Ovation Hair - Advanced Cell Therapy


Any reviews? I have been using the new formula of megatek for the past few weeks with disappointing results. So I am looking for a new growth aid. Please let me know if the new advanced cell therapy is worth trying.

No review from me...but I sure was disappointed when I checked the website and saw that the new, improved formula didn't decrease the price of the original.
The Mega Tek did take a while for it to work, I didn't have any shredding issues, as I mixed my Mega Tek with garlic and olive oil and castor oil, plus lavender essential oil. The ovation did work, I was very pleased with the results, but I used the original one, not the new improved forumla.
It did nothing for me.

After years on this board, I am convinced that it is better to use an internal approach. Therefore, I am consistently taking my supplements along with eating foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, iron, and biotin. Furthermore, I exercise regularly, get proper sleep, and deep condition weekly to get my healthy, long and strong tresses.
Check the Challange thread. A few members have found different mixes to get new MT to give the same results as old school formula. I managed to grab a last bottle of old formula, and it's giving me great growth....but when that runs out, I'm going to use their recipies.