Overcome balding patches and Edges.


New Member
I know there have been alot of posts about balding edges or patchy hairloss, but I wanted to start one thread that is like a challenge. This is not like the thinning edge challenge that is already out. This is for people who had to go to the doctor, are on steroid creams, injections or antibiotics. If itchy scalp with bumps is your problem then lets share ideas about overcoming this.
What is your story on balding? Has anything worked for you? what steps have you taken towards stopping the hair loss? What causes your inflammations when you notice them. What are trying currently?

Me, my hairline was full and natural 4a/b until one patch fell out after getting a type of sweet itch.
I am on steroid cream. It worked for the first patch. but now i have 3 other balding spots. One in the crown, and two on the right side.
Steps I have taken - Visited the md and am in perfect condition so I have decided to fight it my own way.
I will do a detox (Colonix and toxinout) for 30 days,
I have started my vitamins gnc hair and nails, epo, omega 3 6 9 msm, vitamin c and nioxin, morning and night.

I mixed mtg and castor oil with lavender and tea trea oil which I apply after applying the steroid. I have begun seeing hair.

surprisingly, my flare ups that come with the red bump only happen when I use surge 14. I have nixed it. havent had a flare up since. I havent had an itch since I started using the mtg.

Anyone interested in doing this together?
I'll joint the challenge. My hairloss is in the crown. I had a bald spot that is the size of a 50 cent piece(actually a little bigger). I have followed vickid's advise and started getting scalp peels to help the hair grow back. I also put tea tree oil, and an essential oil mixture I made (from one of the members of this site) and nioxin follicle booster. I also take vitamins..msm,hair skin and nail, iron, biotin. I just started 2 weeks ago. I don't see any growth yet but it is too soon to tell. I was thinking about going to see a dermatologist to get some meds but i really want to see if my own approach will work.
Go to biokorium.com and click on haircare. It will tell you how they do scalp peels and scrubs. This is my 2nd week. I see no hairgrowth as of yet but my existing hair does feel thicker.
I dealt with my bald spots through patience and babying. While they have filled in substantially over the past year (in my temple area) it's nowhere NEAR as long as the rest of my hair. I'm just glad it's growing back as I was afraid I'd have a receding hairline for the rest of my life.

I oil and deep condition my hair on a regular schedule, it's almost to the point where my hair will "rebel" if I'm late on something. Keeping the once balded spots moisturized and strenghthened will definitely help the hair return if it can.

I'm currently using MTG for my edges and so far I like the results. My hair is thicker in that area and I was even able to put the hairs on both sides in a little twist, something I couldn't do before.

I'm also keeping my hair in protective styles until next summer or fall. I'm sure that may be helping my hair line as well.
zailless said:
I know there have been alot of posts about balding edges or patchy hairloss, but I wanted to start one thread that is like a challenge. This is not like the thinning edge challenge that is already out. This is for people who had to go to the doctor, are on steroid creams, injections or antibiotics. If itchy scalp with bumps is your problem then lets share ideas about overcoming this.
What is your story on balding? Has anything worked for you? what steps have you taken towards stopping the hair loss? What causes your inflammations when you notice them. What are trying currently?

Me, my hairline was full and natural 4a/b until one patch fell out after getting a type of sweet itch.
I am on steroid cream. It worked for the first patch. but now i have 3 other balding spots. One in the crown, and two on the right side.
Steps I have taken - Visited the md and am in perfect condition so I have decided to fight it my own way.
I will do a detox (Colonix and toxinout) for 30 days,
I have started my vitamins gnc hair and nails, epo, omega 3 6 9 msm, vitamin c and nioxin, morning and night.

I mixed mtg and castor oil with lavender and tea trea oil which I apply after applying the steroid. I have begun seeing hair.

surprisingly, my flare ups that come with the red bump only happen when I use surge 14. I have nixed it. havent had a flare up since. I havent had an itch since I started using the mtg.

Anyone interested in doing this together?
I am so intrested. I have a patch on my right temple that just fell out! I mean like over night or something, I have tried to figure out what happeded and i have no idea. I have to get blood work drawn this week, get the results back and go from there. The doctor mentioned shots, and a possible scalp biopsy :eek: One minute I think hormones, the next ..perhaps the wig I wore one day rubbed the spo, but that doesn't make sense. I don't know what to think. My doc gave me cream to use, and Rogaine in the mean time. Based on what I have read on the board I am afraid of the Rogain.

I just found this thread through a search and I am going to read through the responses. I feel like I need to just be still because I feel like I am on information overload. I need to get the test results back before I can narrow down the cause, and then find a treatment. Taking care of myself, eating right, getting enough rest, avoiding stress is always good advice for me to follow.

I'd like to hear from people who have successfully completed a cleanse. Were there any tangible benefits / results ??
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I use a prescription antifungal and seperate cortisone (sp) cream and have seen modest results for my bald spots. However, the .... it's a work in progress. :(

Someone once said here "LISTEN TO YOUR SCALP!!" This is so true. For years my scalp protested one thing or another and then one day. I had major bald spots. :eek: :confused: Luckily I wised up in time.

No more braids!
No more cornrows!
Always oil scalp! (not everyday but pay attention to dry scalp issues)
Pay attention to bumps or irritation/flakes!
Pay attention to thinning!

When in doubt. Do to the doc. (especially if you pay for insurance!) This has worked for me.
Fran said:
I use a prescription antifungal and seperate cortisone (sp) cream and have seen modest results for my bald spots. However, the .... it's a work in progress. :(

Someone once said here "LISTEN TO YOUR SCALP!!" This is so true. For years my scalp protested one thing or another and then one day. I had major bald spots. :eek: :confused: Luckily I wised up in time.

No more braids!
No more cornrows!
Always oil scalp! (not everyday but pay attention to dry scalp issues)
Pay attention to bumps or irritation/flakes!
Pay attention to thinning!

When in doubt. Do to the doc. (especially if you pay for insurance!) This has worked for me.

Thanks for posting. My bald areas are growing back. You have to listen to your scalp. you cant just use everything. First I used cortisone. then I stopped and started using castor oil and mtg. then i realized that, since the cortisone thinned the scalp, that i would need something to nourish the follicles and at the same time renew the skin. I added ors temple balm, and dr miracles. I didnt need both, but ors is not stimulating as much as it used to. But I figure it can still nourish the roots. The hair is coming in thick at my hair line. but i am on an overdose of biotin and other hair vitamins. My hairline is growing and i am excited. i am glad i was so determined with everything. i will definitely post a pic when i feel my results are complete.
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I had pp shedding that made my edges look horrible. I mtg'ed and everything is a-ok!

(what in the world is a 'sweet' itch?)
What's MTG? My hair is about 2 - 3 inches down my back, and it's getting back to its usual thickness but my edges ALL around my head are a mess. What are some things for edges?
I have large spost in the back of my head. I have just started a new regiman. Not perfected yet. My hair grows but seems not to in the bakc and a few spots on top.

I am trying something. I'll let you all know.
I tried black castor oil on my edges and it's been working wonderfully. I even grew more hair (weird) where my "baby" hair is. My side burns are no joke....
I treat my edges like fine silk, no tight ponytails and plenty of moisture and stimulating products.

I also started a thread. I may bump it later on.
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
I tried black castor oil on my edges and it's been working wonderfully. I even grew more hair (weird) where my "baby" hair is. My side burns are no joke....

I have some Jamaican black castor oil. I have not been faithful with it. I think I will try these next few months.

i was diagnosed with alopecia aerata (i first posted about imy experiences w/it @ NP in their Alopecia & Hair Loss forums). my derm said it was due to post traumatic stress i experienced in late November.

i had severe itching followed by constant, merciless hair shedding, sometimes the area actually burned. it got to the point that everytime i felt that itch i knew i'd lose clumps of hair.

no bumps but the spot would turn extremely pink during the itching phases.
i was prescribed 2 different steriod meds - one was in the prednisone family and was an ointment. the other was a foam - i can't remember the name of it and i'm at work now but can look it up once i get home.

i want to say i had the most success with the foam but i don't know if the alopecia simply ran its' course or the med helped. it did stop that infernal itching though.

i think if i hadn't had any progress that last derm appointment, my next step would have been the injections.

it took a good 6-7 months before i actually grew real hair (not the peach fuzz stuff).

i also tried essential oils (rosemary, lavender, etc), but they didn't work for me at all.

i'd suggest anyone having severe shedding, balding or patchy hair loss to see a dermatologist asap. if you can't get an appointment right away i'd ask them if it would hurt to try some of the home remedies like essential oils, monoxidil, etc.

the hair loss may be as simple as traction alopecia or complicated as in a symptom of a serious disease.

also, be extremely careful the use of essential oils...some of them such as rosemary can cause a rise in blood pressure or be hazardous to a pregnancy.
I have learned that products we are using can cause hair loss. The first time I noticed this was when I was using surge and I lost a patch of hair. I had red thick bumps. I stopped using surge and focussed on castor oil. I started using miracle go 2 weeks ago. my bald spots are about half inch long in growth. Today I woke up with a thick bump in the recovering area. I stopped using the miracle gro oil and went back to castor oil Some products can irritate our scalp. I think in a few months I will be able to post pictures of my recovery. The hair is growing from fuzz to black strong strands. good luck to everyone else.