Overprocessed & Underprocessed hair... at the same time !


Active Member
What can I do ?
I tried to hide this huge problem from myself for 2 months now. But it's obvious : actually my hair is in a bad shape. I've got about 1 inch of NG all around. But the last relaxer didn't take well on the previous NG. So it's very tangled at this area... And I applied relaxer on my already-relaxed hair ! So it's very thin, weak and it breaks easily. I've got to cut 0.75-1 inch of my hair poor hair. :nono:
I can wear my hair out, because people can see through. Too thin. I really don't know what to do. I'm 8 weeks post-relaxer but my hair is like that since my last relaxer.:perplexed
You might just have to cut. I'm in a similar situation (my hair is overprocessed). Sometimes relaxers, heat, or just bad hair care can cause unreversable damage.
Personally, I would cut off a inch of hair all around. Then do a protein treatment and a couple of moisture treatments. I actually cut 1/2 inch off yesterday because of this. My hair looks alot better already. Remember to protect your previous relaxed hair because the run off will cause even more overprocessing. That is what overprocessed my ends. Underprocessed hair needs more moisture so do a light protein treatment, concentrating it on your overprocessed parts, then follow with a intense moisture treatment.
Whatever you do, don't get another relaxer while your hair is weak. I would do protien and moisture treatments until my hair felt stronger.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation and I understand how you feel. It's sad to say but I agree with all the posts.

I'm going thru' the same thing and have been researching on overprocessed hair and trying to treat it for a while now. Unfortunately, all signs point to CUTTING THE HAIR, constant moisture to revive what's left, & occassional protein for strength. From the numerous people i've talked to about this, breakage from overprocessed hair will continue for 6mnths - 1 year, but dont fret b/c as the months go by the breakage will reduce if you're doing the right things. From my exeprience, the hair will plump back up with constant moisture so dont worry about the thinness.

I recently had to cut 2inches off my hair and trust me, I was pissed! I hope my post helps and that u find the perfect solution to ur problem. :yep: