Online Dating-Not Following Through!


Well-Known Member
Why do men do this online? This happens IRL as well but it happens much more online IMO.

Twice in the past month I have been contacted by men who were interested in me. I looked at their profiles, liked what I saw, and responded that I would be interested in chatting with them only to never hear from them again? Why go through the trouble of contacting me with a complimentary, enthusiastic email only to not follow through after I respond to you?

I understand that after a few exchanges with a person you may find yourself not interested because that happens to me all the time but it didn't even get to that point.

And men say women are the game players.:lachen:
some of these guys are responding to several women simultaneously and will follow through based on his priorities ... distance, physical features, etc.
Maybe some of them forget! If they sent emails to about 10 or 20 women maybe they start to focus thier attention on the first one to respond or the one they deem the most attractive. This is why I really can't get into online dating - it seems really shallow to me for the most part.
Be careful of the form email. Just because an email says more than "hi sexy" doesn't mean it's personalized to you. Men will send out a ton of these introductory notes that usually go something like this:
"Hi there! I really like your profile. You look great in your pictures and I think we have a lot in common. I'm a _______ and I like to do _____, _____, _____. I'd love to hear back from you. Take care."

Now while that may seem like he took the time to write to you specifically, he really just copied and pasted that into numerous women's message boxes. I usually ignore a message unless they compliment a specific picture or mention or ask about a specific item related to my profile.
just because they were writing you doesn't mean they were fully into it in the first place.

They may have really liked your profile,
but their own life got in the way or as others have said, they weren't interested *enough* to break out of their comfort zone and take it to the next level.

It happens all the time... you'll notice that these same guys will hit you up in 3 months or so, forgetting that they contacted you at all... trying to see what's up
I had experienced a few guys who didn't follow through. The one's that knew were form emails I just deleted.

The ones that were easiest to spot, were the ones who mentioned how pretty I was in my picture. I never posted a picture.
online dating and dating in general works best when you are enteratining all your options as well... it could be just dude being open to people online and irl and I think irl people can trump an online perspective cause you can better sense what you are working with. Or suddenly he feels more about someone he is already into, who knows, its not you... If i were you i would just keep my options way open and just because you have a perspective doesnt mean you should stop your searching or showing availability- you still a single lady and none of em put a ring on it so do you lady and have safe fun
Further that same mass email may be used by the guy on multiple sites. I've gotten that opener from the same guy on two sites. I changed one of my pics a month later and got the same 3 paragraph long intro lol. Games.
Reading all these threads makes me so glad I signed off.
I've had that happen to me like about 3/4 times :perplexed. IT was like back and forth emails and then they are gone :ohwell:. I thought it was only me.

I think as others have said, they contact several women & also I realized I"m sure they have other things going on in their lives so therefore you are not a priority.
Why do men do this online? This happens IRL as well but it happens much more online IMO.
Same reason why women do it too...

Just think about it... you may respond to a guy that is nice just to be cordial but you may not follow through if you're not that interested in taking it any further.
Be careful of the form email. Just because an email says more than "hi sexy" doesn't mean it's personalized to you. Men will send out a ton of these introductory notes that usually go something like this:
"Hi there! I really like your profile. You look great in your pictures and I think we have a lot in common. I'm a _______ and I like to do _____, _____, _____. I'd love to hear back from you. Take care."

Now while that may seem like he took the time to write to you specifically, he really just copied and pasted that into numerous women's message boxes. I usually ignore a message unless they compliment a specific picture or mention or ask about a specific item related to my profile.

Same here. I don't respond to "Hi Sexy" or form emails. If you don't make it clear that you actually took the time to read my profile(my profile mentions very specific things, so I will know) then you will not get a response.

That's why I don't get these game players. You initiated contact with ME after being interested in MY picture and MY profile. I respond with, "Great, let's chat and get to know each other" and then nothing.:ohwell: I guess I'm just a little irritated because this happened twice recently.
Further that same mass email may be used by the guy on multiple sites. I've gotten that opener from the same guy on two sites. I changed one of my pics a month later and got the same 3 paragraph long intro lol. Games.
Reading all these threads makes me so glad I signed off.

I have gotten this too!:lachen: The same guy contacting me after I have changed my pictures or on a completely different site with the same weak form email. The last time I actually responded back and said, "You know, you have contacted me at least 4 times with this exact same email." Haven't heard from him since.:lachen:
I have gotten this too!:lachen: The same guy contacting me after I have changed my pictures or on a completely different site with the same weak form email. The last time I actually responded back and said, "You know, you have contacted me at least 4 times with this exact same email." Haven't heard from him since.:lachen:

OMG!! Tell me about it! There were at least 3 guys who hit me up everytime I signed up for match with the SAME tired email. And I've been on there off and on for years!! You'd think they would tweak it every now and then.

Since I am an ******* I told them how lame they were, with their 2 yr old copy and paste emails. Do you know 2 of them still email me everytime I sign-up? :nono:

Personally, I am a very flaky online dater. I might email someone and have no interest in them the next day. Just depends. I find that unless we exchange numbers quickly I]'m not interested. I have no desire to email people back and forth.
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I have gotten this too!:lachen: The same guy contacting me after I have changed my pictures or on a completely different site with the same weak form email. The last time I actually responded back and said, "You know, you have contacted me at least 4 times with this exact same email." Haven't heard from him since.:lachen:

OMG!! Tell me about it! There were at least 3 guys who hit me up everytime I signed up for match with the SAME tired email. And I've been on there off and on for years!! You'd think they would tweak it every now and then.

Since I am an ******* I told them how lame they were, with their 2 yr old copy and paste emails. Do you know 2 of them still email me everytime I sign-up? :nono:


Yea OP you should post some of your intro mails. We'll probably recognize some of those fools. :perplexed
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