Other uses for your clarifying shampoo


Well-Known Member
Have you ever used it for something other than clarifying your hair?

apparently it removes stains from clothes!!!! works like chlorox 2, but dare I say, BETTER?!

that's kind of scary isn't it? My $1 Suave Clarifying shampoo removed a stain from a sheet that I feel like Chlorox 2 would not have done a good job removing!

and I'm putting it in my hair!:eek: condition, condition, condition!
shampoo does have SLS and/or sulfates (detergents) so I can see it removing a stain. Clarifying shampoos tend to have less humectants and others ingredients that coat the hair, thus the better cleaning. Bleach I think works different than detergents, right? I am not sure, but I thought that they work differently.