Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

It seems like the most popular dry shampoo that's mentioned on this board (within the few threads on this subject) is Oscar Blandi's dry shampoo. For those of you who use this, how do you apply it to your hair, and how do you like it?

I press my hair every two weeks, so I'm looking for a way to keep it fresh.


Thank you lacreolegurl! Sometimes getting a response on this board is harder than pulling teeth. I did read some of the older threads, but they were at least a couple of months old and I was wondering if anyone was still using them.

Thanks again!
ive been looking up dry/waterless shampoos. they dont seem to be popular here. im trying to figure out how to stretch my straight hair too.
Napp...I just ordered the Oscar Blandi Dry Powder Shampoo, so when I use it, I'll let you know how it works. I don't cowash my hair, neither do I shampoo less than two weeks....my hair does better when it's straightened and I refuse to use a hot comb more than twice a month.

My hair stays straight for the two weeks...I never really have problems with reversion, but I'm looking for a product that keeps my scalp clean a little longer (usually I start to get the itches around day 5). I just used cornstarch on my hair yesterday (day 3), and it didn't do such a bad job of soaking up some of the oil.
I started using them because I wanted to stretch out my flatiron. My hair holds odor really easily and by the 3-4 day of a flatiron, it stinks to me. This helps me to not have to wash as soon. Since it soaks up some of the oil, it gives me more body too.

Good luck!