
New Member
Hey guys

i have a quick question. i went to teh BSS today and wanted to pick up ORS Lye (because of teh advice of girls on this thread). so i looked and looked, but i only saw ORS no-lye. then in a completely different aisle i found organic root stimulator with lye, so i bought it. when i got home, ir ead teh jar more carefully and the jar said "organic root salon" Olive oil. it is a lime green jar.

so, my question to you is when you say ORS lye, do u mean organic root stimulator or organic root salon. may sound dumb, but i looked and looked and did not organic root stimulator with lye (sodium hydroxide)
They're the same thing and from the same company. The ORS Lye is Lye version of Organic Root stimulator No lye but identified as Organic Root Salon. Both relaxers are made by Namaste(sp?) Laboratories. If you go to the Organic Root Stimulator Main website, it features the salon products which includes the ORS Lye relaxer.