

New Member
I was thinking of ALLLLLLLLLL the things you can do to really get the hair growing and long and to be honest there is more to do than I thought. You got the vitamin thing, a multi, efa oil supplement, silica, msm, biotin, and a hair vitamin. Then you got the whole no heat thing, hot oil treatments, deep conditioning treatments, and scalp massages. My newest "finding" essential oils. Sandalwood, lavender, frankincense, palmarosa, ylang ylang, rosewood, rosemary, cedarwood, tea tree, clary sage, bay, birch, peppermint, patchouli, chamomile, myrrh, geranium, juniper, grapefruit, carrot seed, yarrow, and thyme. I guess there were more resources at my fingertips then I thought there were. My Hair New Years resoultion is to slowly over the course of the whole year encorporate all of these things into my hair care regime. Have I forgotten anything.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Have I forgotten anything.

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PROTECT (your investment)
seamless widetooth combs, untangle by combing from bottom up, try not to tangle, silk/satin accessories, protective styles, handle super-duper carefully while wet, avoid "playing" with hair.

Oh my God, Dionne, this IS alot.
I agree with you Peachtree. There's no point in really trying to grow your hair long if you don't do some preventative maintenace along the way. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Let's face it...the ways some of us spend money on our hair(I know I'm one of them)..it is not only an investment...but a <font color="red"> MAJOR </font color> one at that! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Well, I think you should take the year to experiment... perhaps somethings will work for you more than others. It varies from head to head.

You don't necessarily have to do ALL of it....

Have fun! Don't let it overwhelm you... /images/graemlins/wink.gif