Ors carrot oil


New Member
This stuff is awsome, just wanted to share, it really works well for me :yep:

I blended it with some of the hair mayonaise from ors, ( dont ask why, just experimenting) and my hair came out so soft and shiney, like really shiney, and it still so smooth. the mayonaise alone usually does not do this, so I guess it was the carrot oil. :)

Did anyone else have success with this?
I love this product too! never mixed it with the mayo...:look: Usually i have to dampen my hair just to be able to really comb it. but i found that if i rub the carrot oil on my ends first it loosens them enough for me to comb
Well...for me it feels good on the hair at first then makes my hair hard. Its great for smoothing out ng though. So I switched to Elasta Mango Butter and I dont have that problem anymore.
I JUST added some oil to my ORS mayo a few days ago. :grin: I haven't used it since I did that though. Well I used it to cover my ends before my touch-up but I haven't used it as a DC. I added Olive Oil, Carrot Oil, and Coconut. It didn't have enough moisture for me personally so I added the oil. I hope it works out as well for me.
Ors rulez! The only thing I didn't like of theirs is their relaxer (because it's too strong for me). But other than that, their products work great.