Original LHCF Gangster's...2002,2003,2004,2005,2006...Come here Plezzz

My Friend

New Member
If your join date is 2002-2006, please drop some history and old school knowledge on us.

What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

When was retention discovered?

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?

Was Waist Length your original goal?

What is your current length?

What was the board like compared to today?
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Dang.. I was strictly an NP head around 2003-2006, I hardly ever ventured to LHCF cause anything non-natural seemed like an alien and inhospitable planet :lol:.
What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?

I thought everyone was 2c-3c range and had hair nothing like mine. Therefore I did not participate in any discussions. I did not see anyone who looked like me or my hair.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?

I do not use the term, good hair, but I get the idea. I admit, I thought lhcf was truly just for mixed people, b/c everyone looked mixed to me or another race. In fact, I remember seeing more latino & white people here. Eventhough I joined, I didn't think really long hair was possible for those w/kinky hair. I know people/relatives w/long hair, but it is more of a curly hair, not kinky. I didn't see any kinky haired people. I was just curious about this culture of black women who could grow long hair. Indeed there were women w/pictures of hair to their butt-- I questioned whether the pictures were real. I guess it was a curious subculture to me; I was overall skeptical yet intrigued.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?
I learned about stretching relaxers back in '99-'00 from my cousin who was in college. I saw her hair grow longer than ever. She was getting educated at college not just on academics, but about hair also! I was actually successful at growing my hair to shoulder length in my last 2years of college/first year of grad school.

I started stretching relaxers, and then my forever ear length hair grew to shoulder length around '02. It broke off some, then grew back to shoulder length. It broke off again, then grew...well you get the drift. Relaxers were so unpredictable that I never knew when my hair would break off to my scalp (in the back) after a long stretch. In '04 I got to a good length, shoulder once again, and this was the last straw when it broke off. I went into a long stint w/micro's.

I went natural (unplanned), and made it to APL and lived there forever until the breakage came from dryness. My hair could not, would not, and refused to hold water.

When was retention discovered?
Recently. Although I did retain alot of length in the first few years after I went natural in '05-- after I finally stopped cutting my hair late '06, I never learned how to RETAIN moisture. Then last year, I finally applied some of that long time lhcf advice that I ignored forever.

I should note, b/c of the way I came to this board, I never really thought the lhcf advice was for me. I thought water was the #1 enemy & heat was my best friend. and that lhcf people just had a different grade of hair, therefore they were not in a position to give me real, applicable tips. Last year was the first time I actually truly applied advice. I just made my 1 year healthy hair care anniversary.

Listen to their advice, it works!

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?
My journey had already began that month or previous month. I had just done the big chop while in grad school '05. It was a big deal, but everyone loved my hair. Never heard of hair boards or even the word, big chop. My neighbor, who was also natural, told me about napturality.com when I asked her for tips-- it was another popular hair forum at the time. I googled natural hair & black hair and lhcf kept popping up. So I joined napturality, lhcf and blackhairmedia at the same time. I was so excited to see other natural women sharing tips and discussing hair. They really helped me along.

What is your current length?
I don't know, on long term hair hideaway. But see avatar for usual APL length.

What was the board like compared to today?
Everything was new back in '05. Women were bragging about hair butters, especially Elasta QP Mango. Alot of these techniques were being introduced as new techniques. The language and hair acronyms were new (and confusing). This hair thing was down to a science according to lhcf. It ws just a side thing for me. I just came to "peep" things out. Once I graduated and had more time, lhcf and fotki were my absolute favorite places on the web :) and still are

I would love to know if your goal was WL when you originally joined, have you ever reached your goal? @Ediese

No I didn't have any goal. When I joined, I just bc'd on a whim, and I needed help taming the beast sitting on top of my head. I thought it was funny that women were measuring their hair by body parts and kind of silly (taking extravagant back shots and all :)). Then when I realized my hair actually grows, my goal became APL b/c I didn't think it would grow beyond that. In fact it hasn't! It always breaks off. Now that I have one year of consistent water moisture & healthy hair care, I think I can break the cycle. I won't say my goal is WL, b/c my mind will not let me go that far; but the goal is just for "long" hair...whatever that means.
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What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?

I loved the sharing environment and product knowledge. This was the only site at the time that focused on HEALTHY hair, not just styling.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?

Actually I did think many of the women had looser textures and therefore it was easier for them to grow out their hair because it was less curly. I zeroed in on product suggestions from women with similiar hair attributes and general tips from everyone and have been fine ever since!

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

BKT. continuing to relax even though my hair always broke off no matter how much i cared for it.

When was retention discovered?

With weaves :yep: They have been nothing but good for my hair.

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

Heat straightened natural

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?

I was on journey before I searched the internet for hair tips, thats how I found this site!

What is your current length?

I have 10" of healthy natural hair.

What was the board like compared to today?

Well... the format as certainly improved and I appreciate that.

Hair related: Now that I have the key to success for MY HAIR im not as active as I used to be when I was actively asking questions and searching for answers. I try to help out where I can and offer support for newer members. I still learn new things here and will continue to renew membership because this site is the Encyclopedia of Black Hair!
What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?
There was a ton of info to wade through! A little ovewhelming. I came over here after hearing about it while I was on the Relaxed Hair Care forum. I was like, "what is this LHCF people keep referring to?" :scratchch Eventually I migrated over here and didn't go back.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?
I wasn't really thinking about growing long hair--I came to forums originally looking for tips on self-relaxing. My mom had always done my relaxers, but that wasn't working with being in college, so she was going to teach me over the summer and help me practice using conditioner and whatnot. I was just looking up more stuff from other self-relaxers because I was nervous -- I'm kinda klutzy and was having horrible visions of getting relaxer in my eyes or something :lol:

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?
I was attempting to grow to WSL after I went natural but I discovered that I do not like dealing with my natural hair at longer lengths because it's super tangly and takes too much work (for me at least). I abandoned ship around MBL :lol: and that's when I started straightening and maintaining around APL. It's funny because I've practically gone back to the same basic routine I always had when I was relaxed (well, plus flat ironing--I didn't flat iron when I was relaxed, just blowdried). Creature of habit... I guess I shouldn't call it a failed attempt, since I did get to MBL, which was the longest my hair had ever been and I made FOTM (I was BlackCardinal back in those days) :grin:
As of this year I'm attempting to grow my hair out as a straightened natural--perhaps it will be better. We shall see...

When was retention discovered?
I never really had retention issues, but my hair started growing faster after I went natural. I believe it's because my scalp is healthier. I grow more now (6-7 inches/year) than I did when I was relaxed (more like 4 or 5)--I know this because of how much new growth I had after 18 months of transitioning vs. the next 18 months after I chopped and the amount that I retain now (around the standard .5 inch/month)

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?
Straightened natural now, but that's just for the past 3 years or so. I transitioned for 1.5 years, and was just natural for a little over 3.5 years.

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?
I was a member for a few months (lurking in the natural/transitioning threads and over at NP) before I decided that stopping relaxing all together would be less nerve-wracking for me. The more threads I read about people transitioning and the more I thought about never having to deal with relaxer touch ups again, the more appealing transitioning seemed. I got my last relaxer in August 2003 before heading back to school for fall quarter. It was during that quarter that I decided I wouldn't get my touch up when I went home for the holidays

What is your current length?
A little past APL

What was the board like compared to today?
WAAAYYYY more relaxed ladies! Naturals were definitely in the minority when I joined. It has been really interesting to see how it has changed. Nowadays it's just bursting with natural heads all over the place :lol: It's also funny to see how the bandwagons come and go. Some people sneer at the bandwagons and fads, but I think they are part of what has kept this board alive. The board never gets stale, which is crucial to having a thriving community. When I joined it was all about L'Oreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment (LUST) and Surge (I remember I got a bunch of Surge stuff at the first meetup I went to and how excited I was to finally try it :weird:)
I do notice that certain products like Giovanni Direct Leave-In and Aubrey Organics GPB were big then and are still big now. I remember when everybody was jumping on the biotin bandwagon taking 5, 7, 10, 12mg of Puritan's Pride or Freeda biotin per day and talking about the itchy/crawlies on their scalp that meant their hair must be springing out of their scalp every second :lol: Good times, good times....

*wipes a tear*
Sorry this got so long :nono:
What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?
lol, uh I thought it was cliquish for sure but I didn't care. I was 17 at the time and had a limited membership. I became a paid member about a year later but I wasn't on the boards as often. However, I knew there were board celebrities. So for instance, sometimes I would post a question and NO ONE would answer it but if a board celebrity posted a question, the topic would blow up.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?
Yes, after I saw many of their fotkis, I knew it was possible for my hair to become healthy and grow longer.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?
Huh, you mean personally or on the board? Personally, when I first started out I jumped on a lot of bandwagons and purchased a lot of products that I ended up throwing away about 2 years later because I never used them. I failed a lot when first starting out.

When was retention discovered?
Uhm, I don't know exactly when I figured it out but when I was about 20, I realized my hair was not only getting fuller, but it looked really healthy as well. People would constantly be commenting on it or giving me compliments. So this was about 3 years after joining the forums. My process was slower than most because when I first started out, I was in high school and had no money.

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

I used to be relaxed. Now I'm currently transitioning.

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?
I can't remember. I started incorporating tips about a couple months after I found the board.

What is your current length?
Currently, I'm transitioning and after cutting my hair, I *THINK it is about shoulder length. Not sure, because I haven't straightened it in almost 8 months.

What was the board like compared to today?
Not as many people, lol.
whats NP?

this is an interesting read

NP = nappturality
I was scared to post over there but I lurked with reckless abandon :lol: Assuming the rules today are the same as they were when I used to go there (haven't been in years) the board is very anti-chemicals/anti-straightening and people were NOT nice about it if you disobeyed the rules :lol:
What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?
I thought everyone had beautiful hair. I thought there was some secret to what they were doing. That or weavin it up and them sayin it was theirs :lachen:.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?
I always knew having long hair was attainable, I just didnt know by what means to get there. No, I did not think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed, just hair obsessed.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?
I tried everything that everyone was trying on the board thinking that if it worked for them then its got to work for me. I never experiencened any set backs per say, I just didnt experience any noticeable results :ohwell:.

When was retention discovered?
Recently. I upped my water and vitamin intake and treat my hair like fine silk. I purchase products specific to my hair and my hair only.

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?
I started my hair journey immediately after I joined.

What is your current length?
I am BSL

What was the board like compared to today?
The board then was all about bandwagons. Everybody putting coochie cream, horse shampoo, butters, oils and etc... in their hair as soon as someone stated they achieved 3" growth in one month. Now, IMO subscribers seem mature and seek advice and want to see the results before they hop on bandwagons.
Do you think you could add another question?

I would love to know if your goal was WL when you originally joined, have you ever reached your goal?
What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?
I was intrigued. I had heard of Cathy Howse but when I found LHCF I was in Spain for a year in HS and my hair had all falled off from trying to straighten it myself with a super hot flat iron.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?
YES! I was sure I would have long hair in no time
What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

I did really well at first but due to health problems my hair took a turn for the worse but I am back on track now

When was retention discovered?
from the start. As soon as I came back to the states I did the Crown and Glory Method and my hair took off
Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?
Always been natural :yep:
Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?
YEP! The same day. I called my mom and told her to send some conditioner to Spain. She sent some Optimum stuff (which I hated but I did wash and gos with it) and there are Dominicans in Spain so I brought some Salerm21 from them
What is your current length?
below APL

What was the board like compared to today?
The board was so much smaller so I feel like people were free to share more. When a new memebr joined they would make a thread introducing themselves. I did that and got replies, it made me feel good
The products we used were different. Most products you could buy in the BSS. Nuetrogena Triple Moisture was the rave. Suave and V05 were staples. People were still trying to figure things out so those people would complie LONG list of information and post them. I used to save information in a word document. Now a days we buy natural products online and such

Even the vitamins are different. I remember everyone took GNC Ultranourish hair...by hair thrived with those
What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?
I was intrigued. I had heard of Cathy Howse but when I found LHCF I was in Spain for a year in HS and my hair had all falled off from trying to straighten it myself with a super hot flat iron.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?
YES! I was sure I would have long hair in no time
What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

I did really well at first but due to health problems my hair took a turn for the worse but I am back on track now

When was retention discovered?
from the start. As soon as I came back to the states I did the Crown and Glory Method and my hair took off
Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?
Always been natural :yep:
Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?
YEP! The same day. I called my mom and told her to send some conditioner to Spain. She sent some Optimum stuff (which I hated but I did wash and gos with it) and there are Dominicans in Spain so I brought some Salerm21 from them
What is your current length?
below APL

What was the board like compared to today?
The board was so much smaller so I feel like people were free to share more. When a new memebr joined they would make a thread introducing themselves. I did that and got replies, it made me feel good
The products we used were different. Most products you could buy in the BSS. Nuetrogena Triple Moisture was the rave. Suave and V05 were staples. People were still trying to figure things out so those people would complie LONG list of information and post them. I used to save information in a word document. Now a days we buy natural products online and such

Even the vitamins are different. I remember everyone took GNC Ultranourish hair...by hair thrived with those

Still my staples. :yep:
If your join date is 2002-2006, please drop some history and old school knowledge on us.

What did you think about LHCF when you first joined? I was mesmerized because that was when I finally had an interest in my hair. My mom had done a great job taking care of it, but when I left for college I just kept it braided. At the time I had also decided to stop relaxing it, because I honestly didn't know that was an option before.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?

Yes, because my hair has been MBL or Waist length (I didn't care when it was) and I had cut it and it had always grown back. I actually didn't know people had that many problems with their hair.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

Because I went from BSL to ear length in an attempt to grow natural I forgot that my hair had always been long and wouldn't just fall out of my head. Plus my mom knew what worked for me while I did not so I went around experimenting with what to do with it.

When was retention discovered?

When I went back to what my mom's regime was for me although, I did use LHCF for products. The moment I stopped to trying to copy what I saw others do I guess is the way to put it.

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?


Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?

Yes and no. I started one journey, then stopped and got back on the old one. I never thought of it as a journey. I just needed to learn how to take care of my hair.

What is your current length?

somewhere between apl and shoulder length. I recently have been lazy taking care of my bleached hair and decided to just chop some of it off. So I'm heading back to BSL

What was the board like compared to today?

Before there was plenty of information (to me anyway) about dealing with relaxed hair as well as natural. Now it seems a bit more one sided. For someone who doesn't/can't really style a lot of the info I need I just look up on youtube. I really don't visit the hairboard much anymore and when I do I mostly lurk.
Do you think you could add another question?

I would love to know if your goal was WL when you originally joined, have you ever reached your goal?

No it was always BSL or MBL. I don't want WL hair. I reached my goal maybe 4 times? Probably 3, I always end up just chopping it off though I'm trying not to this time.
If your join date is 2002-2006, please drop some history and old school knowledge on us.

What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?
It looked like a friendly, open environment to learn about black hair. There weren't as many people on the boards, no one showed their face, and there was a very supportive atmosphere. There were a lot of relaxed heads, but the naturals had great gorgeous hair (I was natural when I joined).

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?
LHCF made a believer out of me.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?
I didn't have any issues for the first 2 1/2 years, then a stylist applied relaxer to my hair incorrectly, and took my MBL hair all the way back to the beginning.

When was retention discovered?
I joined a Hide Your Hair challenge the first week I joined, so 3 months later I was able to see some retention. I was natural, so I simply started the Crown and Glory method, beginning with some kinky twists. After six months I went from SL to APL. At that point I was sold on what LHCF was cookin!

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?
I am transitioning back to natural

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?
I did start my journey when I joined

What is your current length?
BSB, but I am going to start cutting away at my relaxed ends sometime next week (probably no more than an inch) to get this transition really going.

What was the board like compared to today?
The boards were much smaller, so people felt more inclined to share. I think people were more supportive and a little less judgemental. People mostly got their hair products from the grocery store, or a local BSS, and there weren't a whole lot of videos, just pictures. Everyone was into the Crown and Glory method, and naturals like me were all over MotownGirl's website. The Newcomer's Guide that beverley created was the first thing anyone directed a newbie to.

Like other's have said, I also remember Aubrey Organics, Giovanni Direct Leave-In, and GNC Ultra Nourish Hair, MSM, and Biotin, Surge, and the original Shapley's MTG. LHCF bootcamp was still a big deal, and everyone was always on the lookout for the FOTM and progress threads. Oh, the memories.
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Great idea, OP!

What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?
It was like I had stumbled into the "promised land" of black hair care.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?
Never thought I could have long hair. It seemed I was just born with dry, scraggly "bad hair" and that was just "me." The members of LHCF (especially the ones with hair photos) gave me hope.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?
A few years before I found LHCF, my hair grew to between SL and APL. It was an accident...I had no idea why it grew that long. :lol: I later learned that the extra growth was due to my wearing more low manipulation styles. I also learned that the reason it never got past APL was because my har was always on my shoulders, causing breakage, and I used a lot of alcohol-laden wrap foarm, to the point my hair was crisp. :nono:

When was retention discovered?
It was a good 6 months before I really started to see retention.

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?

What is your current length?
Probably WL, straighened. But since I NEVER wear my hair totally straight, I will go with MBL.

What was the board like compared to today?
In 2006, there were way more relaxed heads. Also, the tone of the board was friendlier and more respectful of others.

ETA: Ediese's question: I would love to know if your goal was WL when you originally joined, have you ever reached your goal?
Yes, WL was my orginal goal, and I really think I have reached it. I love my kinky-ish strands too much, though, to totally staighten my hair. So, in a couple of inches, I will be WL with straight-ish hair.
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What was the board like compared to today?
The boards were much smaller, so people felt more inclined to share. I think people were more supportive and a little less judgemental. People mostly got their hair products from the grocery store, or a local BSS, and there weren't a whole lot of videos, just pictures. Everyone was into the Crown and Glory method, and naturals like me were all over MotownGirl's website. The Newcomer's Guide that beverley created was the first thing anyone directed a newbie to.

Like other's have said, I also remember Aubrey Organics, Giovanni Direct Leave-In, and GNC Ultra Nourish Hair, MSM, and Biotin, Surge, and the original Shapley's MTG. LHCF bootcamp was still a big deal, and everyone was always on the lookout for the FOTM and progress threads. Oh, the memories.
YESS!!! I remember the first thing I did was make a fotki...never used it though:lol:
I remembering buying Surge for no reason but made some $ when the discontinued it and I still had a full bottle

CAN WE TALK ABOUT MTG?? lawwwwddd I remember 50-11 threads about how its bad for you or y'all chicks are crazy for walking around with bacon smelling head:lachen:
It was a good price for a full bottle:look: I used it and my friend thought I was crazy but she stayed my friend. Thats why she is still by bestie today..stuck with me through crazy times:lol: I would get grease everywhere...like things would be full of grease and I don't know how it happened. I ruined my homework once. I also told her the story about coochie cream and gave her a sample. She was like okay now this has gone too far

My hair grew like crazy that first hear though. like crazy:yep::look::rolleyes:
What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?

Kewl site

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?*

I knew it was attainable since having long hair wasn’t foreign to me, I just needed to tweak a few of the basics steps to get back on track and LHCF and another forum was a great start for that.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

Hmm not really a fail but, I tried one of the infamous sulfur based oils for a few months in 05’ I didn’t noticed much of a difference in hair growth so I stopped using it plus I couldn’t hang with the smell either, thereafter I concentrated more on retention than actual growth.

When was retention discovered?

When I started moisturizing/sealing regularly along with baggying in ‘04

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

Natural since July 07’

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?


What is your current length?*

2 inches from waist length (natural waist)

What was the board like compared to today

Less messy. :look::lol:
There were more relaxed heads than natural too, information geared towards natural hair wasn’t as easily attainable as it is now, though there were other outside sources for that.
If your join date is 2002-2006, please drop some history and old school knowledge on us.

What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

When was retention discovered?

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?

What is your current length?

What was the board like compared to today?

1. In the beginning, I read the hair board off and on. Didn't really post and didn't really take any of the suggestions to heart because it looked like a lot of work at the time, LOL. I incorporated like 1-2 things like airdrying, but I relied upon the Dominicans back then (still have love for them, but not for the blowdrying).

2. I thought it was attainable, just wasn't motivated (and didn't have the money, b/c I was in school) at the onset to start.

3. I've never had dramatic setbacks, maybe an overzealous trim or two, but it wasn't that big a deal to me.

4. When I stopped getting trims with every touchup and stopped getting blowouts period. When I started doing my own roller sets with flat ironing the new growth.

5. Relaxed

6. No, I started it mid 2008. I felt my hair was getting progressively shorter and I was over it and I've always wanted long hair. I was at APL at the beginning (most of my life had been APL).

7. Right now, I'm BSL/almost MBL. My hair grows slooowlly and I'm tallish. I'm not a protective styler, I don't take vitamins regularly, I don't pre-poo or DC with heat on the regular, and I wear my hair down when straight like every day:look:, and now I stopped sealing my moisturizer with oil afterwards...LOL. I found a routine that works for me and while I don't have crazy results (SL to MBL in 18 mo), I'm happy with my hair .

8. Before, people would put micanazole (yeast cream) in their hair, folks were heavily into Ovation and MSM oral supplements (taking so much that their dreams would be crazy...that scared me b/c i'm a scaredy cat, LOL). Other hair mainstays were henna, ayurvedic practices, Dominican conditioners, etc. Not sure if those are still popular b/c I don't read the hair board that often.
If your join date is 2002-2006, please drop some history and old school knowledge on us.

What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?

I originally joined this forum in 2004, under another user name. I was mostly in lurker mode. I also didn't like my original username
, and I changed it into something that I felt was more me and more what I Inspire my hair to be...really really fly and beautiful. Blackhairdiva. I was going deep into this:rolleyes::lol:

Oh and the person that told me about this forum was someone on BV forum. LOL!

I also felt overwhelmed. I stayed hours going through all the pages reading what is to be used not to be used. I went through the stickys. There were some obligatory sticky explaining the lingo such as apl, MBL, BC...etc. Conditioner thread, relaxer thread, supplement thread. I read a lot.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?

Yes initially I suspected that some had something up in their tree, white , Hispanic, something. I assumed that I could never obtained silky smooth straight hair with Swing. I always assumed there was a catch.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

My quest for growing hair started in September or October 2002. I had bought a book written by Cathy Howse and I was determine to take better care of my hair and at least grow it shoulder lenght. I also wanted to smoothing my natural hair texture. I had hope for small improvements but not big ones.

When was retention discovered?
I have no clue. At the time , all I new is that I had to keep what I had on my head and not break it.

I discovered that I could grow hair long when a small layered of hair made it nearly to WL. About 3 to 4 inches above it. I showed it to my mom and she became more of a beleiver as well.

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

I'm BKT'd , its been almost 2 years, I will hit the 2 year mark in October.

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?

At the time, I was natural in 2002. Then in 2004-2005, I was natural with braids. Then 2006, I got a relaxer by a stylist who over processed my hair. She also said she would cut dead ends. I went from Apl to Should lenght thanks to her cleaning out dead ends. I could practically see through my hair, it would not curl, it would slowly dry. I then remained natural throughout 2006 to 2008. Exploring ways to remain natural , retaining growth, searching for staples, and fighting tangles.

What is your current length?

APL on the side, some parts of the front is between collar bone and APL. the back is BSL.

What was the board like compared to today?

I think the board was the same as today. The difference, I think is that people where more close. Meaning that you wouldn't see anyone bashing someone unless they did something extreme like stealing from another member or something. Also, when newbies or anyone asked questions, no one would start mocking them or putting them down since no question was a bad/dumb questions. I think the LSA controversy changed this board a lot. Some turned off their blog , and are no longer members of this board because of it. There were some good people in here that just inspired you to be an all around better woman, mom, daughter, etc. Some these role models are no longer around.

The raves at the time, Phytospecific, MTG, Hello Hydration, Neutrogena Triple moisture.

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What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?

When I first joined I only read and posted in the hair section and I really liked it. There was a lot of information and product recommendations. I became a product junkie, though. At the time I was transitioning. Later on, I found the off topic forums and etc. and that was another story...

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?

I thought it was attainable.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?


When was retention discovered?

After I did the big chop, my hair flourished.

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

Natural. I did the big chop in 2005 and grew my hair to hip length. In 2010, I cut it to bsl and started locs. They shrunk up to ear length! They finally stopped shrinking and they are around armpit length in the back...shoulder length in the front, I guess.

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?

Before I joined.

What is your current length?

See above.

What was the board like compared to today?

More drama. More heated exchanges. Lots of great people, though, who really made this place something special. Some of those people are still here. I took some time off from LHCF after a few years. My focus was just on other things.
When I first joined this board around 2003, I loved it! Everyone seemed really helpful, and the board wasn't dead like other boards. This board was always busy. I had great hair before joining, but jumped on a few bandwagons that messed things up. Hennalucent was a popular thing back then, and it made my hair really hard & dry. I had to recover from that. Also, I had to recover from trying to relax at home. After all of that, I stopped trying all kinds of techniques & products (rollersetting, flat ironing, MSM, Q-T something) and just kept my hair in braid extensions & twists. That helped me retain, and I grew my hair to BSL. My current length is pretty short--just touching my shoulders on the sides, but that's only because I shaved my head during an emotional time. :look: I hate that I did that. I'm back to growing my hair long.
I originally joined LHCF in 2002, I believe. Can you believe that TODAY I'm rejoining after being off the site for about 8 years ? (Except for lurking around once every three years or so.)

I'm using the same name I used then, so many of those old post of mine from "back in da' day" are still around. It's so funny to still be able to read stuff I wrote 10 years ago! Boy, like they say, be careful what you put on the internet cause it never dies....

"What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?"

Anyway, when I first joined, I thought the site was wonderful. It was a tight community of women mostly black and some Latinas who loved taking care of their hair natural or relaxed and preferred natural hair over fake hair. I was selected way back in 2002 or 2003 as a Feature of the Month, I believe it was for the month of November.

Some ladies were using weaves and extensions in those days who were members, but as I recall, they were doing that just to protect and extend the growth of their real hair.

We talked about natural products, OTC products and boy, we had regimens, upon regimens. LOL We went thru Hennalucent, MSM, Dominican products, Mizani, dusting, bagging, protective styles, herbal relaxers and home-made concoctions stages to name just a few of the things that we incorporated in our routines back then. And we took toooons of vitamins. I remember everyone breaking out cause of the Biotin. LOL

Today I saw the profile pic of one of my old LHCF friends from back in the day and she is at tailbone length!!!! Amazing!!! I'm so happy for her. Wondering if any of the old gals are still around..Tracey? LondonDiva? Adrienne?

"Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?"

No, I never thought long hair was not attainable. Before the whole weave, fake hair craze plenty of blk women had long hair natural and relaxed. The only thing that prevents a black women from having long, healthy hair is when she doesn't take care of it. Period. My Mom had taught me to take care of my hair from an early age, so I never had trouble growing mine.

"What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?"

Once I got my personal routine down after joining and following LHCF, I grew the strongest, healthiest and shiniest hair of my life. Until I had some life stresses that caused me to shed hair and eventually have to cut it shorter. I think what worked best for me was drinking lots of water, vitamin intake, protein shakes, frequent castor oil/cholesterol/blackstrap molasses deep treatments, moderate protein conditioning, biotin shampoos and conditioners, and only once a week heat (under hood dryer).

"When was retention discovered?"

Dusting my ends myself, avoiding scissor-happy hairdressers and always applying jojoba oil to my ends after every wash, kept me from losing length and from split ends.

"Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?"

I am currently growing out a mild relaxer. My hair is short (see photo). About three inches are natural at this point. I plan to grow it out without a BC.

"Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?"

I started before, but my journey to attempt hair PAST my brastrap started after I joined the site.

Was Waist Length your original goal? No just a little past bra-strap. I got to bra-strap.

What is your current length? Above shoulder-length due to several cuts. Now, I want to grow it back out.

What was the board like compared to today? I'm excited to see. I'm an older, but newbie. This is my first day back in years.
What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?

I thought the board would be a great place to get information in a more consolidated format. I had been on a hair journey since 2000 by the time I joined. I came from the old Yahoo Group BlackHairSuperGrowOut and the format was more like email messages vs a forum. I just realized that I'm still a member of that group and can see the old messages. Too funny.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?

I absolutely believed that long hair was attainable by the time I joined LHCF. I had seen it in real life plus we had are hair stars back on the Yahoo Group as well.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

I think when I joined I was more interested in just finding the best products for my natural hair vs. length. I originally went natural in 2000 back when the only people I knew that were natural were on the internet. I decided to go natural when my first DD was about 18 months, so she would appreciate her natural hair. I made lots of mistakes with my natural hair though.

When was retention discovered?

I'm not sure about this. I sort of maintained my natural hair at about shoulder length to arm pit length for several years. I think by keeping my hair properly moisturized and tangle free I was able to retain the length.

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

No, I'm just natural, but I had texlaxed a couple times since going natural, but I would just grow it back out.

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?

No, I started in 2000.

Was Waist Length your original goal?

No it wasn't.

What is your current length?

My length is brastrap.

What was the board like compared to today?

The board was very helpful, supportive and more positive back then. There was also lot of information on making your own products or mixtures. I think I am quick to mix up a concoction til this day based on all the information I learned from joining this board. I always make sure I'm stocked up on my oils, butters, essential oils, etc. Also, there was lots of experimenting with different products, tools, methods and good details on results.

I remember there some of the hot topics of the day were Wanakee, Cathy Howse and Carolyn Gray. Good memories. :yep:

This is a great thread. :yep:
If your join date is 2002-2006, please drop some history and old school knowledge on us.

What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?

I had been lurking for at least a year before joining. FOTM was my absolute favorite feature. I was intrigued by the personal stories of those who shared their tips and triumphs. It is the sole reason why I ultimately joined. Nowadays, the FOTM is rather lack luster. This is not to diss the more recent FOTMs, but there was a time when threads were started about who the next FOTM was going to be. Those threads were fun and carried a sentiment of hopefulness for all of those who had goals: showing that they were attainable and tangible. Many of us waited in excited anticipation of the next FOTM. It's one of the qualities IMO that distinguished this site from others. I would have thought that after all these years, the FOTM feature would have expanded... perhaps to include more than 2 pictures or different questions added to fit trending hair care. Yet lately, we may or may not get a FOTM (if it's even in the proper month), and the personal feel of what that feature used to bring just isn't there any more. Additionally, there are FOTMs a few years old that were rock-solid in advice, product recs and regime that are not even posted any more. It sucks.

Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?

I've always had rather long hair, but I honestly didn't see WL and beyond, type 4 hair like mine until I joined. When I got here I was MBL.

What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?

Not combing my hair and air drying are not good for me. Led to breakage, tangles and ripped out strands every single time.

When was retention discovered?

I reached a defining moment on retention when I tried Crown & Glory for the first time in addition to learning how to be more patient with my hair during detangling.

Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?

I am 100% natural. When I joined I was at the latter end of a very long transition from super relaxers.

Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?

I started before when I made a decision to stop getting relaxers, about 2 years prior.

Was Waist Length your original goal?

It was. LHCF made me want to see if I was capable of getting there. Crown & Glory helped me get over that hump and I discovered C&G through LHCF.

What is your current length?

I'm somewhere between HL and TB in the back because my hair grows in a V. The front of my hair is WL.

What was the board like compared to today?

The board still has an overall pleasant tone, but its nowhere near as sweet as it used to be. LHCF really did at one point feel like a virtual sisterhood. Now it's more like a cordial playground, colder in temperature.
