Well-Known Member
Thanks Aggie, so I'm guessing I need to buy the whole line.
Well it's recommended that you do because the whole system works very well together. I don't think it's absolutely necessary though. If you want really good results, then get the premier poo and creme rinse too. I use the rehydrant spray as well as a moisturizer but you can use any other moisturizer you have.
How is your hair doing with the MT, you got new growth? OCT gonna bust my purse wide open if I keep that habit up.
I haven't checked for new growth as yet because my hair came out a little underprocessed when I relaxed it 2 and a half weeks ago after a 5 months relaxer stretch. I have only been using the MT about 2 and a half weeks so far. I haven't had any shedding issues either, I believe because of the garlic poo and treatments. I've seen about 4 or 5 shed hair strands a few times but no more than that.
I have the OCT but I haven't started using that yet. I will though after about 3 months of the MT first. I will do a growth check at about 4 weeks, one at 8 weeks and another one at 12 weeks post MT usage. I like to give a product time to work so I can make an informed decision on how it's working for my hair.
You're right the OCT is extremely expensive and I think if the MT works better for me then I will stick with it. I will also give the OCT a fair length of time to work as well to see how my hair responds to it. I have no doubts that I will be pleased with it just as much as I have been so far with the MT. I will have a better informed answer for you in about another 2 weeks or so.
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