Only 1/8 inch growth in 7 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I've been in braids for 7 weeks now and I don't think I even have an 1/8 inch of new growth! Seriously, my braids are still pretty tight at the roots.

I've heard that in the winter, growth may slow down but is it possible to actually get virtually NO new growth? Should I be worried?

I've been taking prenatal vitamins (for my anemia) and Natures Made B-100 Complex for 5 months now. About a month ago, I started exercising 3 times a week. Is there something that I'm missing?

I'm getting worried because I remember when I was relaxed and it was winter time, I would get hardly any new growth during the 1st month but during the 2nd month, I would get new growth that would make up for the 1st month. Well, it's almost 2 months and my hair is at a standstill.

I got braids hoping that in 2 months I would have at least 1/2 inch of growth. I just started using Glovers Mane because I remember my hair growing fast with it. Maybe that will help me.

Can anybody provide insight into what is possibly going on?


I read something before that said the root of why hair is not growing is because of an underlying disease like anemia, thyroid, etc. I don't know much more about it. Have you been stressed? Have you been eating a well-balanced diet? But sometimes, it can be hard to tell how much growth you get when wearing braids if I'm not correct. I don't know. Do you have any pics for us to see?
Poohbear said:
I read something before that said the root of why hair is not growing is because of an underlying disease like anemia, thyroid, etc. I don't know much more about it. Have you been stressed? Have you been eating a well-balanced diet? But sometimes, it can be hard to tell how much growth you get when wearing braids if I'm not correct. I don't know. Do you have any pics for us to see?

I might need to go back to the doctors then to see if my anemia has worsened. And no, I haven't really been stressed. I'm not eating extremely well but I am eating decently. Unfortunately, I didn't get my digital camera like I planned. I have worn braids before and I got very nice growth but this time is very different.

I agree with Carlie about the scalp massages. Also, what kind of exercise are you doing 3 times per week? Perhaps it can be increased to everyday, 30 minutes/day to increase circulation. Walking is very effective, for example.

Whatever you do, you want to make sure a good blood supply is getting to your roots, especially being anemic. You want to make sure blood supply is getting to your roots daily and that you are always eating foods that are rich in iron, especially being anemic. :)
I agree with the scalp massages as well. Also, if you are anemic you have to realize that you have to eat a healthy diet AND take a vitamin with iron (which I presume is your prenatal vit). If you are not eating healthy then you will still be lacking in your iron intake. I too am anemic and I have to ensure that I am eating healthy (although sometimes I know i don't :look: ) The vitamin is only an added help, if will not do it all if your eating habits aren't the best.
Hi EbonyEyes,

I feel your pain. I heard that hair grows slower in the fall and also the winter and the fastest in the spring and summer.
My hair has considerably slowed down as well. I get about 1" a month in the spring and summer months. I hope that helps.

I'm frustrated with my growth rate lately too. That's why I'm not reordering Viviscal. Maybe Hairtopia next?

Remember that type 4 new growth is coily, so it looks shorter than it really is.

But that's all I got. :look:
Thanks guys for your advice.

Isis said:
I agree with Carlie about the scalp massages. Also, what kind of exercise are you doing 3 times per week? Perhaps it can be increased to everyday, 30 minutes/day to increase circulation. Walking is very effective, for example.

Whatever you do, you want to make sure a good blood supply is getting to your roots, especially being anemic. You want to make sure blood supply is getting to your roots daily and that you are always eating foods that are rich in iron, especially being anemic. :)

I go to the gym and use the bike for 30 minutes. I cannot imagine exercising everyday! I know I should, but it's hard enough getting exercise in 3 times a week.

I just started doing scalp massages with oils so I'll see if that helps.

I'm thinking that my blood levels might still be low. I'm going to go back to my doctor and see if she can help me in setting up a nutrition plan for myself.
