Ovation/MT question


Well-Known Member
With the problem I seem to have with protien I stop using the MT and I was wondering from everyone that is using both or one of them do they think I will have the same problem with Ovation?? I just wanted to hear another opion before I stick the money out that I don't have. Oh forgot to add that the reason why I am thinking of doing this is because since jan I only have 3.5 inches of hair on my head.
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Hey, what has your regimen been when using mega tek? How long have you been using it for?
Ovation is more expensive so dont rush and buy it if you have had problems with protein. I use mt and to be honest it strengthens my hair but ultimately my hair is growing at its pre determined rate.
I've only used MT so can't compare the two... but what type of problem were you having with MT?

too much protien and then my hair starts breaking. my last bc was in 2002 and for 6 yrs my hair never got back to it's length. I found out that the henna was causing split ends so bad, my hair was growing like crazy but was never getting any longer and I knew it was growing because of the greys that would come in and then I would henna, didn't know henna had protien. so when I started using the MT I remembered that my hair don't like a lot of protien.
Hey, what has your regimen been when using mega tek? How long have you been using it for?
Ovation is more expensive so dont rush and buy it if you have had problems with protein. I use mt and to be honest it strengthens my hair but ultimately my hair is growing at its pre determined rate.

Well I use to use it every night on my scalp. co-wash everyday. That was before my bc in dec 08. I saw growth but that protien did me in. So now I just co-wash everyday and held off on the MT because I tried it again and started noticing the same problem so I stoped.
Did you deep condition after your mt applications and co wash? Def sounds like overload, you will have the same problem with ovation unless you up your moisture to balance. If you do want to incorporate again maybe try using once a week and doing a dc without protein in it. I now use elasta qp dpr11. I used to use olive oil steaming condish soz cant remember brand name. HTH.
I was dc with Banana Brulee from shescentit 2x a week or so with heat during the time that I was using the MT.
I would advise u to only use it on your scalp. If u want to continue to DC with it on your hair... I would suggest u stop using other protein products. I used MT and Ovation with no problems because I only used them on my scalp
I used OCT and never had a problem. However I just used it on my scalp only. What I did like about OCT, it made my NG lay soft. It still gave me the results I was looking for. Im back on it again, cause I have a new bottle. I don't use it on my length, I have no need to. I still co wash, wash, DC and moisturize and seal, as usual with no adverse actions. I aslo mix my OCT with oil, therefore to prevent the harshness I have read about. So far so good.
well I guess I will finish out my MT and then decide if I want to switch. Thank you all.

Let me ask you is 3.5 inches in 8 months good?
well I guess I will finish out my MT and then decide if I want to switch. Thank you all.

Let me ask you is 3.5 inches in 8 months good?

It's very good, not bad at all. The average rate of hair growth is 1/2 inch per month or about 6 inches per year without growth aids. Some people grow faster some slower. Additionally, you have to account for some normal wear and tear (manipulation) loss at the ends. So in 8 months if your hair grows the amount that is average for most people and you lost nothing (not plausable), you would have 4 inches of additional length.
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Thanks GoldenBreeze, I think I have 4" on my head now. I don't think I had a 1/2" on my head when I did my bc in dec 08 oh and then I cut it off again 01/09 because I liked it so much. Now I am letting it grow out but notice it don't grow as fast as it did when I was younger.
Love your hair by the way. How long did it take you to grow it? The reason why I was concerned about mines is when I had length 2002 had a mishap and had to cut it all off. 6 yrs and it never got past little after shoulder length and now this bc.
Thanks. Let's see, I decided to let it grow in 2005, but didn't stop wacking of 1/2 in every other month to keep it at shoulder length until Oct 2006, about 4 months after I first saw this forum. So I guess I'd have to say I started growing it in Oct. 2006, and it was SL when I started. At the beginning of this year it was very close to MBL, and I trimmed 2 1/2 inches plus/or minus. So I guess it took 2+ yrs to go from SL to MBL with some trims in between.

I really don't worry about the time it takes my hair to grow, because I have to take care of it regardless to how much time it takes me to reach my goal.