Online dating, what are some good websites you have used?

Hey ladies,

Please tell me some good online dating websites you have used with quality men or websites you have heard of other women use with success.

Hey ladies,

Please tell me some good online dating websites you have used with quality men or websites you have heard of other women use with success.


Many such as AMERICAN SINGLES, E-HARMONY and MATCH.COM; it works for some but not others. I have not had success in years so have cancelled my
E-Harmony and just riding out AMERICAN SINGLES until my subscription ends. I am feeling that the days of finding a match via the match sites has run it's least for me. I have to get out there in real life to find my match. My next step will be one of those SPEED DATES; doesn't work then that is it..I'm done. I do not want to be on my own forever so, have to force myself to meet and greet in person.
I recommend using is the best. It was created by a black guy named Markus who was tired of paying for dating. I met one of his friends on there and it's a legit site... All free so you don't have to worry about paying to talk back and forth to people but of course you want to be cautious. Many people I have referred there met their man there. is a great site too... in general the men pay for the service and contact the women. You can pay for service but as long as the guy has paid you can contact them.
Thank ladies, I just signed up for yahoo personals last night and got two great responses.

Brooklynsouth, NYC is the worst for dating, its very difficult to find quality men. Anyways, do you have a particular speed dating site?
a little off topic, for the ladies who used online dating sites, did u have any reservations about putting your pics up? i'm always paranoid that someone will recognize me, or that someone from work will see it. i guess i'm just being weird, but i'm kind of scared of some psycho seeing my pic, and see me in public. (i watch alot of horror films).
a little off topic, for the ladies who used online dating sites, did u have any reservations about putting your pics up? i'm always paranoid that someone will recognize me, or that someone from work will see it. i guess i'm just being weird, but i'm kind of scared of some psycho seeing my pic, and see me in public. (i watch alot of horror films).

I was worried, but it ended up being okay. However, two of my male friends said, "Hey Bunny, I saw you on!"

My answer was, "Yeah, I saw you too!" :D

It took me forever to post a pic for the very same reasons you stated, but it turned out to be less of a problem than I would have thought... mainly because if someone sees it, it means that they too were on an online dating site!
Mswoman, I tried POF but found the guys to be a bit off. What did the successful women do to trim the chaff?

They didn't answer every guy, and they also went searching too and said hey to the ones that seemed sane.

Weed out the strange ones right off the bat, if they don't look right or you talk on the phone and they off... hang up and don't call them back. With online you can not afford to be NICE :lachen: Sorry, but it's true.

About the pictures... what you have to do is do a cute picture that makes you over "beautiful" Get a wig etc.... and the people at work wont recognize you. My sister did this and it was so funny because when they saw the real her they liked it but it was like.... long to short in 2 seconds...
I had had some luck with POF and Yahoo Personals.

I never initiate contact and I only respond to those I am interested in. Cuts waaay down on foolishness.
a little off topic, for the ladies who used online dating sites, did u have any reservations about putting your pics up? i'm always paranoid that someone will recognize me, or that someone from work will see it. i guess i'm just being weird, but i'm kind of scared of some psycho seeing my pic, and see me in public. (i watch alot of horror films).

I had taken a picture of my freshly threaded eyebrows to send to my friends to rave over the magic of threading. I use that as my picture online. It is my eyes and eyebrows and I have received 6 hits since last night.

One guy is in rehab, oh lordy. He has more things to worry about then dating. One white guy replied, "My what big eyes you have". I just sent him back a smiley because right now I am not interested in dating white guys. 2 stated straight out they wanted to have sex. 1 is 5'5" and I stated I am 5'9" flat footed and I LOVE heels and the last one seems a little normal. You should know who I replied too.
I got messages on POF even AFTER I took off my picture...some white guy had already seen my pic before I took it off and sent me 2 messages, 1 with his phone number in it. I checked his profile just for chuckles only to fidn that he's looking for "a beautiful black woman to love." Oh and he was 47 years old, I just turned 23. DNW!

OKCupid is great depending on where you live, there were lots of cute, normal guys available where I lived before moving back home. Now it's depressing to see what's available in my area on the site. I figure I'll have better chances meeting guys in real life but I still want to try The only thing is that my brother is on there right now...could be kinda awkward!
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Out of all of them I do think that okcupid has the best selection of men and it's free. I like that fact that there is a forum section and that they tell you how well you match with every one on the site. For example in the person avatar it will tell you this person is a 80% match 20% friend 0% emeny or 10% match 50% friend and 40% enemy. It's really cool and the forum section is entertaining as well. Still haven't found my match but I have been on a date. The date was okay and I won't be seeing the guy again but I have no problem getting guys to ask me out on that site.
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a little off topic, for the ladies who used online dating sites, did u have any reservations about putting your pics up? i'm always paranoid that someone will recognize me, or that someone from work will see it. i guess i'm just being weird, but i'm kind of scared of some psycho seeing my pic, and see me in public. (i watch alot of horror films).

I am not paranoid or shy about posting my pics on dating sites. I figure that it someone recognizes me then they are browsing on the site for the same reasons I am. I only worry about co-workers possibly hitting on me on a dating site and being uncomfortable at work when I run into them.