Overwhelmed with Joy


Well-Known Member
I am just in awe right now the the Holy Spirit is going to have to translate everthing that I am feeling to the Father.

Usually when it comes to things that I do in God's house. I take it seriously and I research it. I play a Tambourine which I love I researched it. A Tambourine is actually a weapon of warfare. I have had my Tambourine about 3 years but this is what not has me snifffing and snorting over here.

I am a Praise Dancer. I have not danced in 2 years. I was having problems with my Achilles Tendon. I just started going back in the beg of March. I was learning the dance with the rest of the praise dancers even though I was not going to dance. But the leader added a part and said that I could do it. It is dancing witht he flag. I am the only person who will have a flag. It is short but powerful I did not know how powerful it was until I researched. Flags, and banners in the bible with scripture. It just so happens that I will be doing figure eight's with the flag. 3 figure eights over the head represent Jesus Christ as if that is not enough, the flag is Silver. Silver means redemption.

I immediately broke down uncontrollably (sp?) I called the number of the people who posted the info on the web site and was bawling the whole time. The woman on the listened quitely as I spoke. I thanked her for positng the information and told her that I did not know if I could do it as it was so powerful and so much responsibility (not saying that I was not goig to dance) but you know how you get the I can't help it's.

I had already prayed about it. The woman said to me. You have been annointed to wave the flag so wave it! She said pray before you dance and the Lord will help you.

So right now I am kind of in the zone. In awe of God's gift. I have never danced with a flag so I have been practicing (which is annointing my apt and violating satan's air space) Oh, by the way... that is one of the things flags and banners do.

OK.. I have cried myself silly I need a nap now.
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Girl you need to stop... (not)... now you gonna make ME cry, because your post just jumped out at me.

We have praise dancers at our church and I cannot tell you how much they minister to me -- because I'll just smile and watch them dance out the inexplicable awe I have in my spirit for the Most High God. This ministry refreshes, re-surges and always serves as a reminder, that everything that has breath ought to Praise the Lord! :clap:

Thanks for sharing this... I tune the devil out and refuse to murmur nor complain, but instead Praise God today!
See, this is why I love coming into this forum. You have no idea..I had to put my head down in reverence for how confirming this information was for me of a past experience! The Holy Spirit is AMAZING!
See, this is why I love coming into this forum. You have no idea..I had to put my head down in reverence for how confirming this information was for me of a past experience! The Holy Spirit is AMAZING!

Wow! My mother always says that the Holy Spirit works that way. Tiem for bed.
Girl you need to stop... (not)... now you gonna make ME cry, because your post just jumped out at me.

We have praise dancers at our church and I cannot tell you how much they minister to me -- because I'll just smile and watch them dance out the inexplicable awe I have in my spirit for the Most High God. This ministry refreshes, re-surges and always serves as a reminder, that everything that has breath ought to Praise the Lord! :clap:

Thanks for sharing this... I tune the devil out and refuse to murmur nor complain, but instead Praise God today!
Yes Laela, I feel the exact same way. We have a powerful dance ministry at my church as well. When I first saw the flags being used, I cried. It just felt powerful. All I could do was stare at those flags going. They still get me to this day. Flags are powerful. Thanks for posting this information Zeal. You will do fine. The Holy Spirit is with you. Dance for Him.
I danced today. I almost cired before I even started. To tell you the truth... I don't remember anything I did. We have a long aisle. I just remember running down the middle aisle with the flag. :lachen::lachen::lachen:from the back of the church to the front twirling the flag.

You're heeeeeeere. The balm for my my wounded soul ------> then here I came down the aisle "running and twirling" to YOU'RE HERE. Because you choose to make us whole. (this was near the end)

When I stopped in the front and turned around then did my "very short" part. I heard someone say BEE-UUUU- TEE-FUL.

I thought that I was smiling. But my sister said that I looked very serious. My soul was smiling.:yep:
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That is EXCELLENT! I *used* to be the dance leader at my church years ago and it's amazing how much you learn! I am so happy for you!
Excellent! :clap: I like that your "short part" got noticed and appreciated...God is good!
Thanks you all. My mother was like. How did you get down the Aisle so fast? ROTFL. Someone else said thtit looked like I was flying. One of deacons said that I looked like I was in the Penn Relays when I came down the aisle. LOL! When I get the pictures I will post them.
Oh Zeal! That's wonderful! :yay:You got me praise dancing over here. I love it! I'm so happy for you.:bighug: Good for you. Keep going!
I looooovvvve that song. I've been playing that song over and over and over lately.
Can't wait for the pics!:yep:

We watch and to wait Lord we anticipate…the moment, you choose to appear.
We worship we praise until there’s no debate, and we recognize you already here.
Chorus: Hallelujah, hallelujah, hal-le-lu-jah
Lead: Hallelujah… you already here. Hallelujah…you already here.
Oh God.
We watch and to wait Lord we anticipate…the moment, you choose to appear.
We worship we praise until there’s no debate, and we recognize you already here.
Chorus: Hallelujah, hallelujah, hal-le-lu-jah
Lead: Hallelujah… you already here. Hallelujah…you already here.
Oh God.
Hallelujah… Hallelujah
You’re here
The balm for my wounded soul you’re here, God, because you choose to make us whole.
Chorus: Here
Repeat: x2
Oh Zeal! That's wonderful! :yay:You got me praise dancing over here. I love it! I'm so happy for you.:bighug: Good for you. Keep going!
I looooovvvve that song. I've been playing that song over and over and over lately.
Can't wait for the pics!:yep:

Well I hope I get the pics. Another praise dancer's husband was supposed to be taking pictures from the balcony. LOL! I was hoping that I would get them electroincally.
Well that's ok Zeal if you don't get to post the pics. Your description was good enough for me. I love praise dancers. I've recently been learning how to minister in dance but I absolutely love watching them. They truly minister to me every time I watch them. Your description put a joyful smile on my face today. Thanks.
This is the only pic that I have so far. As you can see, this is not from the balcony. :spinning: I guess those are coming soon.

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((( Zeal )))) Thanks for sharing the photo...I like the flag! pardon my ignorance..is that a tambourine attached to it? (I love playing those! ) lol
((( Zeal )))) Thanks for sharing the photo...I like the flag! pardon my ignorance..is that a tambourine attached to it? (I love playing those! ) lol

LOL! You are not ignorant! I DO play the tambourine. However it is not attaced to the flag.

I just so happen to mention my tambourine. However, I do not dance with it. LOL

heee heee heee Tell me where you see the tambourine. I actually should have been holding the black ball (handle). I wish the flag was larger.

My praise dance leader actully did say she would incoporate a dance with the tambourine. There are special tambourines made especially for dancing.