Ovation News!


Well-Known Member
I sent an e-mail to Ovation a couple of days ago asking for a discount for LHCF.

The first letter received basically said, "No, We give you a discount on your first order."

I wrote back:

"We are looking for a long-term discount for LHCF customers. I know we are already referring many new customers to your site and other groups reference our site for the latest and best hair product information. We are also the second or third hit in a Google search. Respectfully, I would say that our product reviews on Ovation are likely just as convincing as yours, if not more so, since we are unbiased users.

We have successfully negotiated discounts from other vendors so we are hoping that you value our business as well."​
Today, I received a nice reply for the president of Ovation (Dallas Van Kempen) or perhaps a representative on his behalf.

"Thank you for your email and your support of our products. I wanted to respond personally because LHCF has been an unexpected source of so much interest in our product line. I am so very happy that you and your fellow forum members have seen such great success from using our products. We want you and all DC Labs clients to look and feel your best.

We have provided the opportunity to receive a 10% discount on your first purchase, by answering a very short survey. Most of the LHCF users have taken advantage of this discount, and some, through an error in our system have received it more than once. Instead of charging them for an erroneous discount, we’ve let them pass, in appreciation for the business. We are not able at the moment to offer an additional discount to LHCF members, even though I would like to, because of the limitations of our system. That is an issue that we are addressing and I think it would not be unreasonable to reward LHCF members for their loyalty in the future when we are able to do so.

We are in the process of creating a membership program that will include free shipping, which will on average save about 10%, plus credits towards redemption of free Ovation products. The LHCF members will be the first to receive the email announcement. Look for it in your inbox soon.

We have also set up a toll-free phone number for you and our other clients to record feedback via voicemail. We would love to hear some of the success stories in the members’ own words. The number is: (888) 580-3332."​
Thank you for the great feedback from the company. It make sense they have to make revisions to their site to offer the discount. :thumbsup:
The power of an email. Thanks so much for posting this. Ive just started and will post progress pictures at the end of May. HHG!
Way to go girl......I am slowly jumping on this bandwagon, I am not there yet though. Thanks for getting this started.
Not to be a skeptic or anything but that second response sounds like more of the same old "we're looking into it" that they gave previously. I really hope they come through this time. :ohwell:
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:up:Thanks Jrae, I hope this discount happens soon or at least by the time I start to run out of OCT.

Yeah, me, too. I just bought my second bottle of CT and now I see I need more creme rinse. When I realized the discount was only good on the first purchase... :blush:

I like the membership idea! I think we should use this thread to communicate to them our reasonable ideas and suggestions for discounts. Just any case anyone is watching. :look:
I hope it works out if not I am done. I spent 65 dollars on my recent order from them and I was not expecting to spend that much the bill was actually 70.58 and I had to fight that as well. Its way to expensive. they got to be kidding if they think we are going to continue paying these crazy prices for goop and not buy food. I mean really. We all got to eat and if it came down to it we will eat first and think about the hair business later. Atleast thats my opinion. My hair is going to grow regardless. so I can take it or leave it.
I hope it works out if not I am done. I spent 65 dollars on my recent order from them and I was not expecting to spend that much the bill was actually 70.58 and I had to fight that as well. Its way to expensive. they got to be kidding if they think we are going to continue paying these crazy prices for goop and not buy food. I mean really. We all got to eat and if it came down to it we will eat first and think about the hair business later. Atleast thats my opinion. My hair is going to grow regardless. so I can take it or leave it.

Hey Trudy, I feel you, but this company can't decide for you what you can and cannot afford. They are in the business to make money.

Do I wish it was less expensive, YES. However, it is an amazing product (for me my hair has never looked and felt so good) and it's worth the money in my opinion. I don't think that I will discontinue using it if I don't get a discount (I've ordered 3x so far and getting ready to place another!)
OY! :look: Does DC Labs know this? Of course! They understand that their price-point is not for everyone, but the clients who want to afford it will make a way and continue to buy it.

I do think they will offer something, eventually, but it won't hurt them if they don't because the product works.

Many of the ladies are using the Mega-Tek Rebuilder and related shampoo & creme rinse because it's not expensive. Perhaps this will meet your needs; the ladies are adding castor oil and SAA to make the Mega-Tek less drying and they are receiving good results. Try it!
I was one of the ones who somehow got the 10% discount with my second order. Oh well! Since I bought the three pack of the big sizes, I DESERVED that discount! :lachen:

Free shipping in the future would be nice..
I was one of the ones who somehow got the 10% discount with my second order. Oh well! Since I bought the three pack of the big sizes, I DESERVED that discount! :lachen:

Free shipping in the future would be nice..

Well, good for you! You were the one who caused me to check it out when you were praising it over on the Makeup Forum. So they got another customer out of your extra discount. :giggle:
I sent an e-mail to Ovation a couple of days ago asking for a discount for LHCF.

The first letter received basically said, "No, We give you a discount on your first order."

I wrote back:

"We are looking for a long-term discount for LHCF customers. I know we are already referring many new customers to your site and other groups reference our site for the latest and best hair product information. We are also the second or third hit in a Google search. Respectfully, I would say that our product reviews on Ovation are likely just as convincing as yours, if not more so, since we are unbiased users.​

We have successfully negotiated discounts from other vendors so we are hoping that you value our business as well."​
Today, I received a nice reply for the president of Ovation (Dallas Van Kempen) or perhaps a representative on his behalf.

"Thank you for your email and your support of our products. I wanted to respond personally because LHCF has been an unexpected source of so much interest in our product line. I am so very happy that you and your fellow forum members have seen such great success from using our products. We want you and all DC Labs clients to look and feel your best.​

We have provided the opportunity to receive a 10% discount on your first purchase, by answering a very short survey. Most of the LHCF users have taken advantage of this discount, and some, through an error in our system have received it more than once. Instead of charging them for an erroneous discount, we’ve let them pass, in appreciation for the business. We are not able at the moment to offer an additional discount to LHCF members, even though I would like to, because of the limitations of our system. That is an issue that we are addressing and I think it would not be unreasonable to reward LHCF members for their loyalty in the future when we are able to do so.​

We are in the process of creating a membership program that will include free shipping, which will on average save about 10%, plus credits towards redemption of free Ovation products. The LHCF members will be the first to receive the email announcement. Look for it in your inbox soon.

We have also set up a toll-free phone number for you and our other clients to record feedback via voicemail. We would love to hear some of the success stories in the members’ own words. The number is: (888) 580-3332."​
