Overly porous or not porous enough?


New Member
Can you remind me please? I realize that when I spray my new growth (7 months post) that the spray literally rolls off my hair, onto my scalp and pours out from all directions. I have to try to massage extensively to get it to soak up a little. I believe that this is the reason my hair becomes dry so quicklytoo. It also takes awhile for it to become sopping wet, whereas my relaxed ends do so quickly. Is my hair overly porous or not porous enough? tia!
Um, I'm not sure about your porosity, but my hair does that now. It's all natural. It used to shock me while transitioning that my relaxed hair would be wet as soon as the water hit, but my natural hair needed "convincing".

Sounds like normal hair to me. Either that or both of our hair is abnormal, in which case I'll pay closer attention.

For a good porosity test I mostly do the stuff listed here
Oh my god! I thought this was only me this happened to. My relaxed hair SOAKS up water likes nobody's business, but my new growth is a little subborn.
I don't think its a product that's blocking out the moisture. My moisturizer is avj/glycerin/water mix , except for the day of my wash when I use NTM leave in. Aside from that, i'll occassionally use coconut oil.
Can you remind me please? I realize that when I spray my new growth (7 months post) that the spray literally rolls off my hair, onto my scalp and pours out from all directions. I have to try to massage extensively to get it to soak up a little. I believe that this is the reason my hair becomes dry so quicklytoo. It also takes awhile for it to become sopping wet, whereas my relaxed ends do so quickly. Is my hair overly porous or not porous enough? tia!

This link might help:

Does your hair resist coloring/relaxers too?

"Low or "poor porosity" refers to hair that does not readily absorb moisture and resists chemical treatments. Poor porosity is not exactly a problem that should cause you great concern. It is, however, ideal to have hairhair with good porosity that retains moisture well and accepts chemical treatments."

From the article I think sistaslick wrote... thanks for posting livesoundtech.

My hair naturally has low porosity. It is extremely strong and can withstand a lot of chemical abuse (the hair that you see in my siggy/avvie has been processed for 20 minutes with a super strength relaxer), however getting moisture into it can be a challenge.

The good thing is, it also doesn't lose moisture once it gets in there. So once you learn how to deal with your hair, you will not have any type of dryness problem. Hair that has low porosity is not necessarily damaged, breaking, dull or anything like that... I personally feel that it's genetic. My hair has always been like this.

Deep conditioning with heat is the number one thing for me once a week, twice is better. The heat really helps get that conditioner to penetrate. Also, getting water onto/into my hair daily is a must. I wet my hair 2x daily and apply leave in and oil every single day.

I've asked how to "fix" it numerous times, but there IS no fix for it. It's just how my hair is. It's not a result of damage.