If your join date is 2002-2006, please drop some history and old school knowledge on us.
What did you think about LHCF when you first joined?
Did you think having long hair was attainable or did you think LHCF members were crazy and/or mixed (good hair)?
What were some of the failed attempts to grow long hair?
When was retention discovered?
Are you relaxed, terlaxed, natural or a heat trained natural?
Did you start your journey when you joined? If not, when?
What is your current length?
What was the board like compared to today?
1. In the beginning, I read the hair board off and on. Didn't really post and didn't really take any of the suggestions to heart because it looked like a lot of work at the time, LOL. I incorporated like 1-2 things like airdrying, but I relied upon the Dominicans back then (still have love for them, but not for the blowdrying).
2. I thought it was attainable, just wasn't motivated (and didn't have the money, b/c I was in school) at the onset to start.
3. I've never had dramatic setbacks, maybe an overzealous trim or two, but it wasn't that big a deal to me.
4. When I stopped getting trims with every touchup and stopped getting blowouts period. When I started doing my own roller sets with flat ironing the new growth.
5. Relaxed
6. No, I started it mid 2008. I felt my hair was getting progressively shorter and I was over it and I've always wanted long hair. I was at APL at the beginning (most of my life had been APL).
7. Right now, I'm BSL/almost MBL. My hair grows slooowlly and I'm tallish. I'm not a protective styler, I don't take vitamins regularly, I don't pre-poo or DC with heat on the regular, and I wear my hair down when straight like every day
, and now I stopped sealing my moisturizer with oil afterwards...LOL. I found a routine that works for me and while I don't have crazy results (SL to MBL in 18 mo), I'm happy with my hair .
8. Before, people would put micanazole (yeast cream) in their hair, folks were heavily into Ovation and MSM oral supplements (taking so much that their dreams would be crazy...that scared me b/c i'm a scaredy cat, LOL). Other hair mainstays were henna, ayurvedic practices, Dominican conditioners, etc. Not sure if those are still popular b/c I don't read the hair board that often.