Out of the woodwork???


New Member
Hi ladies, just a new member here... FINALLY decided to stop lurking, and join. Just wanna say thank you to all the ladies for taking the time to share your experiences on such a regular basis. I've learned quite a bit from you all, and look forward to learning more..... (Now that I can actually post!! Ha!!!) Anyhoo, just saying "hi" really, and introducing my self... Thanks again.

Current hair length: just grazing shoulders
Hair type: 3c
Current Goals: just healthy, happy hair!
So good to have you here with us! :dance7: Have you tweaked your regimen since you started reading the boards? We want to learn all about you too! :clap:
Thanks ladies for such a warm welcome! Well a few of you have asked me what I've gleaned from this board, and a lil about me and my hair.... Well, basically I like to KISS: (keep it simple sistas). I am a daily washer, and I find that this is a miracle discovery for my hair. I am still doing the trial and error thing with products, but I can't really tell if it's the daily washing that's making my hair thrive, or the actual products, since I started all this at roughy the same time....Hmmmmm, what else? I have used the UBH system in the past, but have made an abundance of discoveries about that whole line.... ( trust me, too much to tell in this post, but do ask away and I'll share my experiences with you.) I do quite a bit of research on the human hair in my spare time..... What else, Oh yeah; I use Arosci to relax, NTM DDC & Silk Touch Leave In, Clarify with A G renew,.... Still trynna find a light protein (keratin protein, that is). As far as Deep Conditioners/ heated treatments go, I actually dread the idea of being confined with this darn cap on my head, so I am researching heatless alternatives, (hence the attraction to Keratin). Well I am sure I have not included everything, as you ladies know this is such an adventure, learning about our hair needs as they change; but I am sure that I will learn more as I go along. I'll be happy to share as I learn. Thanks again for the warm welcome ladies!!!
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