Our God is an AWESOME God


Well-Known Member
[moved to praise thread: posted in wrong location]

I just wanted to share how the Lord has blessed me once again. Just when all the doors shut and I was left in a horrendous situation, the Lord reminded me of how He will always provide for me. I was in a terrible financial state. I'm still not out of the woods, but I'm close. I just received notice that I was awarded the increased budget adjustment from my school's financial aid dept. Let me explain why this is so amazing:

I turned in all of my summer financial aid docs extremely late. I didn't rush because I figured that I would not be able to quality for the grad plus loan I so desperately needed. Last semester, I was told that I would need a cosigner (which I do not have). On a whim, earlier this month I applied for the grad plus anyways. Keep in mind, the summer term ends in just a few short weeks. I was approved with no cosigner!

The summer budget given by my school is meager and would not cover all of my financial needs. When I asked a fin aid rep about an adjustment, I was told that they did not offer adjustments for the summer term. I asked 3 different reps in the period of 1 week. One day, I called the office to check the status of my current loan, and spoke to a different rep. I took a chance and asked him about a budget adjustment (I just couldn't believe they didn't do adjustments just because it was the summer semester). This rep told me that it could be done but I'd have to submit my paperwork asap since the summer term officially ends next week. I was thrilled. He emailed me the docs and I begin compiling the requested documentation to justify the budget increase.

Overall, I was asking for an additional $1,500. Well, today I found out that my request was approved and I was granted an increase of $3,100! Today, I called fin aid office to ask if there were any additional forms I needed to sign. The rep on the phone (different guy) told me that it was too late for an adjustment for the summer, only for the fall. This was the SAME guy who, just a few weeks ago, told me that they didn't do adjustments for the summer term. Anyhow, he asked for my student number to view my account. Then he tells me, "oh, someone already completed a budget adjustment for you for the summer. The funds will be disbursed next week."

It's amazing. This money will help me get out of the hole I'm in! I won't have any extra spending money, but I will be all caught up and have a little left to save. Absolutely splendid!

I prayed to the Lord, asking him to provide for my financial needs and make it work out somehow. Yes, Our G-d is an AWESOME G-d!

I just wanted to share my blessing with all that will listen.:yep:
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