Online Dating Stories


Well-Known Member I joined since I don't have time to actually find someone on my own, and I should have KNOWN better after the flop I experienced with EHarmony... All I can say is that the past two weeks have been HILARIOUS!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

What is up with these dating sites? When I tried EHarmony, I must have mentioned God somewhere in my profile because all they kept sending me were short, fat religious freaks, so I finally just turned matching off. has been my daily comic relief.

I probably shouldn't have put my actual income and income preferences in the profile, because I keep getting winks and emails from guys that include pictures of their houses and cars in their profiles. I just think that's pitiful. I ain't saying I'm a gold digga... I just ain't messin with a _____ fill in the blank. It's too funny. Really? Do you need validation that bad brother?

Today took the cake! I specifically put my age bracket as a MUST have, so why did I get an email from a 58 year old fart that mentioned marriage at least three times in his introductory email?! The man had on gators and a dasheki!!!! I could not stop laughing!!!

For those of you who are afraid to try the cyber dating thing, at least try for the comedy alone!!

I'm sure I am not the only one who has stories like these. DO SHARE!
I've got the goods!!!!!:grin:

Today I get an email that said

Are you as sexy as you look?

I emailed back and said......

also an incredible tease,Henry.....

so he emails a response right away......only I never open it
I delete it ....
where it can be seen that it was deleted UNREAD

then I email again with the subject line
I told you I was a tease ..ha-ha

then inside I wrote

completely....repelled by men who email
me in an introductory email with unwanted sexual disgusts me

with that.. I added a laughing face with the words BLOCK USER

Sometimes....I just lose my temper:nono:
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I've never tried online dating, but I know people who have and they always have funny stories.

I can't wait to hear more. I need a laugh. :grin:
Finally, a black man responded to my AMERICAN SINGLES profile. We were e-mailing back and forth..he was very complimentary..loved my natural hair, my skin, my this, my that. He told me he was living in Georgia, born in South Carolina..told him I too was from S.C., with family more communication-sucker was probably married, afraid he'd get caught out. Lots of stops and starts..I have just about given up on the internet dating...used to work OK but now-bunch of starts and stops...I just do not know.:spinning:
ugh my girlfriend signed me up. then i get a crazy picture of a man doing some kind of karate leap in the air in front of a garage. :-(

also a wink from this guy:

who wears socks at the beach? what man sits in a chinese split? LOL
a gay one.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I thought I was bad with the 37 year old, never been married interior decorator / fashion designer from Atlanta... ummmm can we say suspect???? No splits though! That skill could come in handy in the right situations:blush:! I'm just saying...
ugh my girlfriend signed me up. then i get a crazy picture of a man doing some kind of karate leap in the air in front of a garage. :-(

also a wink from this guy:

who wears socks at the beach? what man sits in a chinese split? LOL


Girl you just never know what's going to show up in your inbox when you join these sites.

I've only been on a few e dates and all of them have been guy went on and on about Oprah and why won't she just marry Stedman...another met me at a bookstore and then immediately said "I need to go shopping" so I spent the next 30 mins watching him drop $300 on some ugly Tommy Bahama shirts and then he takes me to lunch and stiffs the wait staff on the tip! I joined since I don't have time to actually find someone on my own, and I should have KNOWN better after the flop I experienced with EHarmony... All I can say is that the past two weeks have been HILARIOUS!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

What is up with these dating sites? When I tried EHarmony, I must have mentioned God somewhere in my profile because all they kept sending me were short, fat religious freaks, so I finally just turned matching off. has been my daily comic relief.

I probably shouldn't have put my actual income and income preferences in the profile, because I keep getting winks and emails from guys that include pictures of their houses and cars in their profiles. I just think that's pitiful. I ain't saying I'm a gold digga... I just ain't messin with a _____ fill in the blank. It's too funny. Really? Do you need validation that bad brother?

Today took the cake! I specifically put my age bracket as a MUST have, so why did I get an email from a 58 year old fart that mentioned marriage at least three times in his introductory email?! The man had on gators and a dasheki!!!! I could not stop laughing!!!

For those of you who are afraid to try the cyber dating thing, at least try for the comedy alone!!

I'm sure I am not the only one who has stories like these. DO SHARE!
Okay so i thought it was just me. If i put my specific age up there why would you wink at me if your 30 years older. Im not looking for my father. And why do some people wink or e-mail you and if you wink or e-mail back they don't answer. I don't get :scratchch
I thought i might have been a better way to meet people but after only 2 weeks im kinda like im not so sure???
Met and went out with a guy with extremely small hands... I know that sounds kind of shallow... But it was creepy...very creepy... :/
I'll admit that there are some "characters" on these dating sites, but I'll step on the other side of the fence and will say that you never know where God's gonna put your blessing. I met my now hubby on and what really impressed me the most about him was how respectful he was when he approached me online and ask if we could chat. Long story short, we texted and emailed each other for two weeks before we spoke on the phone (due to phone issues on my end...I was waiting on Sprint to send me a replacement phone which they screwed up twice) and then we talked on the phone for about two additional weeks before we met. We found out during our conversations that we were both from Florida and had like traditional Southern values which was very important to me.

We decided to meet on a Friday for dinner and we've never been apart since. My hubby is the such a good man, not weird or a pyscho or anything of the like, but we took a chance and thank God we did.

So online dating doesn't always work, I tried it about 5 years ago and was completely turned off due to all the weirdos, but a year and half ago I tried again and I couldn't be more happier that I did.
there are a lot of angry guys out there.

i try the "no thanks' button, then they write anyway, I politely respond and say "oh i dont think we have much in common" and they get all crazy, put in a jab or two and say things like "but you made your choice" or "you judged me without knowing me"

and most of them are over 45 trying to holler at me, i'm almost 1/2 their age.
I was on, and I hit up a guy that "looked" cute in the pic. We spoke online a bit, then exchanged numbers. One of the times we spoke, I was in my bed, and he's like what are you lying down, he responds ok I'll be over to cuddle with you. I'm like uuuhhh dude no!! As if that wasn't enough, I go on a date with him, when we meet, he has Mr Ed's teeth and overbite. But I'm not going to be rude, we chat for a while, then we go our separate ways. So I text him to say I had a nice time, but we're not compatible. He says ok, good luck. Then the next day I get an email to say wow I've never known anyone who can make a decision about a date in 15 min (mind you we spoke for like an hour or so), and you shut down a guy with a long tongue who knows how to use it, but I guess you'll never find out.....Was that supposed to get me to run back and be like oh my bad?!?!? Delete, lol!!!
So tired of E-Harmony sending me so called "Just may be The One!" mail...left them a long time ago-not paying for their advertising budget ever again..American Singles was my last try:nono:. Makes me happy to read how some of you have had success with the dating sites. Guess it is hit or miss...unfortunately...I've missed.:ohwell:
ugh my girlfriend signed me up. then i get a crazy picture of a man doing some kind of karate leap in the air in front of a garage. :-(

also a wink from this guy:

who wears socks at the beach? what man sits in a chinese split? LOL

Thats hilarious!!! I love how he is pointing at the camera like..I want YOU! :lol:
ugh my girlfriend signed me up. then i get a crazy picture of a man doing some kind of karate leap in the air in front of a garage. :-(

also a wink from this guy:

who wears socks at the beach? what man sits in a chinese split? LOL

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: STOP IT!!!
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