ORS Hairepair?


New Member
I didn't see a thread on this, so I thought I'd start one... Has anyone else tried the new Hairepair line from Organic Root Stimulator? I got the free samples in the mail and ended up buying the Intense Moisture Creme. The smell is really nice, but really strong as well, but I use it at night so by the time I wake up, it's usually not a problem. So far my hair seems to like it. I know there are about four or five products in the line, but the only sent samples for the moisture creme and the breakage creme. Has anyone tried any of the products in the line? What did you think?
I saw it yesterday and wanted to try it but I wanted to see if there was any reviews out yet. bumping for more answers!!!
I tried the banana hair repair condish and the anti breakage creme. I like both! and they smell yummy. IMO they are nothing special but it works for me.

I saw someone just posted a thread about the conditioner, wondering if anyone else has tried the rest of the line yet.
I have 2 free samples in front of me as I type...don't know why I didn't use them last night when I washed my stanky hair.
I used the daily leave in moisturizer and the regular conditioner. it smelled really good , like bananas. However it didn't stand out anything. It's okay. I probally will never purchase it again, its not bad, it's just not for me.