Only white and mixed people hair is silky and soft


Well-Known Member
So this morning on the way to work I tell my husband I need to buy a new hair product because I haven't found one that makes my hair soft and silky. His response. You never will only white people and mixed hair is soft and silky. He pissed me off and I told him since he's so small minded and have all these preconcieved notions about black hair that he probably didn't believe we could grow it out to waist length. I'm glad all these silky threads are coming up because that is just what I need. Now ladies I'm going to have show him....
Yes, it's a well known stereotype that many people believe all black women's hair is hard, dry, stiff and breaking off, but we all know better!
When your hair is swangin and hitting him in his face, ask him if it's smooth and silky then! :lachen:
Yes, it's a well known stereotype that many people believe all black women's hair is hard, dry, stiff and breaking off, but we all know better!
When your hair is swangin and hitting him in his face, ask him if it's smooth and silky then! :lachen:
:lachen::lachen:too funny
theres ALWAYS gonna be someone who thinks this a poster stated...they dont know any all we can do is enlighten, then keep it moving...after u swang that hair in their face first of course
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:wallbash: Yeah he'll see though.

I usually dont make any kind of comments about buying products, how i want my hair to look, how many times i wash it...any kind of regimen or hair talk really because thats usually going to prompt a remark from people or they start telling you what they know about haircare and what your doing is a waste of time.

I'll wait untill im BSL or something.
I wish my man would say something like that to me...

He wouldn't say anything of the sort because I'd verbally castrate him.

Don't pay any attention to him! He'll looks stupid when you have a head full of long, soft, silky hair!
I wish my man would say something like that to me...

He wouldn't say anything of the sort because I'd verbally castrate him.

Don't pay any attention to him! He'll looks stupid when you have a head full of long, soft, silky hair!
I need to learn how to do this, lol. My sister has a friend who rocks some fried up dried out crispy almost neck length hair and she had the nerve to say all the stuff I do to my hair isn't necessary. You need chill. It don't take all that. Every time I see her I just want to hold her down a moisturize her hair.
When you do get it all soft and silky, remind him of what he said when he's all up in it, trying to touch it and what not :giggle:
I need to learn how to do this, lol. My sister has a friend who rocks some fried up dried out crispy almost neck length hair and she had the nerve to say all the stuff I do to my hair isn't necessary. You need chill. It don't take all that. Every time I see her I just want to hold her down a moisturize her hair.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I had a penny for everytime i had that thought you know how much moisturizer and glycerine i could buy? Don't worry about him you will be blinging in no time flat. My SO knows better.
So this morning on the way to work I tell my husband I need to buy a new hair product because I haven't found one that makes my hair soft and silky. His response. You never will only white people and mixed hair is soft and silky. He pissed me off and I told him since he's so small minded and have all these preconcieved notions about black hair that he probably didn't believe we could grow it out to waist length. I'm glad all these silky threads are coming up because that is just what I need. Now ladies I'm going to have show him....

Show him girl!
If my baby had said something like that he woulda got popped all 'cross his fo'head! :grin:'s happened! I had to go upside his head with my rat-tail. F'real...

Anyway well I don't know how he could think blk women can't grow hair. That'd be weird. Since you have some length on you yourself. Especially in Houston. I haven't been to Houston in a hot minute but as a young child I remember seeing more long-haired sistas than a little bit.

Anywho--Overall, girl please...I don't even worry about that mess. Proving and disproving ish.
'Cause ppl just crazy.
They are.
You know how many ppl have looked at my hair and asked me whether or not I'm mixed/foreign/Panamanian/some other kind of black latino because I have soft/'good'/good 'hair grade' type hair?

One beautician was like, "Mmm. you got that 'good hair'. You must got some white in your family... One of your grandaddies white?" :perplexed
I was like, "Well....yeah--my grandmama was born in the late 1800's. My great grandaddy was white. Though white bloodlines as the result of a rape ain't exactly nothing to brag on feel me?"

With her simple a**.... :rolleyes:
>>>rolls eyes<<<
I mean, what the hell--is that supposed to be a compliment? :nono:
Anyway back to my point:
I want you to look at my sig pic.

Do I LOOK like a 3 'anything'?

I have some 3c in me but CLEARLY I'm stomping with the 4's.
....and if a 4 can be confused with 'good hair' THAT should tell you something about this whole 'good hair'/ soft hair nonsense:
It's called maintenance, fool!

I'm a little fiery so I be quick to tell ppl about themselves. I don't have the time to be dealing with stupid comments and stupid people. When ppl reach a certain age they are required to put away such foolishness, imo.

I used to see so many stories on LCHF about ppl enduring nasty confrontations and stupid comments about black hair....and I think to myself, "It couldn't be me, Lord..."
I already (respectfully) told one of my aunts about herself. Talking about some she don't like natural hair because she "don't like no nappy hair...."

And THAT was family.
This is the reason why the Lord never puts me in too many of these situations I believe.
Had she been some random stranger, Jesus would have to 'Take the Wheel'.