Online daters


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I would like to know, for those of you that are on and Yahoo personals or any other dating website. Do you get winks and emails everyday from guys who are interested in you?
yep, everyday, but most r patonkers so u need to weed out the timewasters. I'd say close to 90% u wouldn't wink at if u met them in the street.

But there are some really nice guys out there. Even if nothing develops they're worth keeping as friends, really good friends
I want to know if you ladies ever do the initial wink and has that worked?

yes I get wink often not everyday cause if I'm not logged on my page goes to the bottom of the site.
I want to know if you ladies ever do the initial wink and has that worked?

yes I get wink often not everyday cause if I'm not logged on my page goes to the bottom of the site.

I winked at the guy I am currently dating then he initiated the email conversation and we went from there.
Alright so curiosity finally got the best of me and I did the free account thing with

Interesting things I noticed which were not that surprising:

My profile was very straight forward. I indicated I was looking for someone only to hang out with in doing fun social/sports activities, who had similar interests (surfing, cycling,etc..) and not interested in any romantic relationships.

I almost immediately got flooded with winks and messages. When I checked out their profiles, it was stuff about them looking for the right woman, or looking for something serious or loving romance, etc... :ohwell:

I was like "HELLOOOO!!!!" Did you even read my profile?

Now my question is, for the ladies have received winks and messages from men you are not interested in, do you respond with the "no thanks" option or do you just leave it alone? :perplexed
Alright so curiosity finally got the best of me and I did the free account thing with

Interesting things I noticed which were not that surprising:

My profile was very straight forward. I indicated I was looking for someone only to hang out with in doing fun social/sports activities, who had similar interests (surfing, cycling,etc..) and not interested in any romantic relationships.

I almost immediately got flooded with winks and messages. When I checked out their profiles, it was stuff about them looking for the right woman, or looking for something serious or loving romance, etc... :ohwell:

I was like "HELLOOOO!!!!" Did you even read my profile?

Now my question is, for the ladies have received winks and messages from men you are not interested in, do you respond with the "no thanks" option or do you just leave it alone? :perplexed
I'll only send the "thanks but no thanks" message to those who actually took the time to put something thoughtful together. But if it's just a wink, a tacky comment, or some obvious copied & pasted message, I just delete and keep it movin'.
I'll only send the "thanks but no thanks" message to those who actually took the time to put something thoughtful together. But if it's just a wink, a tacky comment, or some obvious copied & pasted message, I just delete and keep it movin'.

Hmm...makes sense! Thanks!