ORS Lye OR Silk Elements Lye

Hey Ladies. :grin:
Okay, so I'm trying to choose which of these would work better at texturizing/texlaxing my natural hair. I'm honestly not planning to do so till next summer vacation (before college). I just like to be prepared. It'll be my first chemical process and I plan to do it at home. I have type 4 natural hair with fine strands. It sorta has a curl pattern when I let it shrink by itself (rare), but it's not incredibly defined. I plan to doctor the relaxer with different proteins and probably mix it with cholesterol conditioner ( a la Nubianqt).

So, I originally planned to use SE Lye after quite a bit of research. But I kept reading great things about ORS. I tried to ignore them (mainly to spare myself the headache of trying to choose :ohwell:) but today I was admiring a girl's thick relaxed head. It swings and just has alot of body. So, I've been meaning to ask her what she used for a while (part of my research). Finally worked the nerve up today, and wouldn't you know it, she told me ORS no-lye. Well, now I'm here. torn.:drunk:

So I had a few questions for anyone whose used either. If you used both, a comparison would be awesome.

1. What is your hair type? (hair density, strand density, curl pattern). Which of the two have you used? Strength of relaxer? (Mild, Regular, Coarse) Have you used both? (If so, which did you prefer?) Do you relax straight or texlax/texturize? How long have you been using this relaxer?

2. Was there any burning? How was the health of your scalp after the process?

3. How was the health of your hair after the relaxer? (elasticity/strength)

4. How much body did the relaxer leave you with? Was there thinning? (especially from increased shedding or breakage)?

5. How did your hair feel immediately after the process? After a few weeks?

6. Was there reversion?

7. How are the ingredients of the relaxer?

8. Would you recommend this relaxer?

Input about other relaxers is welcome. Thanks for your time ladies:grin:
I do not relax anymore but my last relaxers were Silk Elements lye...regular/mild then back to regular...never bone straight..helped me have just enough loosening to comb better. I liked the price and it was always there at Sallys. Did the job.
I use silk elements mild LYE and I love it. I never had a problem with it I use to use elasta QP regular and I liked it a lot too.
I used both and I had to go past the time allotted to get some kind of straightness with Silk so this one would be good for texlaxing.

I love ORS because I stay within my time and it straightens without straightening too much. Just the way I like it.
1. What is your hair type? (hair density, strand density, curl pattern). Which of the two have you used? Strength of relaxer? (Mild, Regular, Coarse) Have you used both? (If so, which did you prefer?) Do you relax straight or texlax/texturize? How long have you been using this relaxer?

I am a 3c/4a, with medium strands and medium density. I used the Silk Elements Mild Lye originally, but it seems like my hair has become more resistant, so I use the regular now. This was the relaxer I originally chose when I texlaxed 2 years ago.

2. Was there any burning? How was the health of your scalp after the process?

My scalp will burn if I've been scratching, but usually the process is pretty comfortable.

3. How was the health of your hair after the relaxer? (elasticity/strength)

My hair comes out great, plenty of curl and wave left and strong. The health of my hair I attribute it more to my regimen and product choices than my relaxer, but it does not damage my hair from what I've experienced wth SE Lye.

4. How much body did the relaxer leave you with? Was there thinning? (especially from increased shedding or breakage)?

I left much of my texture intact, so thinness is not a problem. My hair is not as thick as it as when I was natural of course though.

5. How did your hair feel immediately after the process? After a few weeks?

My hair feels smooth and has shine. After a few weeks my hair would revert a little, so I added more processing time. When it reverts now, it's just where I want it.

6. Was there reversion?

see above

7. How are the ingredients of the relaxer?

No Idea, but I like it. Oh, there's Shea butter! LOL!

8. Would you recommend this relaxer?

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