Overprocessed Hair/ Burns


New Member
How do you know when your hair is overprocessed? I want to know this b/c my hair is like very straight and kinds dryish feeling (but not ridiculously dry). I was forced to self relax due to financial conditions. It looks okay except it's either very straight or my hair thinned out in the front. Also it seems dryer than usual. I don't know if this is b/c it's overprocessed or it's just dry and i need to rebuild the moisture (b/c actually it was dry before) that's actually why i self-relaxed b/c of the dryness and the breakage due to underprocessing and new growth (too many textures. So my question is how do you know when your hair is overprocessed and also if you have a burn that's not really on the scalp but at the root of the hair will that ever go away or is that patch of hair just going to fall out?
How do you know when your hair is overprocessed?

Extremely dry hair that is breaking.

...if you have a burn that's not really on the scalp but at the root of the hair will that ever go away or is that patch of hair just going to fall out?

Depending on the severity of the burn, the hair may fall out. Keep the area very moisturized.
see it's not extremely dry and it's actually stopped breaking off in the comb and scrunchie and stuff since i touched it up/ did a corrective (it was underprocessed previously). it's just sooo straight nad feels strange...kinda like you know when something is squeaky clean and when it's wet i can see my scalp. it may be thinning also. recently i had a mishap with too tight cornrows!! i so don't know...this hair stuff is new and confusing!!!!!....thank you btw...i see you live in upstate ny too. are you nearby? i live in malone, ny and thanks for replying to me!!!!!!

any more replies are welcome....or bump bump...lol
maybe its not that one particular time that you relaxed thats the problem. maybe you do it too often or are using too strong a relaxer. i say this because i know that when you do it too often the hair will then. also how soon after you got the relaxer did you get braids. if it was too soon then that was too much manipulation, damage to the hair. JMO
I don't know how badly the area is burnt...

But when I have burnt my scalp, sensitive the day of relaxing and a scab the next day or two, I will wash my hair again with neutralizer and then deep condition. I also will put Kemi Oyl on my scalp the day off relaxing and after the second wash.
maybe its not that one particular time that you relaxed thats the problem. maybe you do it too often or are using too strong a relaxer. i say this because i know that when you do it too often the hair will then. also how soon after you got the relaxer did you get braids. if it was too soon then that was too much manipulation, damage to the hair. JMO

Um It has been about 12 weeks, I relax pretty much every 12 weeks. Also I used regular, b/c the mild was underprocessing my hair. I think I will try to leave the regular on for only 15 minutes nxt time though (I left it on for 20 per the box)
How do you know when your hair is overprocessed? I want to know this b/c my hair is like very straight and kinds dryish feeling (but not ridiculously dry). I was forced to self relax due to financial conditions. It looks okay except it's either very straight or my hair thinned out in the front. Also it seems dryer than usual. I don't know if this is b/c it's overprocessed or it's just dry and i need to rebuild the moisture (b/c actually it was dry before) that's actually why i self-relaxed b/c of the dryness and the breakage due to underprocessing and new growth (too many textures. So my question is how do you know when your hair is overprocessed and also if you have a burn that's not really on the scalp but at the root of the hair will that ever go away or is that patch of hair just going to fall out?
relaxers dry the hair.but the ones that i know of from people with healthy hair that use them,use the lye ones.................