Overprocessed hair - Please Help!

Hi ladies,

Well, I think I have a patch of hair that has been overprocessed. I tried a new relaxer and it didn't take well. So, I went back to have my hairdresser do a corrective relaxer on the part that didn't relax well (2 weeks after the initial touch-up) but I think she kept the relaxer on too long and now I'm pretty sure it's overprocessed - it's dry, still feels un-relaxed, rough, and was breaking before I applied some Dudley DRC-28.

Are these the correct signs for overprocessed hair? Also, what do I do for my next relaxer? It's a section in the back of my hair but the rest of my hair is fine. Should I not relax that part of my hair and wait for it to grow out? I'm a very coarse 4a/b so what do I do in the mean time with the nappiness? Do I need to trim? If so, does that mean I need to trim all of my hair (and hence, keep me from continuing with my growth goals until the overprocessed part is all gone)?

I've gotten suggestions to moisturize well, minimize heat (I deep condition and airdry weekly but I have to flat iron once a week so that it can look decent - is that okay?), and just work to keep the protein/moisture balance to prevent breakage. Anything else?

I'd really appreciate your help. TIA
If it is overprocessed, the section will be VERY straight, dull, lifeless and limp at least that's what my overprocessed hair felt like, but I'm sure others will chime in here). Since only one area is like this, I would baby it with your DRC treatments before deep conditioning, and focusing on moisturizing that area during the week.

I too have a weak section (in the back, it's underprocessed, rough, frizzy). I just have to pay extra attention back there, because I'm too scared to do a corrective on the middle of a strand.

Oh, yea, and cut down on heat as much as possible. I had severely overprocessed hair in 2004, and stretching and cutting back heat helped a lot. I had to get used to curly rollersets, which I really like now.

Hope that helps!
Hmmmm...okay so it would be straight if it was overprocessed? Would everyone else agree? Yeah, well, maybe it's not overprocessed then - maybe it's still just underprocessed and I need to run far away from this relaxer (used Designer Touch Lye in Regular Strength - I posted in another thread about it.) I tell you, finding the right relaxer is the worst! (I'm frustrated! Can you tell?)

Another thing that's coming to mind is that I did have some underprocessed parts from my previous no-lye experience. I wonder if some of the roughness I'm feeling is this section growing out (I was in braids for a bit). <Sigh>

Thanks for your responses. I really appreciate it. I'm going to chill out on the flat ironing this week and the next few weeks and just bun it and moisturize like crazy.

I'm thinking about trying the Super strength. Assuming it's just underprocessed, do you think this is a good idea or should I just try another relaxer? Remember the sides and edges relaxed fine (the 4a part - it's the 4b that's giving me this headache).
I would say leave it alone for a while and try to find another relaxer. If it's underprocessed you're eventually going to need a corrective relaxer to get it all relaxed properly. When did you last relax? My hair dresser made me wait another whole six weeks when the relaxer didn't take. She just squeezed (is that a word?) with the marcel iron as she curled my wrap. Later on she went back and did a corrective. You have to be careful going back and rerelaxing previously relaxed sections because you could cause more damage. She said she took a chance on my hair and it turned out alright. Now of course she didn't tell me this until after she did it. I'm glad I didn't lose any hair. HTH...
bmoreflyygirl said:
When did you last relax?

I had the initial touch-up done on 7/15 (5 and a half weeks ago) and the "corrective" that didn't work done on 7/29 (3 and a half weeks ago). I'm planning to get my next touch up around 9/14 (approx. at the 8 week mark from the initial touch-up) due to a wedding I'm going to.

bmoreflyygirl said:
You have to be careful going back and rerelaxing previously relaxed sections because you could cause more damage.

Yeah, I know. I feel like I probably should've just waited before I went back on 7/29. I may not have the hairdresser relax that bad part until the following relaxer in which I'll try another corrective. I don't know. I'll have her evaluate it and see what she thinks, too. (I'm going to find another hairdresser, too! I don't think this one I have knows what she's doing all the way.) :ohwell:

Thanks. If there's anyone else with any more tips/suggestions, please send them my way.
Welcome to the board CaramelTreat! Glad you decided to join us. Sorry about your breakage. I don't know what to tell ya but the same ole same ole.... moisturize and deep condition. Do you have a pic of the breakage spot in your fotki? Maybe it'll help if we could see it. Oh BTW it's me Quenquen:)
Hey Quenquen...err...I mean gorgeoushair!!! :look: Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, I've been lurking forever. I figured I'd take the plunge when they took away the search feature as a free tool. Guess they knew what to do to reel me in... :smirk: :)

No, I don't have a picture. I've been so behind in updating my pictures, it's ridiculous. I'll see if I can snap one or two sometime. I'm really thinking it's just underprocessed now. I did a CO-wash the other night and just let it airdry and bunned it. I've been examining it and it's just really kinky and dry. :look:

I'll keep chuggin', though. I've got to....what else can I do? I've come too far just to give up now.

Talk to ya' soon!
Yeah, maybe you should just leave it alone (as far as the relaxing goes) for now. DCing will definitely help. Have you thought about a protein treatment?
Hey bmoreflyygirl,

Thanks for the tips. Yeah, I was using Dudley DRC as my protein treatment. Worked like a charm. I cut out the heat for a few weeks and focused on moisturizing and keeping it bunned up, too.

As an update for anyone who may still care, I went to a different hairdresser and got a touch up on 9/7. I did what I said I was going to do in the Designer Touch thread (I'll find it - used the same DT in Regular, using the Post Perm Treatment this time). She did an awesome job and got ALL of my hair STRAIGHT! She worked it in a lot better than the previous lady (who put it in, worked it a little and then just let it sit) and it came out great. I told her about and showed her what happened previously and she examined and relaxed the new growth in addition to the thick underprocessed parts and it's been doing well. No breakage or anything and nice and silky.

So, I think it was a case of the first hairdresser not know how to apply a relaxer. Maybe the PPT had something to do with it, too. Not sure. But, I know this - as of right now, I'm sticking with the latest hairdresser (whom I've trused with my touch-ups in the past) and I'm sticking with the DT in regular strength for a little while since I know it will indeed straighten my hair when applied properly.

Thanks for all of your help, ladies!
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