i'm paying dearly for it with a scalp full of chemical burns and this one little nagging area that i dont know what to do with... :mad:

in this one area, it just hurts for no reason... there's no chemical burn there, but there is a knot and i can't even turn my head without pain... :( ... what can i do (short of going to a doctor) to heal myself??... has anyone else gotten a friggin knot (under the skin) after doing a touchup?

help help help... i haven't had chemical burns since i started self relaxing (and that was over 5 years ago)... and i've never had a friggin knot... i don't know how to deal...

Okay I never had a chemical burn all over just my temple area and nape and sometimes with the knot that you mention I used neosporin a moisterizer creme by Summit and later jojoba and peppermint oil mix.

HTH I love your hair I wish you a speedy recovery:( :(
loreal99 said:
Oh I feel like this is my fault. I am soooo sorry. You know what to think of it I relaxed my hair 3 days after the bigen. :perplexed

Please try the neo, it works wonder...you can buy the generic version also.

Maybe a running some cool water over your scalp will help:ohwell:

ow wow, definitey not your fault!!!... it was more than likely because i didn't wash my hair well enough after the bigen and was scratching the daylights outta my head... i've been doing my hair long enough to know that i should have waited cuz of all of that scratching...

it's all good sis!!! :kiss:

next time though, i'll probably bigen AFTER the touchup... i'm thinking i'd do better on wet hair.. lol

I'm healed!!!... i ended up going to the doctor for my neck/base of the skull pain and that was a muscle spasm... now i'm on great meds and i think that it all came about due to some weird sleep position or something..

the chemical burns and scabs are gone and my scalp feels about 90% back to normal... i got some walmart brand neosporin, did a lot of scalp massages, used a bunch of BT, and extra conditioner in my cowashes..

and, as an added bonus, my hair is way more moisturized and soft... i'm going to mostly attribute that to my conditioner mix though

thanks ladies for all of your suggestions... i truly truly appreciate it!!!!!