Overcoming Gluttony...


New Member
The sin of gluttony haunts me! Food has consumed much of my time and money!

Today I have made up my mind to LET IT GO! I know that all of that time I spend eating, I could be spending with my Father.

Has anyone overcome the sin of gluttony?
for me, I find that gluttony ends up being about my refusing to say no to myself. Reminding myself that I don't need to have whatever I want when I want, just because I feel like it at the time has been helpful.
Bronx, usually a cool hard look at your physique in the mirror is enough for me to back away from overeating, so I would recommend that! LOL

Seriously, your pic looks normal, so how much are you consuming and what is the root of your problem? The excessive eating is just a symptom of something gone awry in your personal life.

Eating disorders (overeating, anorexia and bulimia) are not easily solved. The first step is admitting you have a problem, then you have to assess what caused it and then deal with that issue. I would open up to a close family member and friend so that they could hold me accountable for my actions if I find I can't control my own urges.

I used to be overweight and it was due to eating fattening foods excessively and refusing to work out. It took me nearly 5 years to end my chubbiness and resultant depression. I didn't even know I was depressed until I literally forced myself to mentally be accountable for everything I ate and for any physical activity I chose to do.

I wrote in my diary about my goal to lose weight and my reasons were I was tired of feeling ignored, I felt sluggish and I felt like an attractive woman hidden in dough. I knew that my self esteem was being impacted and that I was narrowing my chances of finding a husband eventually, so I changed my life.

If you want to change a habit, take ownership of your problem, tell others so that even if they don't believe you will change, you feel a pressure to live up to your declaration and then live out your goals.

I will always enjoy eating, but I enjoy my energy and new body way too much. It took me five years and 7 years later, I have kept all of my goals.

Until you get fed up with your gluttony, you won't change.

God gives us the power to achieve our goals, but it is up to us to physically use it and win our victories by brute force.
Bronx, usually a cool hard look at your physique in the mirror is enough for me to back away from overeating, so I would recommend that! LOL

Seriously, your pic looks normal, so how much are you consuming and what is the root of your problem? The excessive eating is just a symptom of something gone awry in your personal life.

Eating disorders (overeating, anorexia and bulimia) are not easily solved. The first step is admitting you have a problem, then you have to assess what caused it and then deal with that issue. I would open up to a close family member and friend so that they could hold me accountable for my actions if I find I can't control my own urges.

I used to be overweight and it was due to eating fattening foods excessively and refusing to work out. It took me nearly 5 years to end my chubbiness and resultant depression. I didn't even know I was depressed until I literally forced myself to mentally be accountable for everything I ate and for any physical activity I chose to do.

I wrote in my diary about my goal to lose weight and my reasons were I was tired of feeling ignored, I felt sluggish and I felt like an attractive woman hidden in dough. I knew that my self esteem was being impacted and that I was narrowing my chances of finding a husband eventually, so I changed my life.

If you want to change a habit, take ownership of your problem, tell others so that even if they don't believe you will change, you feel a pressure to live up to your declaration and then live out your goals.

I will always enjoy eating, but I enjoy my energy and new body way too much. It took me five years and 7 years later, I have kept all of my goals.

Until you get fed up with your gluttony, you won't change.

God gives us the power to achieve our goals, but it is up to us to physically use it and win our victories by brute force.

Though I am not overweight, I am struggling with high blood pressure because I can't say no to a lot of foods. Thank you for helping me to be honest and hold myself accountable for my health. I know this is not God's will for me, but I just lack the self control to do better. It's good to know I am not the only one falling or have fallen short in this area!! What's even better, is the fact that you guys OVERCAME this challenge!!! Thanks!!
Don't know if this helps, but get the book "More of Jesus, Less of Me". Maybe it will help. Although it is really a weight loss book, the author was a true glutton if I ever did hear of one. She overcame the madness and shares her journey and tips in the book. It's also quite funny, and you can get for as little as a penny.
This is something that has a hold on so many. You are not the only one with this challenge. I'm glad you call it what it is, gluttony.

I just purchased a book that deals with controlling your thoughts and the power of the mind to change your life. "Think and Make it Happen," The breakthrough program for conquering anxiety, overcoming negative thoughts and discovering your true potential, by Dr. Augusto Cury.

I think this is the key to overcome any challenge that we face - harnessing our thought life.


The example for us to follow in this book is ------> Jesus.
The sin of gluttony haunts me! Food has consumed much of my time and money!

Today I have made up my mind to LET IT GO! I know that all of that time I spend eating, I could be spending with my Father.

Has anyone overcome the sin of gluttony?

I wish. and we are >>>here<<< I am tired of it, but haven't been able to stop. I know what to do, but it is as though i just can't.

Are you easily bored? I find being bored encourages me to eat too much at times.

boredom, as well as high stress contribute to my own over-eating. I'll even over eat healthy foods and that leaves me feeling like its not THAT bad, but in reality it is what it is.

for me, I find that gluttony ends up being about my refusing to say no to myself. Reminding myself that I don't need to have whatever I want when I want, just because I feel like it at the time has been helpful.

THAT'S ME!!!!! I've even been told that by a friend. She reminded me that my flesh is out of control when it comes to eating and that lack of control can/does leak over into other areas of life if you don't stop it.
How do you say no to yourself. I have a hard time. its like if it's there, i cant say no.

For me it has been listening to messages on and praying for discipline and self-control.:yep: Forcing myself to write down what I ate and spent on food on a daily basis so that I could see it in black and white.:eek: Time.


Thanks for the link. I've been praying for discipline and self control for a while now and it seems that is something that God wont just give you in an instant, but you have to come into it on your own. its so hard.

This is something that has a hold on so many. You are not the only one with this challenge. I'm glad you call it what it is, gluttony.

I just purchased a book that deals with controlling your thoughts and the power of the mind to change your life. "Think and Make it Happen," The breakthrough program for conquering anxiety, overcoming negative thoughts and discovering your true potential, by Dr. Augusto Cury.

I think this is the key to overcome any challenge that we face - harnessing our thought life.


The example for us to follow in this book is ------> Jesus.

Hmmm, maybe after my current 50-11 textbooks i'll have to look into this book. Lord knows I need help on this issue, and short of sending myself to food rehab(if there is such a thing) I am at a loss.
I wish. and we are >>>here<<< I am tired of it, but haven't been able to stop. I know what to do, but it is as though i just can't.

I understand where you're coming from, I have struggled with what seemed to be uncontrollable urges in my life and I'm not all the way there yet but thank God for helping me to overcome quite a bit.

First some natural tips for gluttony:

Is your over-eating triggered by certain feelings? Do you eat as an escape, out of boredom or loneliness? Once you identify what state of mind triggers the habit, it's easier to redirect that energy into more positive activities.

Also, one thing that helps me to overcome gluttony is to meditate on the vision I have for my life, including the kind of body and health I want to maintain. Remember 5-15 minutes of tastebud bliss just doesn't justify the consequences.

A good tip I read was when you feel an urge to do something self-destructive simply put it off a few times, say "I'll do it later." Often the feeling loses its importance when not fulfilled immediately.
Thanks for the link. I've been praying for discipline and self control for a while now and it seems that is something that God wont just give you in an instant, but you have to come into it on your own. its so hard.

Now on to the spiritual:

Oftentimes we are asking God to give us something He's already placed on the inside of us.

2 Peter 1:2,3 - Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,
as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue..

God has given us everything we need for victory in this life through the Holy Spirit within, but we cannot access that victory without knowledge of God's nature and the workings of His kingdom. We acquire knowledge of God primarily through His Word.

The Word says that the fruit, or natural result of the life of the Spirit at work within you includes self-control:

Galations 5:22 - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control...

How do we cultivate this spiritual fruit? Primarily by abiding in Christ - According to Jesus:

John 15:4,5,7
4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will[b] ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

Abiding means to dwell in, to remain in, or to settle down in. Jesus also noted specifically that His words must abide in us. On a practical level we abide in Christ by continually being in communion with Him through prayer and the Word on a daily basis. Just as natural branches wither without life from the vine, so we too must seek out continual life from God's Spirit by communing with Him.

So then, knowing that the Word is a living and active force within our lives and hearts and that the Spirit gives us the power to overcome and live in excellence, we must now act out of faith in God's divine power to conquer our challenges. You cannot wait until you no longer feel gluttonous to take action and say "no" to your urges. Your flesh by nature will always want the opposite of what your spirit wants:

Galatians 5:16-17
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.

We are commanded to walk in the Spirit knowing that the flesh will always be at war with the Spirit. It is up to us to strengthen the voice of our spirits within through prayer, the Word, singing spiritual songs, etc. so that we can crucify the flesh.

Galatians 5:24-25
24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

So you can now act out of hope and faith since you now know that the power of self-control is already within you, you just have to cultivate and release that power through communion with God and meditating on His Word. Our fleshly challenges don't define our identity, don't let slip-ups depress you, God gives us abundant grace to get back up and try again and after a while you'll be surprised at how much you've changed.

Remember that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (God provides divine power but our actions have to be part of the equation) -
The power of life and death is in your tongue, declare that gluttony does not have power over you and that you can and will overcome this challenge by the power of the Holy Spirit!
Thanks Raspberry. Everything you said is confirmation. We have been studying this in my class in the past week. It is in me. I'm claiming it. I have to do better. no excuses.