Opening Up Your Spirit to God

Country gal

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How do you open your spirit to God? We talk about ways you can open your spirit to the supernatural and evil world. I wanted to find ways of opening myself up more to the Lord. I love taking walks outside because I feel I hear his messages to me better.
Your spirit man is already open to God if you have confessed Him as your Lord and Savior. Your flesh (carnal man) is what one should work on to be available for God's will.
Yes, your salvation is the first step of opening yourself but to really get deep with God make sure spend time each day in prayer and reading your bible. Make this a priority. Getting close to people by spending time with them is the same way we get close to God. We do not want to just know "of" Him. But we want to KNOW Him. This is done by making time with Him a priority. Start out with small amount time and then work your way up. The more your read a good study bible, fellowship with other believers and prayer you will become closer and closer to Him. This opens you to Him and He will open up to you by revealing things to you that is hidden from the world. In others words you will find your purpose in life and He will help you get to your destiny. Also, make sure you say a short pray before you read God's word and during your other prayer time make sure you pause to listen for Him to talk to you. :lol:
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That's what I mean star. It's like getting married. You can say the vows but you have do habits that will make the relationship work,

star said:
Yes, your salvation is the first step of opening yourself but to really get deep with God make sure spend time each day in prayer and reading your bible. Make this a priority. Getting close to people by spending time with them is the same way we get close to God. We do not want to just know "of" Him. But we want to KNOW Him. This is done by making time with a priority. Start out with small amount time and then work your way up. The more your read a good study bible, fellowship with other believers and prayer you will become closer and closer to Him. This opens you to Him and He will open up to you by revealing things to you that is hidden from the world. In others words you will find your purpose in life and He will help you get to your destiny. Also, make sure you say a short pray before you read God's word and during your other prayer time make sure you pause to listen for Him to talk to you. :lol:
sbaker said:
That's what I mean star. It's like getting married. You can say the vows but you have do habits that will make the relationship work,

Good example. I never thought of it in such a practical way before (after all, the church is the bride of Christ).
star said:
Yes, your salvation is the first step of opening yourself but to really get deep with God make sure spend time each day in prayer and reading your bible. Make this a priority. Getting close to people by spending time with them is the same way we get close to God. We do not want to just know "of" Him. But we want to KNOW Him. This is done by making time with a priority. Start out with small amount time and then work your way up. The more your read a good study bible, fellowship with other believers and prayer you will become closer and closer to Him. This opens you to Him and He will open up to you by revealing things to you that is hidden from the world. In others words you will find your purpose in life and He will help you get to your destiny. Also, make sure you say a short pray before you read God's word and during your other prayer time make sure you pause to listen for Him to talk to you. :lol:

I concur. You spend time with those you love. Spend some time with Him.
Praying, praying in tongues, reading the bible, listening to praise and worship music. Especially worship music.
Honeyhips said:
Praying, praying in tongues, reading the bible, listening to praise and worship music. Especially worship music.

HH, How do you pray in tongues?? I am really puzzled. I know people say that you can speak in tongue. I have never experienced.
sbaker said:
HH, How do you pray in tongues?? I am really puzzled. I know people say that you can speak in tongue. I have never experienced.

This is your personal love language with God. You simply open yourself up blocking any negative thoughts or feelings and allow the Holy Spirit to come into your body and just speak. The first time I did it I was amazed. You don't know what you're aying but you are making a connection with God. It's amazing! :clap:
sbaker said:
That's what I mean star. It's like getting married. You can say the vows but you have do habits that will make the relationship work,
AMEN! It is a marriage that is why Jesus said He is coming back for His bride the Church which is us. :)
sbaker said:
HH, How do you pray in tongues?? I am really puzzled. I know people say that you can speak in tongue. I have never experienced.
This gift will come in time if you desire it. There are many gifts of spirit. But start with getting to know God and He will distribute gifts according to His perfect will. Just trust me on this one. God does everything well and He is TOO wise to make a mistake. :)
sbaker said:
HH, How do you pray in tongues?? I am really puzzled. I know people say that you can speak in tongue. I have never experienced.

I had this same question having grown up in a religion where it is not practiced. However, I desired it so I prayed and read all the scriptures I could find on it, then I asked God to fill me with the Holy Spirit and allow me to have this manifestation. I was still very surprised when it first happend but it has become easier to open my mouth and let Him fill it with His words.
Sorry I didn't see this earlier Sbaker. For me, I received an impartation from someone else. That just means someone prayed for me. If they speak it in your church, ask someone to pray for you. If they don't, tell God you want it, and he'll make sure you get it. After the prayer, I had to just open my mouth and let it flow out. It is difficult at first, well it was for me, b/c I was worried I wouldn't say the right thing or sound like everyone else. I was able to start off, but then would worry if the words will just come out as me saying gibberish. When I close my eyes and focus on him (blocking out the negative stuff like mswinni said) it flows. It is a deep connection with him. But don't feel discouraged if you don't have it yet. I feel God's precense through praying normally as well. It is like a forgein language though. If you don't use it, you can lose it. I had to have it jump started in me again. I also need to work on saying it loud and not just mumbling it to myself.
I just learned that to KNOW God is to be INTIMATE with him like a sexual relationship with a married couple. The best way to do that is prayer (which is just talking to him, well for me it is), and reading his word. Even if you don't understand what you are reading. He'll give you the answers. (happens to me all the time). I have had days where I didn't know what to read, and just flip through the bible and land on something that I needed.
Thanks for the responses ladies. I feel that opening your spirit to God, is like HH said being intimate with him by knowing his words and praying.
I am not trying to make fun of anyone. Please don't take it this way but are you serious? People really do speak in tongues and it is not fake. I mean when I was younger I would go to churches where people would do the shakes (holy ghost) and think it was fake. I didn't grow up in the kind of church were people got the spirit.