ORS Box relaxer


New Member
Ok Ladies. I must say that after going without a relaxer since the end of january i was leary about using a product that I hadnt' used before. I broke down and relaxed my hair because my husband was complaining about my hair looking as rough. I must admit that I had slacked off quite a bit when it came to styling my hair. anywho..i digress...
Back to the matter at hand...
This ORS box relaxer was what they had when I went at 9 pm on a thursday to the store to satisfy my dear dear husband. ((sigh))

I was super and pleasantly suprised!! It had great results...Not to mention the products it included in the box....The neutralizing shampoo was an olive oil and aloe shampoo... My hair just ate it right up I tell you..The relaxer didnt' burn and I didn' base my scalp (tisk, tisk I know) the shampoo detangled and everything... Then they gave me a deep conditioner...Olive oil replenishing pak!! IT WAS AWESOME. I mixed it with a little CPR and sat under the dryer for about 20 mins. My hair was like butter. and before I even added any more oil or anything to it it was sooooo soft and shiny. I even managed to get about 2.5-3 inches of growth.

I really wish I was more computer/picture literate then I would post you all some wonderful pictures. But if you are in need of a quick fix and have the need to stray from your ever ready, usual products.. DO try this relaxer.. Or at least go to the BSS and grab a Replenishing Pack or their Olive Oil shampoo. The basic olive oil shampoo didn't come with the relaxer, but my sister loves it. and i can see improvements in her hair since she started using it.
I am in agreeance with you girl!!! My friend/stylist put the ORS box relaxer in my hair when I was at her house Friday night. I love it, my hair looks so good and it was full of bounce!! My scalp didn't burn at all (she did use base though). Once I can figure out how to download my pictures from my digital camera (for some reason it won't work), I'll post some pictures.

My boyfriend had been looking at me cockeyed for a couple of weeks because I stretched my relaxer 3 months and finally go a touch up. When he saw my hair he kept playing in it and saying how much he loved it.

ORS Box Relaxer kit is a keeper!
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i love the ORS relaxer. when i went home to NYC at the end of may my old hairdresser used it on me. mind you, i hadnt relaxed since january 24, 4 months!!! it was great. no burnign whatsoever and my hair came out so silky.