Ovation/Mega-Tek Users, question for you.


Well-Known Member
Are most of you ladies using Mega-Tek or Ovation for growth?

Anyone get an 1" a month in growth?

Anyone regret this purchase?

Is Egyss the same thing?

Has anyone previously used MN and thinks one of these products works better?

I'm a little confused with it all, but everyone seems so happy.

I want to buy Ovation, but it's kind of pricey.

Unfortunately, I have not received the growth that I expected from a $50 dollar miracle bottle. (OCT).

I did measure my hair and I didn't see any growth. Especially the one inch that I was expecting one month later. I had seven inches when I started end of Febuary, and end of March I had the same seven inches. I'm not sure if I am not retaining my growth, because I do try to keep it in protective styles, so i don't really know what the problem could be. I haven't used heat or any of the other no-no's.

I'm not complaining because I've always been fortunate to have hair on my big ole head, so I don't know about this. I will continue to use it to finish the bottle.

Other ladies are here getting wonderful progress; so if you can afford it, gwan git it. I don't know about the mega tek
Unfortunately, I have not received the growth that I expected from a $50 dollar miracle bottle. (OCT).

I did measure my hair and I didn't see any growth. Especially the one inch that I was expecting one month later. I had seven inches when I started end of Febuary, and end of March I had the same seven inches. I'm not sure if I am not retaining my growth, because I do try to keep it in protective styles, so i don't really know what the problem could be. I haven't used heat or any of the other no-no's.

I'm not complaining because I've always been fortunate to have hair on my big ole head, so I don't know about this. I will continue to use it to finish the bottle.

Other ladies are here getting wonderful progress; so if you can afford it, gwan git it. I don't know about the mega tek

Thanks for replying.
Right now I'm using gro aut oil and MN. This is working for me, but it seems like the Ovation/Mega-Tek is a sure guarantee.

$15 for Gro aut oil is alot better than $55 for Ovation.
Are most of you ladies using Mega-Tek or Ovation for growth?

Anyone get an 1" a month in growth?

Anyone regret this purchase?

Is Egyss the same thing?

Has anyone previously used MN and thinks one of these products works better?

I'm a little confused with it all, but everyone seems so happy.

I want to buy Ovation, but it's kind of pricey.


I'm using Mega-Tek (and if you look on the first post of the challenge thread, you'll see who is using what).

I got about 3/4 of an inch in the first month. Since my hair usually only grows about 1/4 inch a month, I'm well pleased. We'll see if that same growth continues.

Nope, no regrets at all - in fact I brought a couple more bottles.

Eqyss is the parent company - they make Mega-Tek Rebuilder, Rejuvanator, and the Ovation line.

Haven't used MN, so can't comment on that.

I don't buy Ovation precisely BECAUSE of the cost (sista gotta get to work!) The customer service reps has repeatedly said that Mega-Tek and Ovation Cell Therapy (OCT) are virtually the same product, just relabeled and remarketed for exclusively human use. I'm cheap, so I stick with the horse stuff.
I have yet to see results cause I have not straightened my hair in a month but I know I have great new-growth.

I am not dissappointed cause Sareca suggested to wait 90 days to see the full benefits and I am only just past 30.

I think the expectations will grow the longer I use it. I think its like vitamins. It takes a little time to acclimate into your system and then after it does this, whammo, the rest is just sustaining.

It seems like you are unsure (even after the amazing pix from justkiya, dontspeakdefeat, sareca,etc :lachen:) so if I were you I would give us guinea pigs a little more time to show ya and then make your choice. I think you will be pleased. HTH
I have yet to see results cause I have not straightened my hair in a month but I know I have great new-growth.

I am not dissappointed cause Sareca suggested to wait 90 days to see the full benefits and I am only just past 30.

I think the expectations will grow the longer I use it. I think its like vitamins. It takes a little time to acclimate into your system and then after it does this, whammo, the rest is just sustaining.
It seems like you are unsure (even after the amazing pix from justkiya, dontspeakdefeat, sareca,etc :lachen:) so if I were you I would give us guinea pigs a little more time to show ya and then make your choice. I think you will be pleased. HTH

I think you are right. I think alot of growth aids work this way but people tend to quit too early.
I have yet to see results cause I have not straightened my hair in a month but I know I have great new-growth.

I am not dissappointed cause Sareca suggested to wait 90 days to see the full benefits and I am only just past 30.

I think the expectations will grow the longer I use it. I think its like vitamins. It takes a little time to acclimate into your system and then after it does this, whammo, the rest is just sustaining.

It seems like you are unsure (even after the amazing pix from justkiya, dontspeakdefeat, sareca,etc :lachen:) so if I were you I would give us guinea pigs a little more time to show ya and then make your choice. I think you will be pleased. HTH

P.S. I didn't see those amazing pics that were posted. Maybe I need to search them out because pics tend to tell it all.
I've been using the Mega-Tek for just about a month. I have not straightened or measured my hair for progress however it does seem a little longer.

I'm committed to using it for the 90 days, so no regrets in buying the product. Also, I don't want to straightened until the 90 days are up because I don't want to be discouraged if I don't see immediate results.

If you don't want to spend the $56 for Ovation, the Mega-Tek is much cheaper at around $23.99.

I tried MN for 2 days and I couldn't take the headaches, so I stopped. It sounds like your mixture is working well for you.

I'm going to stick it out with Mega-Tek b/c usually I'm all over the place with these products. :spinning:

I sent an email to EQyss customer service and asked them to explain the differences between the Mega-Tek Equine Cell Rebuilder ($ 29.95, 16 oz. ), Mega-Tek Coat Rebuilder ( $ 34.95, 16 oz), & Mega-Tek Rejuvenator ($29.95, 8 oz)... The President of Ovation, sent the following reply instead:

Please view our website below. We no longer recommend Mega-Tek for human use. Ovation is a newer formulation that produces superior results for human hair.

Dallas Van Kempen | President

Ovation | DC Labs
Telephone 888-411-3252 x104
Facsimile 760-599-0808

We are so confident that you will see faster and stronger hair growth with Cell Therapy that we offer a 100% money back guarantee

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Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 11:25 PM
To: Dallas
Subject: EQyss Grooming Products - Question
Importance: High

EQyss Customer Service:

I recently purchased the Mega-Tek Equine Cell Rebuilder and I’m completely happy with the results. However, what is the difference between the Equine Cell Rebuilder (black bottle; blue writing) and the Mega-Tek Coat Rebuilder (black bottle; purple writing)? I also, found a vendor selling a product called Mega-Tek Rejuvenator (black bottle; pink writing). Do you guys offer this product also? If so, then what’s the difference between the Cell Rebuilder (Equine), Coat Rebuilder (Pet) and the Rejuvenator (Human)?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

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I've been using this for less than two weeks. I haven't seen any growth result yet. But my hair breaks like there is no tomorrow. That's why I've had problems retaining length. Since I started using mega-tek on my entire hair, my breakage has been minimal. I will continue using mega-tek just for that.
I think you should just wait and see the results of those of us who have been using it for awhile now.

I can say that my hair has gotten thicker than its ever been before...ever. Since I am natural, I can't say that I have gotten a whole lot of length YET, but I know something is happening. I posted a while back that when I wore my hair straight, my co-workers went nuts that my hair has grown, thicker, etc. I know the stuff is doing something...I'm just going to wait until the 90 days is up before I give a full solid report. That's only fair.

I love my hair though.....love the way it feels and looks.

ETA: Also, I think that you have to be consistent in using it. You can't use it one day a week and say that its not growing (I'm not talking about anyone here in this thread, just making a point). Consistency is the key.
I have been using it for a month now and I had a major trim so I can't tell if its working but my hair is definetly stronger. I can say that if nothing else. I will keep using it for the full 90 days. As for Gro-out I use that on my daughter she has a bald spot that is coming in very well. So I am going to continue using that as I saw results very fast. To be honest I haven't measure my hair it seems so short to me and I figure if it was growing I would see if off the bat but I haven't but its much more healthier then it was and there very little breakage and I am going to keep on using it I am planning on getting more next month.
Thanks for all of your replies.

I'm going to wait the 90 days, but I'll also kick myself in the but if yall start posting all of these great results. I will have missed 90 days!!