opinions on Wen?


New Member
I saw an infomercial for these products this morning. Have any of you used it? What do you think? I'd really like to hear (read) the good, the bad, and the indifferent. The, well, non-poo and the deep conditioner are what I'm considering trying.
I ordered the fig. Used it several times and I did not care for it in fact I used it as a makeup remover prior to my face wash removed make up great did not break me out and my face was not so dry. It did crap for my hair. I even used it on my weave it did crap for my weave. Told my husband to used it he said it was :nono:not good. So a face wash it became I have much more success with just plain old conditioner washes:yep:
I just use it this morning. I did not like it. It has that Peg stuff and alcohol in it and I have been using only organic conditioners in my hair. One use of WEN and I'm shedding and i definitely wanted to make this my staple since I can have it delivered to my house and no more store shopping.:nono::nono:
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I have been using WEN exclusively for a while and my hair has completely changed for the better. I use it to Wash my hair, Deep condition with and mix it will water to keep my hair wet while rollersetting. I have tried cheapie conditioners to wash with and they did NOTHING!!!! WEN is very versitile, I even use it to shave my legs :lachen:. It's a little pricey, but to me its an investment, so I have no issues with the price!

***However, Im a lone ranger most products people rave about on this board do not work for me! Most of the products I use are rarely talked about!:look:***
Thanks ladies. I'm not worried about the price - I spend more now, so that's not really a problem. What I like is that it is a combination co-wash and deep conditioning treatment. I am not going to stop relaxing my hair in the foreable future, if ever, so am looking for other products that will not contribute damage. Right now, I use phyto, ojon, and icon products and am happy with them, but would like to try the no SLS route to see if it really makes a difference for my hair. I also have two daughters will very curly 3b hair - it seems to me that Wen would work well for their hair as well.

Charmtreese - I totally understanding about the cheapie conditioners for co-washing - doesn't work for me either. Right now, when I co-wash, I do so with phytojoba, ojon hydrating, or icon inner-home - these work for me. My observation for the infomercial and the website is that ingredients are mostly very good, and, of great benefit is I would use one product instead of several.

thanks ladies - i'm going for it. I'll report back later.
I used the fig one and I HATED it. It smells just like cherry robitussin, makes me sick to my stomach. It did nothing for my hair, it was a complete waste of money.
I used the fig one and I HATED it. It smells just like cherry robitussin, makes me sick to my stomach. It did nothing for my hair, it was a complete waste of money.

:lachen:The fig does smell like cherry robitussin!!!

I like the tea tree to wash my hair with, the lavender to deep condition overnight with and I mix the fig with water and us as a leave-in!

Newflowers-if you do decide to purchase, please post a review! Also you may what to check qvc.com or curlmart.com or Chazdean.com to purchase.