Organic deep conditioners and masks

Are you serious? Sounds like your water might be a little hard. Do you have a shower filter? I have one and I had felt this same way about Keracare humecto until I bought my shower filter and now the comb simply glides efforetlessly through my hair no matter what kind of conditioner I use. BTW, I bought a Sprite HOC model for around $42.99. I really do feel that the type of shower filter makes a whole lot of difference as well.

Thanks for this tip about a filter. My sister is in medical school down in Cuba and always has problems with her hair over there. On her first day back in NYC during the summers, it is always a straight run to our hairdresser for some TLC. I have been checking out this site all day and I am inspiresd. I guess I will add that to the list of things to give my sister so she can maintain her hair during this last year of school. Again, thanks, I know she will be thrilled.
Hmmm. Good to know. I regard many of Sistaslick's words as the holy haircare commandments, so its good to know she gives that one a thumbs up. Much thanks for the feedback. :o)

You're welcomed honey.
Thanks for this tip about a filter. My sister is in medical school down in Cuba and always has problems with her hair over there. On her first day back in NYC during the summers, it is always a straight run to our hairdresser for some TLC. I have been checking out this site all day and I am inspiresd. I guess I will add that to the list of things to give my sister so she can maintain her hair during this last year of school. Again, thanks, I know she will be thrilled.
You're welcomed hun.
I love my water filter! I have a $30.00 Sprite filter. Sadly, I bought a replacement filter and my shower flow went -zip!-, it's as if I have no water pressure, so I had to put the old shower head back in. Now my skin is sooo dry!. Can we bump for moe awesome hair masks?
Read your labels, ladies. Even organic and certified organic products can contain harmful chemicals such as: SLS, laureth sulfate, parabens, alcohol (do not buy if alcohol is listed in the first 3-5 ingredients), grapefruit seed extract (sounds harmless, but this is a preservative derived by chemically altering grapefruit seeds, acts like SLS), parfum (fragrance should come from essential oils), petro/olechemicals, aluminum, dyes, and phosphates. I'm sure I have missed something, but organic, just like natural and conventional products can be chemical laden.


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