online dating precautions!


New Member
So here I go into the adventures of online dating! I'm going to meet a guy to go dancing on Tuesday night. What are some of the precautions you take when meeting new people from the internet?
I've never dated anyone I met online but the precautions the people I know who do this take are to always have the first meeeting in a PUBLIC place with lots of people around in case he's weird or crazy. It's also good to come in seperate cars for that same reason- don't let him pick you up.

Also, it's always a good idea to make sure to let your friends and fam know where you're planning on going and around when to expect you back. I always have people call mey cell to check up on me on dates if I don't know the guy that well.
Meet in a public place and tell at least three poeple where you are going, who you are meeting, and give your contacts as much ino about your date as possible.
Let us know how it goes...:grin: But I suggest checking in with a friend during the date. When driving home make sure he doesnt follow you. I even drove a diffrent way home than normal...the long route
Take a friend or two with you. Let them hang back but be there. Or give a friend your location, his name and the make and model of his vehicle. We use to do this with men we met in real life so why not interenet fellas too. Good luck on the date!
Yesterday evening i went on my very first date with a guy i'd met online.

We met up for a drink in a busy, small bar/restaurant.

I gave two friends all the details i knew about him and where we were.

One friend called 20 minutes into the date to make sure i was OK and i called her when the date was over.

Do you want to know about the actual date?
Well he looked nothing like his pictures and he was UUUGGGLLLY - well not my type at all. His lip was hanging down real long and his scalp looked like he had just had hair implants. He was arrogant and actually thought he was God's gift to boot. :perplexed
He wanted to see me again but i left after an hour of polite chat and said i'd call him. :nono:

It has put me off internet dating cus i spent 2 hours getting ready for such a waste of my time (and the phone calls beforehand meant i used up all my free minutes on my mobile for this month :sad:)

Sorry to hijack the thread.

Lipyt, i hope you have a better time than i did. Let us know how it goes.
I take the same precautions with people I meet online as I do in real life. Men in real life can lie just as well as people you meet in the real world. The one difference with the internet is that you really can't know what the person really looks like or whether there is any chemistry there. It's just a step above a blind date sometimes.