only at lhcf (long, but please help)

Luscious Locks

New Member
i am so happy to have found LHCF this past august. i was a lurker until last week when i just said, "what the hell, it's only 7 bucks towards improving myself". so i did it. and i love it. i also love all of you for being as obsessed with hair as i am. i could probably talk about hair for the greater part of the day.

more to the point i have a problem that i'm overthinking and obsessing about and was hoping that you lovely ladies could help me: so i'm 8 weeks out from my relaxer, and i'm also on this no heat thing and have not used direct heat (flat iron or blowdryer) since august. but i'm craving the relaxer right now. i wanted to make it until january 16th when i go to pittsburgh (to see my boo AND go to the best hair salon ever--they give that SWANG and BLANG--), but i don't think i can make it! i'm so tired of all this volume/thickness in the root area. sometimes when i dig into the roots i'm intrigued by the curls and resilience, bit when i look at it overall it's so untamed. i've also only been combing my hair only once a week.... basically this is all being done so that i can have longer, stronger, healthier hair.

if i get my hair done at the end of this week then i'll have to go to this salon where the girl burned my scalp the last time AND trim my hair while wet which i feel is a huge no-no for AA hair. but if i wait i may have more thickness than i can handle which would cause so breakage.

so... should i go to the pittsburgh salon with the 11 week stretch or the jersey salon with the 8 week stretch?

thanks, god bless, and happy hair growing.
I'd keep stretching. I wouldn't risk at setback at that Jersey salon where they already messed you up before.

When my roots get big like that, I do alot of cowashing and bunning. If I tie it down wet and go to sleep, it dries flat.

HTH and HHG!
Welcome to the forum.

I think another 3 weeks isn't too much longer to stretch.

Keep up protein treatments to keep the line of demarcation strong so you do not experience breakage. If you only require a mild protein, I recommend Aphogee 2 Minute Keratin Reconstructor. I use this every week to help my stretches and it also makes my roots really soft.

To keep the roots manageable when I stretch, I apply my moisturising deep conditioner with a relaxer applicator brush directly to my dry roots then put a little more through the length of the hair, put a plastic cap on then a towel and just go about my business for an hour or two. I then wash and condition my hair as normal.
Try braids to get you over the hump, kinda gets your hair "out of the way" so to speak, and you don't obsess so much over your roots.
I would stretch to 11 weeks; if your roots are "unsightly" try detangling with conditioner in your hair or a moisturizer so that your're not causing breakage with the new growth and relaxed hair. I actually purchased a detangling brush from aveda and it is the best thing for my 11 months post hair and roots. I probably don't comb my hair more than once a month; the aveda stylist stated that not combing actually causes more breakage than combing, so I opted to get the detangling brush to get close to the roots and make sure I brush all the way through; it's better than a comb for me...sooooo anyway, back to you.....i would stretch longer and just detangle...hope that helps...
I would flat iron my roots and jsut keep my hair well moisturized until Jan 11. I think you can make it. You just got 3 more weeks! I remember my first stretch being hard, but after that, I was good!
make sure to apply your moisturizer directly to your roots when moisturizing. i've been doing this and it calms it down a little. also, i asked a similar question on the board and someone told me to spray water, aloe vera and glycerin to the new growth. i just used moisturizer instead and that helped sooooooooooooo much.
I'm going to agree with the other ladies. If you're not yet into longer stretches,that's okay BUT please reconsider going to the salon where they already did you wrong - don't trust your hair to them a second time, especially when you're so close to going to the "best salon ever."

Try the ApHogee 2 minute reconstructor, lots and lots of moisture (go for the bun girl) and maybe detangling more often with the moisturizing conditioner will help you. It's only three more weeks - you can make it, and your hair will thank you. ANd look at it this way: the wait with the extra conditioning will have your hair more ready for relaxing.
these are all great suggestions. i've got the 2 minute keratin reconstructor. i will make sure to use this whenever i shampoo. i do prefer a shampoo, but maybe i should which to cowashing. i've honestly never cowashed before though. i tried once with some super whack suave conditioner. it had too many cones! and i never tried again. can you cowash if you use oil as a moisturizer? it just seems as if my hair wouldn't be clean!!!! ick! but, i'll do anything for my hair, so could someone suggest a nice cheap conditioner to wash with?
"make sure to apply your moisturizer directly to your roots when moisturizing. i've been doing this and it calms it down a little. also, i asked a similar question on the board and someone told me to spray water, aloe vera and glycerin to the new growth. i just used moisturizer instead and that helped sooooooooooooo much. "

i've been using aveda universal styling creme as a moisturizer. is that good for roots? or do you ladies think i need something heavier/more oil based? the usc makes my hair dumb shiny.
The only cheap conditioners I've ever used that worth the effort were Trader Joe's Nourish and J/A/S/O/N Sea Kelp- both work well. The TJ is good for co-washes and you can add in a little oil of choice and saa to zip it up a little.
these are all great suggestions. i've got the 2 minute keratin reconstructor. i will make sure to use this whenever i shampoo. i do prefer a shampoo, but maybe i should which to cowashing. i've honestly never cowashed before though. i tried once with some super whack suave conditioner. it had too many cones! and i never tried again. can you cowash if you use oil as a moisturizer? it just seems as if my hair wouldn't be clean!!!! ick! but, i'll do anything for my hair, so could someone suggest a nice cheap conditioner to wash with?

:giggle: I like Suave .. but I also use VO5.

But if your hair doesn't like cones .. then maybe someone else wil chime in, because my hair likes the cones as long as I clarify.:yep:
I would flat iron my roots and jsut keep my hair well moisturized until Jan 11. I think you can make it. You just got 3 more weeks! I remember my first stretch being hard, but after that, I was good!

I agree. I don't relax my hair, but I'm thinking what's the point of getting a relaxer now only to lose all the hair you grew out? Just flatiron for now.
aussie moist and garnier fructis are excellent co-washing conditioners; as far as the universal styling cream, i've learned it's for holding a style and that thicker hair or natural hair would not do well with it (learned this from my aveda stylist)
kellecarter, my hair loves cones, so long as they are not in shampoo or condishioner. isn't that silly? i just think it has something to do with allowing initial moisture into the hair.

IT'S OFFICIAL: I'm stretching to 11 weeks. I hope my boyfriend likes naps!:lachen: LoL. but i'll be going to the salon on the second day of my trip so it won't be that bad. Thanks for all the great tips. i will take some before and after pictures and report back. i have zero pictures right now because i hate taking pictures and i never have the time.

i'm not so sure if i'll ever stretch this long again though. maybe i'll just make it a summer thing...:ohwell:

thank you thank you thank you.
I agree. I don't relax my hair, but I'm thinking what's the point of getting a relaxer now only to lose all the hair you grew out? Just flatiron for now.
I agree with her. You'll be glad you decided to wait. Also, welcome to the forum. Glad you gave up the money to join us. That will be worth it too. ;)
Hey, I am a Pittsburgher, what salon are you going to? I would wait until I got to the Burg. Put your hair in braids or wear a headwrap.
Lucious Locks,
I can completely relate. My last relaxer was 6/27/08. My aunt, who owns the best Dominican Salon in the Virgin Islands, did my hair. I won't let anyone else near my hair. I'm so serious that I'm transitioning. So, stretch until you can get to someone you trust. Don't waste all your hard work on a bad relaxer. Not worth it.
Bi-weekly cowashing and bunning with low manipulation is getting me through. Read every thread you can on stretching and you'll find some great tips on making it between relaxers. Hang in there.
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