Overprocessed Hairor Maybe I'm Just Balding. Help!


New Member
I'll try and not ramble and just get to the point. But there are a lot of details about my issue. Please bare with me :)
I was using the s-curl texturizer for a while and the last time I did it I don't think I washed out the chemicals completely. Now just to make sure you understand how stupid I am, This happened over a year ago. In between that and now, my hair started breaking almost immediately. But only the top portion of my head. Now, the last time I used the s-curl was only on the top of my head in attempt to get a curly hairstyle with a fade on the sides and high top. It is also very sensitive and as my hair is falling out, it comes out at the root and the little white thing is at the bottom. ( I am very inexperienced when it comes to this stuff so I will never use chemicals again.) The only reason I do not believe that its not just male pattern baldness is because the texture of the hair on the top of my hair is still very straight, thin and dry. The rest of my hair is thriving, thick, curly and shiny. I have tried all sorts of conditioners, oils, rogain and even went to a dermatologist just for her to tell me I was just balding. She barely looked at my scalp.

So my recent research I saw people saying that if you don't wash your hair out enough with the neutralizing shampoo then the chemical can continue to work and cause these types of symptoms since your cuticle wont close....Might be saying that all wrong. My apologies. I also saw some things about PH as well. With it being so long ago that I have had chemicals in my hair and many cuts in attempt to cut out the over-processed hair....do you think this is permanent? Am I just balding? Did I damage my scalp? There is no way that the chemical is still working right? lol HELP
After a year, your hair is definitely not still processing. What you read was correct, if you do not use a neutralizer, the chemical will continue to process past the time that you want it to. But it will not continue processing indefinitely, at some point the ph will drop or all of the hair will fall out, whichever comes first. It’s like when you make pasta and you want it aldente. When you take the pasta off the heat, you will want to add it to cold water to immediately stop the cooking process. If you do not, of course it will cool down on its own eventually, but not before the texture of the pasta is ruined. Neutralizer is to the texturizer what the cold water bath is to the pasta.

Now, I don’t know why you’re losing hair. If it isn’t breakage and the hair has the bulb, it could just be normal shedding. You didn’t say how much hair you’re losing. Are you noticing bald spots, patches of hair missing, is it coming out in clumps? Do you have new growth? Has it become thin and see through? Does male pattern baldness run in your family (on both sides, though, it is usually inherited from the maternal side)? Have you notice anything irregular about you scalp? Extra flaky, scales, tenderness, anything?
Wow I'm sorry about your dilemma. The chemicals don't work indefinitely even if you don't get it all out. I used to have a bad habit of not getting all the relaxer out of the top of my head but applied Vaseline and kept it moving. If you don't think the dermatologist gave you a real exam and brushed you off try another one.
After a year, your hair is definitely not still processing. What you read was correct, if you do not use a neutralizer, the chemical will continue to process past the time that you want it to. But it will not continue processing indefinitely, at some point the ph will drop or all of the hair will fall out, whichever comes first. It’s like when you make pasta and you want it aldente. When you take the pasta off the heat, you will want to add it to cold water to immediately stop the cooking process. If you do not, of course it will cool down on its own eventually, but not before the texture of the pasta is ruined. Neutralizer is to the texturizer what the cold water bath is to the pasta.

Now, I don’t know why you’re losing hair. If it isn’t breakage and the hair has the bulb, it could just be normal shedding. You didn’t say how much hair you’re losing. Are you noticing bald spots, patches of hair missing, is it coming out in clumps? Do you have new growth? Has it become thin and see through? Does male pattern baldness run in your family (on both sides, though, it is usually inherited from the maternal side)? Have you notice anything irregular about you scalp? Extra flaky, scales, tenderness, anything?

Thanks for clearing that up. That pasta analogy made sense and also made me hungry lol. Most of the men in my family are bald but its from choice and "bad decisions" when they were younger. Everyone around my age on both sides have a full head of hair, which is what I had before this. Its not coming out in clumps and I dont have bald spots. It is thinning at the top of my head where the chemical was applied and since it is so thin and fragile, its resulting in a receding hairline. New growth is barely there but it seems stagnant because by the time the new growth is full grown, the old hair has fallen out. I just never see anyone that is losing hair with a completely different hair texture on the top of their head as they are losing hair. The only thing that I have noticed is that it gets dry REALLY easy. Its not tender though. I do wear a durag to bed and try not to keep it too tight. And if I am going out, I normally wear a hat to cover my head cause I hate it. I thought that might be a problem as well but who knows.
Thanks for clearing that up. That pasta analogy made sense and also made me hungry lol. Most of the men in my family are bald but its from choice and "bad decisions" when they were younger. Everyone around my age on both sides have a full head of hair, which is what I had before this. Its not coming out in clumps and I dont have bald spots. It is thinning at the top of my head where the chemical was applied and since it is so thin and fragile, its resulting in a receding hairline. New growth is barely there but it seems stagnant because by the time the new growth is full grown, the old hair has fallen out. I just never see anyone that is losing hair with a completely different hair texture on the top of their head as they are losing hair. The only thing that I have noticed is that it gets dry REALLY easy. Its not tender though. I do wear a durag to bed and try not to keep it too tight. And if I am going out, I normally wear a hat to cover my head cause I hate it. I thought that might be a problem as well but who knows.
You can definitely cause the hair to thin with chemicals. But hopefully it is not permanent.

I would recommend getting some some bentonite clay and make a paste and apply it to your scalp to help you scalp detox. Do this weekly or as often as you feel like. Then get an oil blend with a good blend of essential oils to help heal the scalp. Keep the scalp moisturized and oiled to help the area recover.

I had issues with my scalp and with hair thinning after using a semi permanent back to back.
You can definitely cause the hair to thin with chemicals. But hopefully it is not permanent.

I would recommend getting some some bentonite clay and make a paste and apply it to your scalp to help you scalp detox. Do this weekly or as often as you feel like. Then get an oil blend with a good blend of essential oils to help heal the scalp. Keep the scalp moisturized and oiled to help the area recover.

I had issues with my scalp and with hair thinning after using a semi permanent back to back.

Ive never heard of bentonite so I will look that up. Thank you! As far as moisturizing, I just have a bunch of stuff I randomly get. But I wash my hair and Deep Condition (let it sit for at least 30 minutes) once or sometimes twice a week. Do you think that's too much? Right now I am using coconut oil, tea tree oil, olive oil hair grease and africas best ultimate herbal oil. Im also trying to stay away from shampoo and conditioner with sulfates....im assuming that im at least doing the right thing in that aspect lmao
I'd try to see another dermatologist. There are steroid shots and rogain that you can take to help with thinning. It doesn't work in every scenario but you'll never know without a proper diagnosis.

Was this a black dermatologist?
Ive never heard of bentonite so I will look that up. Thank you! As far as moisturizing, I just have a bunch of stuff I randomly get. But I wash my hair and Deep Condition (let it sit for at least 30 minutes) once or sometimes twice a week. Do you think that's too much? Right now I am using coconut oil, tea tree oil, olive oil hair grease and africas best ultimate herbal oil. Im also trying to stay away from shampoo and conditioner with sulfates....im assuming that im at least doing the right thing in that aspect lmao
I'm not able to right now but when I get a chance I will post some things.

Most of what you are doing is for the hair. I would recommend spritzing the scalp with something soothing twice a day. I will post it when I find it. And you want a good oil with a castor oil base with essential oils like rosemary lavender peppermint. After you spritz massage the scalp with a little oil.

Its the scalp you need to focus on right now versus focusing on the hair which is what your current regimen does.
I’m sorry that you’re having this concern, but cheer up there are many LCHF Sisters who can assist you.

I noticed that my crown sweats more when I put a scarf over it, at night. Now, I fold the scarf, which creates an opening, at the crown & will allow some air to get to it.

Best of luck to you!
I'd visit a trichologist vs a dermatologist. A trichologist specialises in hair and skin health, so they would better be able to diagnose and treat the problem.

Also take a look at your overall health and diet. That can also be a cause for excessively shedding hair.
Oh wow, thanks everyone. I am starting to have a little hope again with all your comments lol. I will start to focus on my scalp and use the correct oils. I have always had this little bit of determination in getting my hair back. I never really fully believed I was just balding because of the timing it happened and how my hair looks and behaves in its current condition. If everyone could please post the products that you were referring to, that would be really helpful. If anyone else has any input I am still all ears :)
To keep it simple visit Sally's. Later you can make your own oils and sprays if you want. I like making my oil because I can increase the amount of essential oils in it. You can start with any base of oil and add more essential oils if you want.

Mane Choice has some good products


I know there are some products for follicle stimulation too. I haven't used any but you can ask in the store and they can point you in the right direction.

You can get bentonite clay from Vitamin Shoppe or buy it online.
@Alexander4520 Good News!! The same thing happened to me and my scalp and hair have recovered to their former lush glory.

In my case it was an evil stylist. To make it short: Chemical deliberately not rinsed out fully----MAJOR shedding--->scalp sensitivity--->hair would grow and shed, grow and shed, grow and shed etc.---> To hide this section I would cover it, but then since I am active, sweating would exacerbate the problem---->inflammed scalp--->cycle continued---> for a YEAR or two?...UNTIL

1) I stopped covering it so scalp could get air.
2) Used this relatively inexpensive product ( have to post name later cuz don't remember even though it is now one of my staples).

My hair is now super lush in that area. Don't have inflammed scalp.
While the chemicals may not be still be on your scalp per say, the damage was done to the follicles. If your hair is still growing, but shedding then I am sure you can fix it like I did. I don't know science behind it, just that the same happened to me and my scalp and hair recovered. :toocool:

Can you please post the product that you were referring to? :)