Online Dating Success and Age/Location: Does it matter?


Well-Known Member
I know I should be focusing more on real life social interactions, but my lack of success on online dating sites has me a bit hesitant to venture off line. I've had my picture and page checked so many times. I've made so many revisions to my page to make it sound interesting and different. But I'm still only getting like 3 views a week and maybe one message a month (usually a one word message like "Hi" and/or a message from some guy in his 50's). I only use okcupid now because I like how we can see how compatible we are. I used to use POF and BP, but I got even less views and messages.

I'm 22 and live in the DMV area. Does that have something to do with it? I really don't get it. I've been on okcupid since 2008, updating my profile and pictures, and nothing has changed.

What's your experience? Does geography and age come into play when getting views and messages from men on online dating sites?
umm i think location does matter when it comes to meeting people from online...

but if you're talking about profile views, then... i don't know. maybe you should try writing randomly witty things in your profile, or maybe add pictures of you doing more than smiling (not bad ones of course). i've noticed that guys like women who are more like them when it comes to conversation... how do i explain it... well basically the tradtional "i'm a lady so i'll never say this..." kind of talk can get boring to them i guess. but they still want one that looks like one ;)

as far as actually meeting people online, i think the location matters too because men generally think differently about what characteristics they like in a woman based on where they're from because of a lot of reasons (what type of women they grew up around, what they're used to, how the women usually dress and act in their area, etc.).

i've met a few people from online and i live in los angeles, so it's better for me to have to have a webcam or i might be disappointed because most men out here are pretty shallow.

i'm probably wrong, but this is my experience.

but if you're talking about profile views, then... i don't know. maybe you should try writing randomly witty things in your profile, or maybe add pictures of you doing more than smiling (not bad ones of course). i've noticed that guys like women who are more like them when it comes to conversation... how do i explain it... well basically the tradtional "i'm a lady so i'll never say this..." kind of talk can get boring to them i guess. but they still want one that looks like one ;)

I agree with everything especially the bolded. I'm on POF and OKcupid. I posted 3 simple pics on my profile. Two of them show me doing outdoor activities I enjoy. A lot of the guys who responded to my profile mentioned my pictures intriguing them because they shared a love for the same activities but didn't come across many other women who did. So immediately it gave us something in common to chat about and made them feel less awkward messaging me for the first time.